The fish of sources with high nutritional value filled nutrients and essential minerals important for health and it is recommended to eat fish regularly ,fatty fish nyc as recommended , according to the latest guidance on Balhh and nutrition to eat two servings of fish per week to be share one of them at least from fatty fish .
Featuring fish ,fatty fish nyc like seafood its value high nutritional and health benefits :
- Maintain a healthy heart and arteries , as is the fish of a few food sources of saturated fat and rich in fatty acids ( omega- 3) ,fatty fish nyc which reduces the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood , triglycerides ,
And as active blood circulation and reduce the occurrence of stroke,fatty fish nyc the effect of omega- 3 acids, which protect the body from the formation of a Aakossanoad (eicosanoids) that increase the chance of stroke and inflammation.
- Prevention of arthritis ,fatty fish nyc as many studies have shown that eating fish regularly may reduce the symptoms of arthritis and Rimatoyd .
- Improve the efficiency of the brain ,fatty fish nyc the human brain as it consists of 60 % fat and the majority of fatty acids ( omega- 3) Therefore, eating fish regularly reduces injury Ahtmaah memory disorders later also increases the power of concentration and thinking skills.fatty fish nyc
- Maintaining the health of the skin as it plays omega- 3 plays an important role in protecting the skin from the damage that may be caused by ultraviolet (UV) and relieve the symptoms of some skin diseases such as eczema , is a good source of protein ,fatty fish nyc which is an essential component of collagen , which increases the aesthetic skin and slow down the appearance of the signs of aging .
- Maintain eye health because it contains omega- 3 and retinol .
- Fish Musdrgid of many essential nutrients Kaleod ,fatty fish nyc selenium , phosphorus , potassium , zinc and plays iodine plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of thyroid function also introduces selenium in combination enzymes essential in the body as the proven role in the prevention of injury malignancies is also a fish a rich source of vitamin a, D , E .fatty fish nyc
- Prevention of depression and mood swings ,fatty fish nyc as many studies have indicated that the omega-3 ( fish oil ) role in increasing the production of the hormone serotonin associated with improving mood.
The best types of fish :
Fatty fish such as salmon , herring , tuna , sardines, because they contain a higher proportion of fatty acids ( omega- 3) .
Fish with white flesh Kalnhash ,fatty fish nyc grouper and poetic as it is rich in protein and low in routine .
Tips when choosing fish
Prefer to stay away from canned fish and fresh selection of them in the event are advised to choose a selection of canned canned in water ,fatty fish nyc not oil.
When selecting species chimney advised to choose the species unsalted or low- salt.
Make sure the fish is free of any bruises and body peels Note adhesion of fresh fish ,fatty fish nyc meat and cohesion gills red discoloration is also recommended to make sure that there are no sticky layer on the fish skin or eyes filling with blood.
It should be noted the need to avoid a pregnant woman , breastfeeding women and children under the age of 12 months Aoama of fish with a high concentration of mercury your fish such as swordfish , mackerel , shark , and tuna Allvic .
特色魚、魚介類、その値が高い栄養と健康の利点のような脂肪の魚NYC :
- 飽和脂肪および脂肪酸の豊富な数の食料源の魚(オメガ3 ) 、血液中のLDLコレステロールのレベルを低下させる脂肪の魚NYC、トリグリセリドは、そのまま、健康な心臓と動脈を維持
そしてアクティブとして血液循環や脳卒中の発生を減少させるには、脂肪NYCの脳卒中および炎症の可能性を高めるAakossanoad (エイコサノイド)の形成から身を守るオメガ3酸の効果を釣る。
- 多くの研究などの関節炎、脂肪の魚NYCの予防は、定期的に魚を食べることは関節炎やRimatoydの症状を減らすことができることが示されている。
- それは60%の脂肪および脂肪酸の大部分( ω-3 )からなるように、脳の効率を改善する、脂肪がニューヨークシティに人間の脳を釣るため、魚を食べることは、定期的にAhtmaah記憶障害は、後でさらに集中力を増加させ、損傷を減少させる思考skills.fatty魚NYC
- それはオメガ3は、紫外線(UV)によって引き起こされ、湿疹など、いくつかの皮膚疾患の症状を緩和することが可能ダメージから肌を保護する上で重要な役割を果たしている果たしているように、皮膚の健康を維持、良いソースのですタンパク質、審美的な皮膚を高め、老化の兆候の出現が遅くなるコラーゲンの必須成分であり、脂肪の魚NYC 。
- それはオメガ3とレチノールが含まれているため、目の健康を維持します。
- 多くの必須栄養素Kaleod 、脂肪の魚ニューヨークのセレン、リン、カリウム、亜鉛、ヨウ素は甲状腺機能の完全性を維持する上で重要な役割を果たしている演劇の魚Musdrgidを組み合わせてセレンが予防に実績のある役割として体内に必須の酵素が導入傷害悪性腫瘍の魚はビタミンAの豊富な情報源となり、 D、E 。脂肪の魚NYC
- うつ病と気分の揺れの防止、脂肪の魚NYCなどの多くの研究が示してきたこと、気分の改善に関連するホルモンのセロトニンの生産を増加させるのにオメガ3 (魚油)の役割。
例えば、サケ、ニシン、マグロ、イワシ、魚などの脂肪酸、それらが脂肪酸(オメガ-3 )のより高い割合が含まれているため。
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