Food group sources of proteins
Proteins is considered one of the three main components of food task for human health ,chronic tiredness and the other two components of fats and carbohydrates . There are proteins in each cell , which is essential for plant and animal life .chronic tiredness Vegetation builds proteins from materials in the soil and air. And gets humans and animals proteins from food they eat and include food with a high content of protein, such as cheese , fish, eggs , milk and meat chronic tiredness.
What is the chemical composition of proteins ?
All proteins contain carbon , hydrogen , nitrogen and oxygen .chronic tiredness The proteins also contain some iron, phosphorus and sulfur. Proteins are large, complex molecules made of smaller units called amino acids.chronic tiredness The amino acids are linked together into long chains called polypeptide . And a little straight chain peptides but most bends to form three-dimensional and complex.chronic tiredness Protein is composed of a series of one or more of the peptide chains .
Enters the twenty amino acids in Reactive thousands of different proteins needed by the human body .chronic tiredness The order consists of those proteins must get the body to an adequate supply of all these acids . And some amino acids called essential amino acids the body can not produce and must be provided by a variety of foods .chronic tiredness The needs of children and adults to eight essential amino acids , while the infant needs to nine. The remaining amino acids called nonessential amino acids the body Visttia manufactured .
Proteins in food :
The best sources of protein are eggs, fish, meat , milk and cheese.chronic tiredness Called the proteins in these foods complete proteins because they contain adequate amounts of all essential amino acids . It also provides grain and legumes such as beans and peas , as well as nuts and vegetable proteins ,chronic tiredness but these proteins are called incomplete proteins because they lack sufficient amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids . It can synthesis consists of two types of incomplete proteins that provide the body with a mixture of full- amino acids.chronic tiredness To achieve this, must contain all the protein is not fully adequate amounts of the essential amino acids that are found in other protein is complete in small quantities . For example ,chronic tiredness one can integrate the types of grains such as barley or wheat with a legume such as peas or peanuts must be addressed together to give the right balance of amino acids . Needs of infants and children to more of the protein ,chronic tiredness as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers .
The cause is not enough protein in the food and energy shortages slow growth or unsafe and weak resistance to disease . The protein deficiency also leads to edema ( fluid in which case accumulate in the tissues of the body ) ,chronic tiredness causing swelling of the tissues. In developing countries, many of the infected infants and children disease called Alkuachiurko a result of eating a small amount of food containing proteins full or not addressed .chronic tiredness Severe cases may cause damage to the liver and death in the end .
How the body takes advantage of proteins ?
Be proteins, a large part of every cell in the human body ,chronic tiredness which is so important in building , maintaining and renewing the reform of the cells of the body , especially the bones , cartilage, muscle , and the addition Each cell proteins called enzymes speed up chemical reactions , and without them you can not cells that are functioning .chronic tiredness There are certain proteins are specific actions , for example blood contains proteins such as albumin
( Albumin ) and hemoglobin , albumin ,chronic tiredness and helps to maintain the equilibrium in the body by means of water retention in the blood. The hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells . The antibodies are proteins in the blood that helps protect the body from disease .chronic tiredness There are chemicals called hormones mostly proteins control the processes of growth and development and reproduction.
Body gets all of its energy from carbohydrates, fats , proteins ,chronic tiredness but also is used for energy when you can not carbohydrates and fat to meet its energy needs . The proteins produced about four calories of energy per gram of any same amount by which the contribution of carbohydrate ingested after proteins makes hydrochloric acid in the stomach protein molecules Ttakther then analyzed by enzymes in the stomach and intestines to absorb the individual amino acids in the blood and travels through the body .chronic tiredness And, every cell in the body to install and convert amino acids into proteins that you need . The controls in this process of DNA deoxyribonucleic (DNA) ,chronic tiredness a substance found in the nucleus of every cell . It must be included in the daily diet to proteins because the body can not store them to take advantage of them later. But the body converts excess protein to carbohydrates and fats .chronic tiredness If the body has not obtained enough of the proteins on food intake , it uses proteins from the cells of the liver and muscle tissue . And the continued use of the body to these proteins may be detrimental to this tissue permanently .
There is a disease resulting from an acute shortage of complete protein ,chronic tiredness a disease Alkuachiurkz , and we know that all proteins consist of materials builder of the body called amino acids ,chronic tiredness but the whole protein is alone which contains amino acids, eight essential , you can not body composition himself. The disease occurs mostly in developing countries that lack the people to food that contains a high percentage of complete protein . This disease affects mostly children aged between one and three years ,chronic tiredness and may lead to death. The young children in need of large amounts of protein required for the full growth of the body and the performance of its various functions .chronic tiredness And many mothers continue to breastfeed their young for two years, in addition to feeding solid food . The mother's milk supplement diet full of protein . And usually stop for a nursing mother to breastfeed her child if she were pregnant again . In many cases, lead to feed the baby food starchy low- protein , which leads to the occurrence of the disease .chronic tiredness And severe protein deficiency leads to stop the growth of the child or reduce it. In severe cases, atrophy of muscles and skin swollen with fluid secreted by the body, and a child is severely weakened not accept any kind of inconvenience not even feed him .chronic tiredness However phases of the disease the skin loses its natural color has been composed by black spots , and the disease also causes damage to the liver and small intestine may cause change in hair color black to reddish color .chronic tiredness The suffering of the victims of the disease , many of anemia ( Alonemiae ) and the lack of certain vitamins . The disease causes death unless the patient gets to the protein . Treatment usually consists of dietary supplements of powdered skim milk , cream and other foods rich in protein .chronic tiredness May also be required to provide supplements of vitamins and minerals . In many cases the patient is given antibiotics , because the disease limits the child's ability to resist. Many of the children who recover from this disease does not reach the level of physical growth is expected for them.
