With the onset of winter and the magnitude of the storms and the rain and snow ,winter drink recipes turn the majority of people young and old to hot drinks to protect them against the severity of colds and severity of the disease . And no better than sipping a cup of hot Zhorat in the cold winter night Due to the content of important health benefits ,winter drink recipes both physical and psychological . « Herb Bchwi » is too old as long as echoed by our ancestors and our parents and believe in them , were attributed to nature
Anise ,
Herb belonging to the family of celery ,winter drink recipes smell and taste good acceptable . Poem grows to a height of 75 cm and needs to the sun and the warmth of natural growth.Highlight the nutritional value in it contains proteins and fatty oils , fiber, sugars and starches,winter drink recipes as well as the essential oil extracted from it.winter drink recipes The benefits of anise seeds represented in the disposal of the Bulge , the expulsion of wind from the intestines , remove phlegm from the trachea ,winter drink recipes increasing the secretion of sweat and urine , and the treatment of insomnia . Nor should boil anise seeds long as they lose the effectiveness of digestion and lose part of the aromatic oils .winter drink recipes Can also add anise to certain foods such as curry and dessert pies and biscuits in order to give it taste good and sweet smelling .
Chamomile ,winter drink recipes one of the most popular plants ventral at all, it is the user blooming flowers , which contain volatile oil rate of up to 1.5% . Another unique feature of chamomile that is very useful in cases of insomnia , depression ,winter drink recipes fear and psychological crises . Using flowers and steam boiled inhalation in case of inflammation of the airways in the nose, throat and windpipe . Chamomile tea is antiseptic and anti -inflammatory , helping to calm the nerves and regulate the process of digestion .winter drink recipes Chamomile is also used in medical cosmetics in the form of a cream or essential oil . The best way to prepare chamomile tea are: put a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in the empty cup and pour boiling water over them , then leave the mixture for 10 minutes ,winter drink recipes then drain well and drink . It can address the cup three times a day before meals and eating warns chamomile tea immediately after eating it may cause pain in the stomach.
Thyme , aromatic plant frequently generally in the countries of the Mediterranean basin . winter drink recipes Medical benefit is to cure many diseases , especially related to the respiratory tract , such as whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma. It contains thyme plant with high working to strengthen the immune system ,winter drink recipes in addition to materials analgesic and antiseptic and stimulant for blood circulation . Also contains thyme material reinforcing the muscles and prevent hardening of the arteries ,winter drink recipes and treats urinary tract infections and cure of disease renal colic and lowers cholesterol . It is also known that thyme works to alert the stomach and the expulsion of gases and helps digestion and absorption of nutrients and the removal of fungi from the stomach and intestines ,winter drink recipes as it increases the appetite to eat . Khatami , wildflower species of flowers Alkhpaziat , grown in gardens and outlive years .winter drink recipes Not be considered a kind of beautiful flowers only , but of the types of plants that are used in the fields of Arabic medicine , which has increased almost every house in the winter ,winter drink recipes especially given that the grandparents told about the medical benefits of sensory experience . So begins the population of the mountain villages of July until late September ,winter drink recipes picking flowers and exposed to the sun to dry , then Todebha to be used primarily as a kind of Zhorat winter that benefit in the treatment of colds and flu , relieve inflammation of the tonsils , mouth, stomach pain and bowel .
Catnip , sedative herb for the stomach , help calm the intestinal cramps and organize the work of the digestive system. Uses peppermint oil or mint tea in the treatment of gas and indigestion. Also extends the effect of peppermint oil to the soothing topical use ,winter drink recipes because he has the ability to relieve pain and increase blood flow in the affected area .
Roses , which to extract material properties of doped help calm the digestive disorders and reduce cases of depression and sadness. It ends rollover « Zhorat » At this plant species.winter drink recipes And remained its secrets with the grandmothers , especially when it comes to recipes secret of beauty and skin and shine to the hair with chamomile ,winter drink recipes rose , or to expel halitosis with thyme , mint, peel almonds , or to expel depression and revive the heartbeat with apple peel that enters the collection of dried herbs and outside Regulation . Perhaps the scene Parties in promoting these herbal -scented ,winter drink recipes is in transition from supplies in the ranks of the peasantry and the general public to the consumption of « class Velvet » under her name French «Tisane» and brag about providing and dragging to explain Vaaúdha like discovering absurdly not available wherever grow grass after that irrigates the land of rain.
