Bitter Melon or Bitter apple
Handal Colocynth:
herbaceous plant species creepy Muammar Alqraeip follow,bitter melon recipes
and bitter melon plants from extreme bitterness and usually the epitome said to
(the order of Handal) ..bitter melon recipes Handal yellow flowers and fruits are
similar in size to an orange or an apple with a greenish color scheme blanks
before maturity and then turn to yellow. The fruit is smooth .. Contain a
spongy pulp,bitter melon recipes which is attributable to him the strong
laxative effect of bitter melon is one of the strongest on record as laxatives
contains a large number of seeds between spongy pulp and seeds of bitter melon
called "Hped."
Uses of bitter melon all
its parts,bitter melon recipes but the material used in the reduction of blood
sugar is the seed, especially seed coat known as "novels on the
short" and must be disposed of in the bitterness of bitter melon seeds
washed several times with water and salt.bitter melon recipes
Bitter melon is known
scientifically as Citrullus colocynthus, Citrakus Colocynthis.
Of names: the so-called
sophistication land - bitter apple bitter .
Parts Used: pulp and
Contains the fruit of
the bitter melon on the core is the active ingredient and contains pulp resin
materials and the most important compounds Aalatirin (A) and Aalateresin (B)
also contains alkaloids and pectin materials soap used Handal as a laxative
strong but for hemorrhoids,bitter melon recipes the use of different terms
taken the fruit before maturity and is still Green then divided into four
pieces and each piece is used for hemorrhoids and fat this recipe tried and
Pulp internal Handal
contains material once the bait,bitter melon recipes a material known as
Alglicosidih Kolosnt, bitter melon also contains a fatty oil and alkaloids, and
seeds contain oils by 1520%
Original home: the
Mediterranean basin, grows wild on the coastline of North Africa and southern
Europe and western Asia.bitter melon recipes The most important exporting
countries to fruition Egypt, Turkey and Spain. Spreads in the desert areas,
especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has blessed our country,bitter melon
recipes the amount of huge plant «Handal», a plant creepy Barre, is
characterized by a lot of healing properties, for example, the core of the fruits
of bitter melon and seeds are used as a facilitator,bitter melon recipes and
address the disease «Allqoh» - any mixing of the mind - and «strokes» - a
disease of the nervous system, and also treats patients «discord» and «sister»
- Migraines - also proved successful in the treatment of disease (sciatica),
joint pain and back,bitter melon recipes and thigh.
The ashes of the fruits
of bitter melon is given to the eye colors of black and removes red eye .. It
is known that some of the people of Sudan,bitter melon recipes are distilling
the seeds of bitter melon primitive way they come out as a result of so-called
summary mixed with carbon (Tar bitter melon), is used in the treatment of
animals,bitter melon recipes especially camels from (scabies), and (ticks),
next to address old wounds when the man! .. Secrets and bitter melon
therapeutic help in the treatment of leprosy, deafness, jaundice ..bitter melon
recipes And some women in some tribes Istkhaddmenh to confer on their hair
black, and delay the onset of gray hair!! .. Unfortunately, bitter melon
Sudanese and all its properties and therapeutic secrets which is characterized
by,bitter melon recipes but he is one of the pillars of the national wealth of
plant neglected and lost!!
Using soaked water to drink
bitter melon fruit pulp popular to remove cases of chronic constipation,bitter
melon recipes and to activate bowel movement and stomach, which helps to ease
digestion and reduce the gases.
Oil extracted from the
seeds of bitter melon is useful in the treatment of some skin diseases such as
scabies,bitter melon recipes is used to expel the tick stuck skin animals and
livestock farming and domestic birds.