タンパク質の最高の情報源は、卵、魚、肉、牛乳、チーズです。彼らはすべての必須アミノ酸の十分な量が含まれているため、完全なタンパク質がこれらの食品中のタンパク質と呼ばれる。また、穀物や豆類やエンドウだけでなく、ナット、植物性タンパク質などの豆類を提供していますが、これらは必須アミノ酸の1つ以上の十分な量が不足しているため、これらのタンパク質は、不完全なタンパク質と呼ばれています。これは、合成は、フル-アミノ酸の混合物を身体に提供する不完全なタンパク質の二種類で構成されことができる。これを実現するために、すべてのタンパク質が含まれている必要があり、他のタンパク質に見られる必須アミノ酸の完全に十分な量が少量で完了していない。たとえば、 1は、アミノ酸の適切なバランスを提供するために一緒に取り組まなければならないようなエンドウやピーナッツなどのマメ科植物との大麦や小麦などの穀物の種類を統合することができます。タンパク質の詳細だけでなく、妊婦や授乳中の母親のために幼児や子供のニーズ。
体は、炭水化物、脂肪、タンパク質、からそのエネルギーのすべてを取得するだけでなく、ときに、炭水化物やそのエネルギー需要を満たすために太っていない可能なエネルギーのために使用されます。タンパク質は、タンパク質の後に摂取された炭水化物の寄与はTtakther次いで、血液中の個々のアミノ酸を吸収するために胃の中の酵素および腸により分析胃のタンパク質分子中の塩酸を行っていることにより、任意の同量のグラム当たりのエネルギーの約4カロリーを産生さと体を通って移動する。そして、あなたが必要とするタンパク質にアミノ酸をインストールして、変換する体のあらゆる細胞。 DNAデオキシリボ核酸(DNA) 、すべての細胞の核に見出される物質、この過程で制御する。本体は、後でそれらを利用するようにそれらを格納することはできませんので、それはタンパク質への毎日の食事に含まれている必要があります。しかし、体は、炭水化物や脂肪に過剰なタンパク質に変換します。本体は、食物摂取上のタンパク質を十分に得られていない場合には、肝臓および筋肉組織の細胞からタンパク質を使用する。これらのタンパク質に対する体の継続的な使用が恒久的にこの組織に有害である可能性がある。
そこに完全なタンパク質、疾患Alkuachiurkzの深刻な不足に起因する疾患であり、我々はすべてのタンパク質はアミノ酸と呼ばれる体の材質ビルダーで構成されていることを知っているが、全タンパク質だけではアミノ酸、 8不可欠な、することができますが含まれているあるしない体組成自身。この病気は主に完全なタンパク質の割合が高いが含まれている食品に人が不足している発展途上国で発生します。この病気は、 1と3歳のほとんどが子供たちに影響を及ぼし、死亡につながる可能性があります。体の完全な成長とその様々な機能の遂行に必要なタンパク質を大量に必要とする幼児。そして、多くの母親が固形食を供給することに加えて、 2年前から自分の子供を母乳を続けています。タンパク質の完全母乳栄養補助食品ダイエット。彼女は再び妊娠した場合、通常は彼女の子供を母乳授乳する母親のために停止する。多くの場合、リードは、疾患の発生につながる離乳食でんぷん質の低タンパク質を養うために。そして深刻なタンパク質欠損は、子供の成長を停止するか、それを軽減につながる。重症例では、体から分泌される体液、子で膨潤筋肉と皮膚の萎縮がひどくても、彼を養ういない不便さの任意の種類を受け入れない弱くなる。しかし皮膚はその自然の色が黒い斑点で構成されている失い、病気はまた、肝臓や小腸への損傷を引き起こす疾患の位相はヘアカラーの黒の変化が色が赤みがかっすることがあります。病気の被害者の苦しみ、貧血( Alonemiae )と特定のビタミンの不足の多く。患者は、タンパク質に到達しない限り、この病気は死を引き起こす。治療は通常脱脂粉乳、クリームとタンパク質が豊富な他の食品の栄養補助食品で構成されています。また、ビタミンやミネラルのサプリメントを提供するために必要となる場合があります。疾患が抵抗する子供の能力を制限するため、多くの場合、患者は、抗生物質を与えられている。この病気から回復子供たちの多くは、物理的な成長のレベルは彼らのために期待されているに達していない。
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