The loss of appetite for
food is normal and happens a lot with a group of people at different ages,thymus plant and is subject to a number of factors may be one of them
sufficient reason for the loss of food cravings or perhaps for a particular
type of food , in particular , where many people do not like a certain food is
either Oedipus or perhaps to not approve the taste and smell of the person
eating or perhaps thymus plant other reasons.
Causes loss of appetite
for food :
- There are many factors
that lead to poor appetite and the most important of these factors , the
psychological factor ,thymus plant as the anxiety and stress and sadness lose
human susceptibility to eat . The weakness of an appetite for several important
diseases , but is also considered one of the main reasons for many of the
diseases that result from poor nutrition,соусыкспагетти such as anemia and
anemia and otherwise.
The doctor of the human
or psychological good can put a finger on the cause , which leads to poor
appetite in the patient ,thymus plant and then can be described as the
appropriate treatment and determine the appropriate methods to open the
appetite to eat.
Natural Resources to
open the appetite and strengthen the meager objects :
- Dates and milk Dates
And Milk
Soak the dates in milk
for six hours and then eat where the patient opens his lust
For food .thymus plant
There is no doubt that these two sources are considered one of the richest
material in minerals , vitamins and amino acids , sugars , protein and fatty
substances , where one of the best nutrients ,thymus plant and should people
with diabetes not to use this recipe.
- Fenugreek Fenugreek
The boiling of the ring
material Almshahyh to eat and the way that Tuchz fill a tablespoon of the ring
and placed in a municipal fill a glass of water thymus plant and then boiled on
the fire for a quarter -hour and then filtered and then drink sweeten with
honey or sugar before a meal half an hour .
- Vinegar Vinegar
Using grape or apple
cider vinegar and adding it to the power and add a teaspoon of vinegar to fill
a glass of water thymus plant on the dining table and drink at intervals during
lunch helps to open up the appetite and swallowing food.
- Or a thousand paper
Um thousands of paper
,thymus plant also known Balakhilaa or a thousand paper as well as the name of
hashish carpenters and the way be taken to fill a teaspoon of powdered herb dry
or minced herb fresh and placed in a glass jar and add a boiling water ,thymus
plant then cover the cup and leave for 15 minutes and then filtered out and
drink once in the morning after breakfast and another after dinner directly .
- Thermos Termis
It is well known that
the thermos rich in calcium and phosphorus thymus plant and lupine improves the
appetite and strengthens the body and the way that Yuhz 250 g of lupine seeds
and purified well and then soaked in water for 24 consecutive hours to change
the water every six hours and collects water aside,thymus plant then bring to
boil then with a new batch of water for
Hour on the fire and
then filtered water and re- soaked again after that for another 24 hours and
then filtered and eaten after it added a pinch of salt and lemon .thymus plant
This recipe is also good for people with diabetes as it reduces blood sugar .
Can use the water drenched thermos Kgergerh good teeth and good hair lotion for
both sexes thymus plant.
- Anise Anise
Contains the fruits of
anise essential oils and the most important compounds thymus plant Alanathol
which helps the digestion process and the way be taken to fill a tablespoon of
the fruits of anise and placed in a cup and then fill with boiling water and
leave for 15 minutes then drain and drink once after breakfast and another
after dinner ,thymus plant and this recipe is good to open the appetite.
- Onion Onion Onion is
known that opens the appetite for food and it is taken by the onion in the size
of a hen's egg and eaten with food once and another with dinner daily .thymus
plant And onions feeds and cleanses the intestines and strengthens the body and
kills germs stomach. And must eat fresh parsley after eating onions to stop the
smell of onions known thymus plant.
- Garlic Garlic
Garlic is considered the
richest herbal thymus plant substances effective and the most impact on several
diseases in addition to that he is appetitive good and gives the body strength
unmatched It is the right of food and medicine and eating Avsas garlic with
food or with power by 3-6 Avsas per day and can be eating thymus plant fresh or
cooked .
- Linden Tilia
Also known as linden
Baletilio The linden of savory herbs and tonic for the body where taken to fill
a teaspoon in a cup and then fill with boiling water and then covered for 15
minutes and filtered and drink before meals throughout the day thymus plant.
- Rue Ruta
The Alsmab one aromatic
plants savory where taken several leaves of fresh Alsmab grown thymus plant
anywhere and grow spontaneously in the southern regions of the Kingdom and
eaten with fresh bread .