Rheumatic: bring grain
from the fruits of bitter melon,bitter melon recipes a plant grows Barre in the
Sinai desert in Egypt and melon-like fruit, but it's small in size of a tennis
Chui fruit that becomes
soft and then placed on the heel,bitter melon recipes a man after a heated be
divided into two sections each section on the heel
Linking the fruit well
something of cloth so stay hot longer period of time bitter melon recipes
The patient slept well
covered even feel bitterly Handal ring
The process is repeated
three times until healing is God
My father says David in
the ticket: Handal: urticaria and is
Aldhaba and Greek Dovovina has called Ogrisovs and love called Alhped,bitter
melon recipes a Grew extends to the ground Kalptikh but it is smaller and more
accurate paper originally, is of two types: MALE known rough-and-gravity And
scratch and not dislocations in love,bitter melon recipes and female reversed,
and the phrase male and green female songbirds in origin lousy, lead used to
death, which grows in sand and the country warm,bitter melon recipes Ojodh
White Light Almtkhalkhal taken out of it the fruit of many taken the first of
August to the seventh electrode after sunrise Sohail did not out fat only time
to use,bitter melon recipes and what else is lousy and strength except fat
remain to two years, and the fat as long as the chaff remains to four years,
which is hot in the fourth or third crusty per second,bitter melon recipes
easily sputum to other types and benefit from strokes and Allqoh, headache,
migraine and sciatica and arthritis and gout and back pain and hip Sherpa and
dressings, and Tbejh expels vermin,bitter melon recipes and his ashes contained
eye colors to black If disarmament love and make the one-thirty-six dirhams
each of the oil and juice,bitter melon recipes dill and cook until tender and
liquidated and re-cooking fat until Eetmhoud and took him three With a price
tag of AED AED Sagmunya once every four days to be completed healed from
leprosy and blends blazing, though Fire deposited Zeta-filled night benefit oil
from earaches, deafness,bitter melon recipes and Gila effects, and open Sudd
Sauta, and pure Jaundice and good color, although filled with fat lily after
removing her love and Tint dough and deposited the fire until it burns and take
Hair dyed it three days and drinking on an empty stomach in the bathroom black
hair too,bitter melon recipes and slower Baheib, and before puberty Prevents
him from Mahhrb Canadian, and if it Dket feet benefit from aches, back, hips,
and gave Kimusa bad, and stopped leprosy,bitter melon recipes as well as the
water is full of honey and drink the most expensive paper with Alavtimon and
cinnamon Astaml black and vindicates Almalajuli, epilepsy, insanity,bitter
melon recipes originally inhabited pain Scorpio though disarm what the vinegar
and cook dwelling place dental rinse the fittest and gums, and tolerable with
Khra mouse,bitter melon recipes honey and Nitrite purifies the wombs and
crippling diseases And poor grain taken from him and Nitrite facilitate water
yellow chyme bad, and get rid of ascites ,bitter melon recipes And the ashes of
the crust vindicates Zrura crippling diseases, and cooking origin of ascites,
and the wind and the blood rigid and elephantiasis, and other parts of
hemorrhoids benefit of incense and flu ate,bitter melon recipes and start
Ekhala water with honey and taking off the white, which is detrimental to Head
and Agthe and Iqie and facilitates blood and forfeits anise,bitter melon
recipes salt and Indian Alkthira starch and gum weakens And drank a half and a
quarter of AED solely compound, and paper to Darhamin provided that dried in
the shade and cast into the Filled syringes and powder,bitter melon recipes but
with pastes Exaggeration crushed in the first and a third suit Rue love or like
Ibn Sina says:
Handal: choice: it is
the chosen intense white,bitter melon recipes the soft whiteness Black and
Steel him lousy lousy.
And should not be taken
away if taking fat from his stomach but leaves it as it is The act that weakens
the harvested and not what did not take into yellowish green with him and did
not moult entirety Otherwise it is harmful lousy.
They said: We must
bypass the crust and love,bitter melon recipes and if it is not on the tree,
but the cartoonist It is a poor one and scrap the male fibrous stronger than
the female flaccid and must exaggerate the crushed Do not be deceived that it
has crushed the well smidgen of it in the sense of if encountered humidity over
And cling to aspects of the stomach and intestines and zigzags Euerm,
therefore,bitter melon recipes should be crushed if Whipple water honey Then
dried and crushed and repaired and pay him Gaúlth Ethera first glue because the
glue invincible force Medication.
Copyright: Hot in the
third crusty Canadian claimed that he has a cool damp after all Right dimension
Actions and properties:
Analyst clip attractive from afar paper cut soft hemorrhage Blood bitter melon
Embellishment: massaging
leprosy and elephantiasis.
Tumors and warts: paper
analyzes the soft tumors and Andjha.
Machines joints: useful
for nerve pain and sciatica and arthritis and gout Very cold.
Members of the head:
purifies the brain and the origin of cooking vinegar and Eetmdamad by the
wrench Dental or hollowed and thrown bitter melon recipes what the vinegar and
cook it in hot ashes and if it was cooked in oil This oil Qtora useful bang in
the ear and tooth extraction easier bitter melon recipes.
Members of the
self-Sadr: vomiting benefit of its erection self severe.
Members of food: its
origin is useful for ascites poorly stomach.
Members Alinvd: easy
thick phlegm from arthritis and nerve and especially easy Also benefit from the
bitterness and Alcolnj wet and the wind is very probably the easiest blood and
potentially kills Fetus and the speed of his release from the intestine does
not reach bitter melon recipes the expected effects of bitterness and benefit
from Diseases of the kidney and bladder.
