The importance of iron :
- Bojd iron in every living cell of the body's cells ,anemia prevention and is concentrated mostly in the blood.
- There is 75% of the iron in red blood cells ,anemia prevention especially in the red material called hemoglobin.
- The hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to constantly various body tissues ,anemia prevention by contrast, returns carbon dioxide to the lungs .
Food Tips : -
To get food rich in iron remember / remember the following: -
• eat a balanced and varied.
• Bakchorha grains , fortified cereals as well as vitamins and minerals.
• prefer to eat foods rich in calcium , such as milk and dairy products .
• prefer to eat foods rich in vitamin C such as fruits ( oranges , for example) and Asaradtha with beans ,anemia prevention dried lentils or beans or nuts or seeds or leafy vegetables ( dark green ( such as / spinach - parsley ) ) , meat and liver so as to increase the absorption of iron .
• Reduce intake of tea,anemia prevention coffee and soft drinks in order to contain caffeine .
To avoid anemia in babies : -
Introduced a variety of foods for children ages gradually fit and as prescribed by your doctor.anemia prevention Also prefer to give them breakfast cereals fortified with iron not give them drinks containing caffeine .
The people who do not have teeth or have teeth industrial vehicle improperly making chewing difficult process usually develop anemia as a result of the lack of eating meat ,anemia prevention fruit and vegetables .
To help avoid iron deficiency followers must have the following: -
cook the meat well and then cut or chopped and added to soups or stews as cut vegetables and fruits into thin pieces or cook well .anemia prevention.
and women in a greater need for iron during pregnancy and during their childbearing years to enable the mother and fetus to get what Ihtajana of iron,anemia prevention especially in the last months of pregnancy.anemia prevention.
must perform blood tests periodically as instructed by the doctor in order to determine the proportion of iron and hemoglobin in the blood.
How the body's absorption of iron material : -
In order to iron your body absorbs it better advise the following: -
• The Vitamin C (located in the orange ,anemia prevention lemon, citrus fruits , tomatoes, pineapple and citrus fruit juices ) helps iron absorption when eaten together .
• The process of absorption of iron derived from animal sources ( such as the liver and red meat , chicken, fish and eggs )anemia prevention are better than the iron intake from plant sources ( such as / legumes, dried Calfasolaa , lentils , nuts, leafy green vegetables , dried fruit and that eating sources of iron animal and plant together over of iron absorption in a better way .anemia prevention.
• The calcium found in milk and milk products ( such as milk , yogurt and cheese ) helps the absorption of iron .
Factors that reduce the body's absorption of iron : -
• drinking tea , coffee or soft drinks during the meal .
• frequent diarrhea .
• The existence of parasites ( such as worms in the intestine )anemia prevention and that the result of the presence of a medical condition .
Anemia caused by iron deficiency : -
• cause anemia caused by iron deficiency in Thumbnail size of red blood cells and reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
It can cause anemia in the incidence of fatigue and general weakness and poor breathing .
• The infant and preschool children and girls in adolescence and pregnant and lactating women are at risk of anemia caused by iron deficiency .
• Adding to the seriousness of exposure to anemia is a lack of vitamins ( c) and ( e) and ( folic acid ) and ( B-12 ) and ( 6 ) and proteins.
• can treat anemia by eating iron tablets anemia prevention prescribed by the doctor and also increase the intake of food containing high levels of iron .
Causes of anemia caused by iron deficiency : -
• Eating foods that do not contain iron and limit the intake of proteins and vitamins.
• blood loss (loss of a large amount of blood during menstrual periods ,anemia prevention bleeding hemorrhoids or because of injuries ) .
• disease and the presence of parasites .
• poor absorption of iron in the body.
Iron-rich food sources are: -
• the liver , kidneys , heart , red meat , chicken, fish , egg yolks , legumes, dried Calfasolaa lentils , nuts and seeds .
• leafy green vegetables ( spinach - parsley - mallow - broccoli , green) .
• dried fruits ( apricots - Figs - Dates - Peach - raisins ) .
• Bakchorha grain and grain products rich in vitamins , potato Bakecrha .
Sample menu contains a high percentage of iron : -
Breakfast: -
• cup of fruit juice ( such as orange , grapefruit or tomato ) .
• one egg ( prepared in any way ) .
• three pieces of bread or Arab land slides.
• cup of breakfast cereals rich in iron (read the ingredients when you buy ) .
• cup of low-fat milk .
Lunch and dinner : -
• cup of soup ( such as / lentils or beans or oats or asparagus ) three ounces ( 90 grams) of red meat or white stripped fat or skin .