- Thyme Thymus
The Thyme of the most
famous plants that are used in the countries of the Mediterranean basin thymus
plant, where used widely Kmshahy and also increases the durability and tonic
for the immune system and the way be taken to fill a tablespoon of thyme and
devastating over food or mix with olive oil or sesame oil and eaten with bread
Oats , wheat and barley
Bar **, Wheat, Oats
Taken equal amounts of
flour, oats ,thymus plant wheat and barley Mankhool then blends together and
put the pot on the fire with water equivalent to the volume of flour mixture
and at the beginning of the boiling Weatherford flour over the water and stir
Tharika well and add the flour Hia slowly with constant stirring until the
exact amount is composed porridge soft ,thymus plant then add a few honey bees
from the original and eaten with meals or separate from them and given to
children even more because of the great benefits .
Licorice Liquirice 've
talked a lot about licorice and reminded us that
Contain substances
similar to cortisone ,thymus plant but not to cause side effects caused by
cortisone . The Licorice of the best drugs in the treatment of diseases of the
blood and therefore it is beneficial for the treatment of anemia,thymus plant
but should not be used by patients who suffer from high blood pressure and dose
of powdered roots of liquorice is to fill a teaspoon of filling a cup of cold
water and stir well thymus plant and drink once in a today .
Chinese fruits Kababh
Kababh Chinese are
similar in shape , black pepper ,thymus plant but it has the emergence of a
small hand at the edge of the navel and contain Kababh Chinese essential oils
and alkaloids and is considered one of the best appetizers , where taken to
fill a teaspoon of Mshogaha after every meal .thymus plant They also peptic and
soothe .
Celery Apium
Celery a plant known
which are used with power or eaten as is or works it boiled celery contain the
most useful material to the human body ,thymus plant such as vitamins A, B, and
C as well as the minerals calcium , iodine, iron, copper, manganese , and
magnesium , and potassium , and phosphorus ,thymus plant and is one of Fouath
appetite famous .
Cumin Cumin Cumin is the
spice of months and months,thymus plant hors d'oeuvres and the best way to use
latency as appetizers is throwing cumin powder slices food with a little
vinegar .
Alshakoraa green Chicory
It is known that the
Hakoraa fresh green effect to open the appetite and is known to be poor
peasants rely on them as the main staple ,thymus plant especially with cheese
and old cheese known as " Palmh " and can eat any amount of them are
peptic and salted .
Walnut leaves Willow
Walnut leaves are used
fresh Kmshahyh taken as a fist and placed in a cup ,thymus plant then add the
boiling water until the cup is full , then stir well and leave for 15 minutes
then strain and drink small doses by 1/3 cup with every meal thymus plant.
Broccoli Cauli Flower
Broccoli, which is also
known as a cauliflower plant winter and Aaakl is usually cooked broccoli
according to research from more vegetables strengthen the body because it
contains phosphorus and should not be eaten with beans so that the Sudanese can
not happen swelling or gas in the stomach.
Cinnamon or aspiring its
scholars from famous herbal spice They contain essential oils and the most
important compound which is Alsnmaldhid which is attributable to the effect.
And cinnamon appetizing good .thymus plant When will alone be taken to fill a
teaspoon of powder crust and add to the pot by filling a glass of water and
then put on the fire and left to boil , stir well and then emptied in a glass
jar thymus plant and can be analyzed with a spoon of honey and drink .
Radish Radish
Preferably the kind
where Tzah red leaves and eaten with the meal will alone 4 to 5 cloves must be
young and fresh and beware of the use of horseradish fragile from the inside it
is useless thymus plant. The radish substances that affect Kmshahyh to eat and
contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iodine ,
sulfur, iron and manganese should not be used radish by people who suffer from
weakness in the digestive tract ,thymus plant as well as patients with liver
disease .
Straight- Shami Bryone
Using a straight- Shami
plant roots widely to open the appetite.
Abu scalp Sweet Chestnut
Known as Abu scalp Estna
and Oak Shah and Abu scalp is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese
, phosphorus and sulfur , which is very useful in the construction of the
body.thymus plant Abu scalp eaten raw or roasted over charcoal or inside the
oven and prevents eaten by ill indigestion , liver, and sugar .thymus plant The
Abu scalp of sex steroids .
Algosaian Sauge
Using Algosaian in the
countries of the Mediterranean basin as appetizing to eat where taken will
thymus plant alone fist of the plant and placed in a large bowl relatively then
pours it amounted to half a liter of water boiled and covered for a period of
between 10-15 minutes , then drain and drink it a cup after each meal ,thymus
plant especially when Go to sleep .
Muftfah Muffattigha
This recipe is used for
Nhfa who wish to obesity which is composed of the ring municipal and bean green
and cumin and honey sieving pure and know at Attari Egypt jam ( bead cow ) or
jam Bead way be taken equal parts of the ring and the pill green and crush well
,thymus plant then add a teaspoonful of Nigella sativa natural honey and mix
until the dough to be soft and taken them daily spoonful in the morning thymus
plant and again in the evening with a save in the refrigerator .
