Cactus, (Latin: Cactus) any plant belongs to the subfamily Abbaria. Most types of cactus live in circumstances and desert environments,Cactus benefits this hits the ideals of these plants bear the thirst and dehydration, which may extend for many years. And produces some of fruit such as figs.Cactus benefits And grow flowers for some types.
Some species of birds live in the desert cacti and considers it a safe haven from its enemies.Cactus benefits And grow some types of cactus to reach great heights.Description of plant.
Belongs to the cactus family Abbaria
Adapt to the desert environment
Cactus wonderful ability to tolerate living in the desert,Cactus benefits it can survive for years in the scorching desert sun without water and is characterized by the following:
Cactus either do not have the papers or papers atrophic even reduces the evaporation rate of water and replace it perform photosynthesis in the logs Cactus benefits.
Cactus is covered with thorns that reduce exposure to the sun and protected from animals that feed on it,Cactus benefits except the camel is a desert animal adapted to eat thorny plants and can eat it with spines and then later abstracted from his mouth.
Trunks cactus works as a store of water Vtaatdkhm in the case of the abundance of water and store them in the folds of a shrinking state that consumption of water in a long drought Cactus benefits.
His whole body covered with a waxy layer reduces the evaporation of water from rainfall in the case of slip on the water layer of wax Cactus benefits to the ground does not evaporate but are absorbed by the roots.
The majority of cactus forms a cylindrical or circular,Cactus benefits and this reduces the size of the surface in relation to the overall size, which reduces evaporation while maintaining a high capacity to store water.
Each has deep roots to reach groundwater and others has its roots grow quickly and extends horizontally for long distances when rain water harvesting.Cactus benefits There is a kind of giant cactus can absorb 3,000 liters of water in ten days.
A high proportion of salt in the roots to help absorb water pressure difference Alozmosze.
Cactus can absorb moisture from dew or moisture from the through its market Cactus benefits.
The holes in the roof that allows the exchange of air very little to reduce the evaporation of water. This not only opens the evening to soak up carbon dioxide,Cactus benefits while the proportion of high humidity and low temperature and evaporation rate is low. Vabbar has the ability to store carbon dioxide in the form of chemical compounds for use in the process of photosynthesis when the brightness of the sun in the day and the next day.
Figs (artichoke)
Figs, a type of cactus, and native to South American countries such as Argentina, which bloom in the summer and slow growth so it is threatened with extinction.Cactus benefits The small plants it does not bear direct sunlight for a long time, but after that it becomes old more than a year or two to the sun needs to multiply and bloom.Cactus benefits The soil needs to be well ventilated.
Tin Vquahabbar spindle of a spiny plant leaves that we see very forklift.Cactus benefits And called each sheet "slab patience" because of their weight are thick and dense. Patience fruits eaten in the summer,Cactus benefits a delicious taste that was peeling these fruits requires a lot of caution due to the fact that the fruit is also forklift forks and patience is very small and hardly see with the naked eye and skin Alqt quickly.Cactus benefits Tin called fruit truck (patience) called cuz patience and look as we see here before harvest. Sweet fruit pulp and seeds inside, but the relatively large size. Sold fruits intersections and public markets in Jenin in the summer months in some areas, such as the village of Gilboa in Palestine.
Uses of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera juice is used in some types of hair care products due to its usefulness in strengthening the hair follicles and maintain the freshness of the skin generally, and is used to cure some skin diseases, some mothers are also used in some areas bitter cactus juice in weaning calves for breastfeeding.
サボテン、 (ラテン語:カクタス)は、任意の植物は、サブファミリーAbbariaに属します。サボテンのほとんどのタイプは状況や砂漠の環境に住んで、サボテンは、これは、これらの植物の理想は何年もの間延長することができる渇きや脱水を、負担ヒットメリットがあります。そして、このようなfigs.Cactusのメリットとして、果物の一部を生成し、いくつかの種類の花を育てる。
非常に少ない空気の交換は、水の蒸発を減らすことができ、屋根の穴。これは、高湿度および低温度と蒸発速度の比率が低レベルである間、二酸化炭素、サボテンの利点を吸収する夜を開くだけでなく。 Vabbarは光合成の過程で使用するための化学化合物の形態で二酸化炭素を格納する機能を有する場合日に太陽と翌日の明る。
イチジク、サボテンの種類、およびそのようなextinction.Cactusそれは長時間直射日光を負いません小さな植物を利点と、それが脅かされているので、夏と低成長に咲く、アルゼンチンなど南米諸国へのネイティブが、後それは古くなることを日に1年か2年以上の乗算が必要であり、 bloom.Cactusは土がよく換気する必要があるメリットがあります。
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