• cup of fresh fruit juices .
• ½ cup of green leafy vegetables ( like spinach or broccoli or mallow green or green salad ) or half a cup of cooked dried beans ( or peas Calfasolaa )anemia prevention .
• Two pieces of bread or Arab land slides.
• cup of rice or pasta (preferably mixed with lentils or beans or peas )anemia prevention and potatoes grilled with its skin .
• cup of low-fat milk or yogurt or yogurt .
Notes: -
• Preferably for women during pregnancy eating anemia prevention the liver or the spleen or the heart or kidneys twice a week at least .
• The menu above to meet the daily needs of protein and calories and dietary fiber ,anemia prevention iron and calcium for pregnant and lactating women .
• Eat plenty of water and taking adequate rest and exercise walking .
- Bojdの体の細胞、貧血予防のあらゆる生きている細胞内の鉄とは、血液中に大部分が集中している。
- 赤血球、特にヘモグロビンと呼ばれる赤色の物質中の貧血予防の鉄の75%が存在します。
- ヘモグロビンは、肺から常に様々な体の組織は、対照的に、貧血予防に酸素を運ぶ肺に二酸化炭素を返します。
食品のヒント: -
鉄分、食物の豊富なを取得するには、次のを覚えている/覚えている: -
• Bakchorha粒、強化された穀物だけでなく、ビタミンやミネラル。
•豆、貧血予防乾燥したレンズ豆や豆やナッツや種子又は(例えば/ほうれん草などの濃い緑( - パセリ) )葉物野菜など(例えばオレンジ、 )果物などビタミンCが豊富でAsaradtha食品を食べることを好む、肉および肝臓は、鉄の吸収を増加させるようにする。
赤ちゃんの貧血を避けるために -
子供の年齢のためにいろいろな食べ物を紹介し、徐々にフィットして、 doctor.anemia防止で規定さはまたそれらの鉄彼らにカフェインを含む飲み物を与えないで強化朝食用シリアルを与えることを好む。
鉄欠乏フォロワーを回避するには、次のものが必要です -
どのように鉄材料の本体の吸収: -
鉄にするためにあなたの体は、それがよりよい次の助言を吸収。 -
一緒に食べたとき• (オレンジ、貧血防止レモン、柑橘類、トマト、パイナップル、柑橘類のフルーツジュースにある)ビタミンCは鉄の吸収を助けます。
•貧血予防(肝臓や赤身の肉、鶏肉、魚、卵など)動物源から得られた鉄の吸収の過程は植物源からの鉄の摂取量よりも優れている(例えば/豆類、乾燥しCalfasolaa 、レンズ豆、ナッツ、より良い方法。貧血予防に鉄の吸収の上で一緒に緑の野菜、ドライフルーツや鉄の動植物の食源を緑豊かな。
• (牛乳、ヨーグルト、チーズなど)、牛乳や乳製品で発見カルシウム、鉄の吸収を助けます。
鉄の体内の吸収を減少させる要因: -
頻繁に下痢を• 。
鉄欠乏性貧血に起因する。 -
•貧血への暴露の深刻さに追加すると、ビタミンの(c )の欠如、および( e)および(葉酸)および( B-12 )であり、 ( 6 )およびタンパク質。
鉄欠乏によって引き起こされる貧血の原因 -
•失血(月経、貧血防止出血痔や負傷のための中に大量の血の損失) 。
体内の鉄の吸収不良を• 。
鉄分が豊富な食料源は、次のとおりです。 -
•緑豊かな緑の野菜(ほうれん草 - パセリ - マロー - ブロッコリー、グリーン) 。
•ドライフルーツ(アプリコット - 図 - 日付 - ピーチ - レーズン) 。
•ビタミンが豊富Bakchorha穀物と穀物製品、ポテトBakecrha 。
サンプルメニューは鉄の割合が高いが含まれています -
朝食: -
• (オレンジ、グレープフルーツやトマトなど)フルーツジュースのコップ。
• 1卵(どのような方法で調製した) 。
3パンの破片やアラブの土地のスライドを• 。
ランチ、ディナー: -
•スープ(レンズ豆などや豆やオート麦やアスパラガス/など) 3オンス赤身の肉や白取り除か脂肪や皮膚の( 90グラム)のカップ。
• ½緑の葉(ほうれん草やブロッコリーやマローグリーンまたはグリーンサラダなど)野菜や調理済みの乾燥した豆(またはエンドウCalfasolaa )貧血予防の半カップのカップ。
注意事項: -
•多量の水を食べ、十分な休息と運動のウォーキングを取る。 "
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