The soup of it weight
Krmtin any twelve-carat must crushes and perhaps Get out of the combine up and
fill in the Lord of the grapes or the old-fashioned sweet syrup and leave the
day and night and probably Put on the ashes of the fire to be crushed and
finely watered bitter melon recipes.
Poison: harvested green
and exceedingly easy Iqie exceedingly distressing and perhaps even Killed and
single-line bitter melon recipes origin alone will probably kill him and
Dannagan crust and love Sou.
Origin beneficial for
racing snakes,bitter melon recipes one of the most useful drugs for scorpion
stings has recounted One of the Arabs that the watering of the scorpion bite in
four positions dirhams it healed over the place As well as benefit from
コロシント:草本植物種がカダフィAlqraeipが続く不気味な、極端な苦味、通常縮図からゴーヤのレシピとゴーヤの植物は( Handalのオーダー)に言った..ゴーヤのレシピHandal黄色の花や果物はオレンジ色とサイズが似ているまたはそれから成熟する前に、緑がかったカラースキームブランクとリンゴと黄色に変わり。果実は滑らかで..ゴーヤの強い下剤効果がスポンジ状パルプと呼ばれるゴーヤの種の間の種子が多数含まれている下剤としての記録上最強の一つであり、彼に起因しているスポンジ状パルプ、ゴーヤのレシピ含める」 Hpedを。 "
ゴーヤの用途は、そのすべての部品、ゴーヤのレシピが、血糖値の低下に使用される材料は、種子、 「短い上小説」として知られ、苦いメロンの種の苦味で廃棄しなければならない、特に種皮では、いくつかの洗浄水とsalt.bitterメロンレシピ付き回
苦いメロンはスイカのcolocynthus 、 Citrakus Colocynthisとして科学的に知られています。
- 苦いリンゴ苦いいわゆる洗練地:名前の。
コア上のゴーヤの実が有効成分であるパルプの樹脂材料とAalatirin ( A)とAalateresin ( B)はまた、石鹸は下剤強いとしてではなく、痔のためHandalを使用アルカロイドおよびペクチン物質が含まれている最も重要な化合物が含まれている含まれています、ゴーヤは、満期前に果物を撮影し、異なる用語を使用レシピや、まだ緑の4つの部分に分割し、各ピースが痔と脂肪このレシピが試されてきたために使用されている。
果肉内部Handal餌たら、ゴーヤはAlglicosidih Kolosntとして知られている材料レシピを含んでおり、ゴーヤも脂肪油とアルカロイドが含まれており、種子は一五二〇%によって油が含まれている
元のホーム:地中海沿岸では、エジプト、トルコ、スペインを結実し、北アフリカ、南ヨーロッパおよび西部Asia.bitterメロンのレシピ最も重要な輸出国の海岸線に自生する。特にサウジアラビア王国における砂漠地帯でのスプレッドは、ゴーヤのレシピを、巨大な植物« Handal » 、植物不気味バレの量を私たちの国を祝福している、例えば、コアの、治癒特性を多くすることを特徴とするゴーヤと種の果実は進行役、ゴーヤのレシピとして使用され、病気の« Allqoh »対処している - 心の任意の混合 - および«ストローク» - また、神経系の疾患、および患者を扱い«不和»と«姉妹» - 偏頭痛 - また、疾患の治療(坐骨神経痛) 、関節痛や背部、ゴーヤのレシピや太ももに成功することが分かった。
苦いメロンの果実の灰は、黒と削除赤目の目の色に与えられている..それはスーダンの人々の何人かは、ゴーヤのレシピは、彼らが、炭素(TARゴーヤ)と混合したいわゆる要約の結果として出てくるゴーヤ原始的な方法の種を蒸留していることが知られている、動物の治療に使用されている男古い傷に対処するために、次の(疥癬) 、および(ティック)からゴーヤのレシピは、特にラクダ、 ! ..秘密と自分の髪に黒を付与し、白髪の発症を遅延させるためのいくつかの部族Istkhaddmenhにおけるハンセン病、難聴、黄疸..ゴーヤのレシピと何人かの女性の治療にゴーヤの治療の助け! ..残念ながら、ゴーヤスーダンとゴーヤのレシピ、によって特徴づけられるが、彼は植物の国富の柱の一つであり、無視して失われたすべてのプロパティおよび治療の秘密!
