Banana peels a safety valve against heart attacks
A British study has shown that the benefits of modern scientific banana peel comparable to the benefits of the fruit of the banana itself .
And among scientists that banana peels contain magnesium metal at high rates ,banana peel uses and advised Ptglitha to ease the tension of blood vessels and spare the person Oukaath atherosclerosis and heart attacks banana peel uses.
And her role cosmetically it operates on a skin whitening after crushed and put it on the face, and help to exfoliate your skin and remove acne scars ,banana peel uses as well as being a tool for lengthening the hair and increase its density according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.banana peel uses
And can take advantage of banana peels in relieving migraine headaches When you put a banana peel mature on the head for 15 minutes ,banana peel uses and treatment of foot ulcers , burns , rashes and heat , as assisted by the people of the Bahamas scales bananas to get rid of high blood pressure by boiling banana peels and drink its water .
On the other hand showed Brazilian study published in the journal " American Chemical Society " that banana peel chopped useful in water purification and disposal of toxic metals that are likely to exist where ,banana peel uses as it will help to get rid of all the toxins they contain , such as lead and copper.
One banana a day may protect you risk of stroke ! ..banana peel uses This was confirmed by former scientists in Honolulu , it was discovered that those eating a banana every single day , to prevent a lack of potassium in the body necessary to maintain arterial blood pressure and prevention of stroke,banana peel uses heart attack and strokes.
The researchers found that during their study they conducted on the old about 5600 people over the age of sixty-fifth session that the lack of this metallic element increases the risk of stroke by about 50 per cent.
The study also showed that diuretics ,banana peel uses which increase the amount of water arises in the urine , also increase this risk because it may stop the body's absorption of potassium in the food ,banana peel uses so eating this tropical fruit is rich in potassium compensates for this loss and balance the level of salt in the body.
と彼女の役割は、化粧品には、破砕after美白で動作し、顔の上に置いて、あなたの皮膚を剥離、にきびの傷を除去するのに役立つ、バナナの皮は使用していますだけでなく、髪を長くするためのツールビーイングとに従ってその密度を増加させる新聞「デイリーメール」 British.bananaピール使用
一バナナの日は、脳卒中のリスクがあなたを保護することができる! ···バナナの皮は、これは、ホノルルの元科学者によって確認された使用しています、それは毎日バナナを食べたものは、動脈血圧と脳卒中の予防を維持するために必要な体内のカリウムの不足を防ぐためにあることを発見された、バナナの皮は心臓を使用しています攻撃とストローク。
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