冬の発症や嵐や雨や雪の大きさ、冬の飲み物のレシピは、風邪や病気の重症度の重症度に対してそれらを保護するために、ホットドリンクに老いも若きも大多数の人々を回す。そして、物理的および心理的の両方の重要な健康上の利点、冬の飲み物のレシピの内容に寒い冬の夜に熱いZhoratのカップをすすりながらよりも良い。 «ハーブBchwi »は、限り我々の祖先と私たちの両親がこだまし、それらを信じているように古すぎる自然に起因した
カモミール、冬の飲み物は、最大で1.5%の揮発性の油量が含まれている花、咲くユーザーです、まったく腹最も人気のある植物の一つレシピ。不眠症、うつ病、冬の飲み物のレシピの恐怖と心理的な危機例に非常に有用であるカモミールのもう一つの特徴。鼻、喉や気管内の気道の炎症の場合には、花や蒸気煮吸入を使用。カモミールティーは、神経を落ち着かせ、消化のプロセスを調整するために支援し、防腐剤と抗炎症性である。冬の飲み物のレシピカモミールもクリームや精油の形で、医療、化粧品に使用されています。カモミールティーを準備するための最良の方法は、次のとおりです。空のカップにカモミールの花のテーブルスプーンを置き、その上に熱湯を注ぎ、 10分間混合を残して、冬の飲み物のレシピはその後よく排出し、飲む。これは、食事の前にコップを一日三回に対処することができますし、食べるには、すぐにそれが胃の痛みを引き起こす可能性が食べた後、カモミールティーを警告します。
タイム、地中海沿岸の国では頻繁に一般に芳香族プラント。冬の飲み物は、医療給付は、百日咳、気管支炎や喘息などの、特に呼吸器に関連する多くの疾患を治すことですレシピ。これは、材料の鎮痛および防腐血液循環のための興奮剤に加えて、免疫系、冬の飲み物のレシピを強化し、高い作業とタイムの植物が含まれています。また、筋肉を強化タイム材が含まれており、動脈、冬の飲み物のレシピやお菓子、尿路感染症や病気腎疝痛の硬化の硬化を防ぎ、コレステロールを低下させる。また、タイムはガスの胃と排除を警告するために働き、消化と栄養素の吸収で、それを食べて食欲を増加すると、胃や腸、冬の飲み物のレシピから菌類の除去に役立つことが知られている。ハタミ、花Alkhpaziatのワイルドフラワーの種は、庭園で栽培し、年間長生き。冬の飲み物のレシピだけで美しい花のようなものとは考えられないが、ほとんどすべての家が増加しているアラビア語の医学の分野で使用されている植物の種類の冬に、冬の飲み物のレシピは、特に祖父母が感覚的な体験の医学的利点について語ったことを考える。こんなに遅く9月まで、 7月の山の村の人口を開始し、冬の飲み物のレシピは、花を摘み、乾燥さ日光にさらされると、 Todebhaは主に風邪やインフルエンザの治療に有益Zhorat冬の一種として使用されるように、緩和扁桃、口、胃の痛みや腸の炎症。
ドープヘルプの材料特性を抽出するためのバラは、消化器疾患を落ち着かせ、うつ病と悲しみの例を減らす。それはこの植物species.winterの飲み物のレシピでロールオーバー« Zhorat »を終了し、祖母との秘密を維持し、それは美しさと皮膚のレシピの秘密に来る場合は特に、カモミールと髪に輝き、冬の飲み物のレシピはバラや口臭を排出するとタイム、ミント、ピール、アーモンド、またはうつ病を追放し、乾燥ハーブや外部の規制のコレクションに入ったリンゴの皮とのハートビートを復活させる。おそらく、これらのハーブの香り、冬の飲み物のレシピを促進する上でのシーンの締約国が提供し、ドラッグについて農民や一般の人のランクの電源から«クラスベルベット»の消費に彼女の名前のフランス«ハーブ茶»と自慢の下で推移しているそれは雨の土地を灌漑した後に草を育てるところ利用でき不合理ではない発見するようなを説明する。
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