プロセスが治癒するまで、 3回繰り返される神である
Handal :私の父はチケットにデビッド言う蕁麻疹とAldhabaとギリシャDovovinaがOgrisovsとAlhped呼ば愛を求めているで、ゴーヤレシピ地面Kalptikhまで拡張育ったが、それは、より小さく、元々より正確な紙である2つのタイプがある。にMALEラフ·アンド·重力とスクラッチ知られていない愛の転位、ゴーヤのレシピと女性が逆に、原点でのフレーズ男性と緑の女性の小鳥お粗末な、砂の国で育つ死に用いるリード暖かく、ゴーヤレシピOjodhホワイトライトAlmtkhalkhalはそれのうち多くがソハイルは、ゴーヤのレシピを使用し、他に何が脂肪を除き、お粗末と強さで唯一のタイムアウト脂肪なかっ日の出後7電極への8月の最初の撮影の実を取り2年残っている、そして脂肪は限りチャフが毎秒4又は第三無愛想に暑い4年間にある限り、ゴーヤのレシピを簡単にストロークとAllqoh 、頭痛、片頭痛および坐骨神経痛、関節炎や痛風の他のタイプおよび利益のために痰そして背中の痛みや腰シェルパやドレッシング、およびTbejhは黒に害虫、ゴーヤのレシピと彼の灰に含まれる目の色を放出する場合、軍縮愛と一から三十六ディル油、ジュース、ゴーヤのレシピのディルをそれぞれ作成し、調理入札及び清算Eetmhoudまで、再調理脂肪とAED AED Sagmunyaの値札が彼に3を取った回4日間は、ハンセン病から癒さ完了し、火災が耳痛、難聴からゼータに満ちた夜の給付油を堆積しても、燃えるブレンドされるまで、 、ゴーヤのレシピやギラエフェクト、オープンスッドSauta 、そして純粋な黄疸と良い色、ユリ、彼女の愛と色合いの生地を取り除いた後、脂肪で満たされ、火を堆積させ、それが燃えるまで取るが、髪の毛を3日間、それを染めに飲むあまりに浴室黒い髪に空腹、ゴーヤのレシピと遅くBaheib 、そして思春期はMahhrbカナダから彼を防止し、前にDket足は戻っ痛み、腰の恩恵を受ける、とKimusaが悪い与え、ハンセン病、ゴーヤのレシピを停止した場合だけでなく、水が蜂蜜に満ちていると黒の最も高価なAlavtimonと紙とシナモンAstamlを飲むとvindicates Almalajuli 、てんかん、精神異常、ゴーヤのレシピは、もともと痛み蠍座に生息ががどのような酢を武装解除し、場所デンタルリンスの適者生存住居調理し、ガム、およびKhraマウス、ゴーヤのレシピ蜂蜜と亜硝酸許容は子宮と壊滅的疾患、彼と亜硝酸塩から取られた貧困層の粒が悪い水、黄色の粥状液を容易に浄化し、腹水、苦いメロンのレシピや地殻vindicatesの灰を取り除くZruraは香の痔の利益の疾患、および腹水の調理起源、風や血液、剛性と象皮病、および他の部分を壊滅し、インフルエンザが食べた、ゴーヤのレシピと蜜のEkhala水を開始し、有害である、白を脱い頭とAgtheとIqieし、血液や没収アニス、ゴーヤのレシピ塩とインドAlkthiraデンプンおよびガムが弱くを容易にし、 AEDの半分四半期Darhaminするためだけに、化合物、紙を飲んだが、日陰で乾燥させ、に投げ込まことを条件とする充填された注射器や粉末、ゴーヤのレシピが、最初で粉砕ペースト誇張第三スーツ通りの愛とまたはヒマシなどである。
Handal :選択肢:それはソフトな白さ黒とスチール彼はお粗末なお粗末な選ばれた強烈な白、ゴーヤのレシピです。
彼らは言った:私たちは、地殻と愛、ゴーヤのレシピを迂回しなければならないし、それは木の上ではありませんが、あれば漫画家は、それは貧しい一つであり、女性の弛緩性よりも強い男性の繊維質をスクラップや誇張しなければならないだまされてはいけません砕いウィップル水の蜂蜜を乾燥し、粉砕し、修理し、払っているのであれば、それが終わっ遭遇した場合には湿度の意味でのウェルほんの少しを粉砕し、胃や腸の側面にしがみつくとEuermをジグザグしたこと、そのため、ゴーヤのレシピを粉砕する必要があります彼Gaúlth Ethera最初の糊のり無敵力薬のため。
メンバーAlinvd :関節炎や神経、特に簡単なものから簡単な厚い痰はまた苦味、 Alcolnjウェットと風の恩恵は非常におそらく最も簡単な血液であり、潜在的に胎児を殺し、腸からの彼の解放の速度はゴーヤのレシピに到達していない腎臓と膀胱の疾患による苦味と利益の期待される効果。
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