Flowers hops HOPS used
flowers hops in the Levant Kvathh appetite thymus plant where taken to fill a
tablespoon of powdered herb and soak in filling a cup of water for 12 hours and
it deals a person to fill a cup before meals , attend drenched the next day
ahead of schedule duration of twelve hours ,thymus plant and so on.
Chickpeas cicer
Pea seeds protonated
very rich in minerals such as potassium , phosphorus, sulfur ,thymus plant
calcium and iron , which is very useful and fattened at the same time . The
person dealing with a handful of chickpeas and one in the middle of a meal only
during the day .thymus plant It must not eat hummus or excessive eating
prepared by the owners of the weak as it is heavy to digest.
Mustard Mustard
The use of crushed
mustard seeds in moderation with food unappetizing person deals with mustard
average of five pills just before lunch can be crushed and sprinkled over rice
or vegetables or power. thymus plant You should not use the mustard by
People with indigestion
and diseases of the liver , heart and rheumatism , whatever the reasons .
Fenugreek and wheat
flour Wheat and Fenugreek
I have been told about
the ring , "If people knew ,thymus plant including the benefits of the
purchased weight in gold ."thymus plant Wheat is the food for all human
beings since the dawn of history and two articles with milk and honey and ghee
is one of the recipes good for fattening ,thymus plant especially for Nhfa and
the way to be taken half a kilo of fenugreek seeds are then placed in a bowl
and add the period of water when boiling displaced water and replace the water
again and leave to boil then displaced and the process is repeated four times
and then mash fenugreek seeds and added to milk and placed over the fire and
stir ,thymus plant then add a half kilo wheat flour and add a little bit with
the move to the fire until the end of quantitative and consists porridge lax
then displaced from the fire and add the filling tablespoon margarine my blends
well with the porridge is then added to fill a small cup natural honey and stir
until well -mixed thymus plantand then placed the mixture in a glass jar and
close judged and placed in the freezer and take it a day until the end of a
large spoon .
- 不安やストレスと悲しみを食べる人間の感受性を失うように食欲不振や、これらの要因の中で最も重要な、心理的要因、胸腺工場につながる多くの要因がある。いくつかの重要な病気のため食欲の弱さが、また、栄養不足から、 соусыкспагетти貧血や貧血などの、そうでなければ生じる疾患の多くの主な理由の一つと考えられている。
- 日付とミルクの日付と牛乳
食品。胸腺工場のためにこれら2ソースはミネラル、ビタミンやアミノ酸、糖、蛋白質や脂肪物質で最も裕福な材料の1 、糖尿病を持つ最高の栄養素の1 、胸腺工場とすべき人々ではないと考えられていることは間違いありませんこのレシピを使用します。
- フェヌグリークフェヌグリーク
- 酢酢
- または千紙Achelia
紙のUMの何千人も、胸腺工場はハシシ大工の名前だけでなく、 Balakhilaaまたは千ペーパーを知られており、道は乾燥粉末ハーブや新鮮なみじん切りハーブのティースプーンを埋めるために撮影したガラスジャーに入れることが沸騰水を追加、胸腺工場は直接夕食後にカップをカバーし、 15分間のままにした後、ろ過して、朝食と別の後に一度午前中に飲む。
- サーモスTERMIS
これはよくカルシウムとリン胸腺工場やルピナスが豊富魔法瓶食欲を向上することが知らと体と道that Yuhz 250ルーピン種子のgおよび精製するにはを強化して、 every水を交換するために24の連続した時間水に浸漬する6時間、脇に水を収集し、胸腺工場は、その後の水で新しいバッチにして沸騰させる
- アニスアニス
アニスエッセンシャルオイルと消化プロセスを助け、最も重要な化合物胸腺工場Alanatholと道はアニスの果実の杯を埋めるために取らカップに入れ、熱湯を記入し、 15分間放置することの成果が含まれていますそれから排出し、朝食後に一度飲んで、別の夕食後、胸腺プラントと、このレシピは、食欲を開くために良いです。
- タマネギタマネギタマネギは、食品のための食欲を開いたことが知られている、それは鶏卵のサイズにタマネギが撮影した、毎日のディナーで一回、別の食物と一緒に食べられている胸腺工場と玉ねぎフィードとクレンジング腸と体を強化する。や細菌の胃を殺す。および胸腺工場知らタマネギの臭いを停止するように玉ねぎを食べた後、新鮮なパセリを食べる必要があります。
- ニンニクニンニク
ニンニクは、効果的な豊かなハーブ胸腺植物性物質であると考えて、彼は食欲良いですし、体力を与えることに加えて、いくつかの疾患に最も影響購入する食品や医薬品の権利であると3で食べ物や電源をAvsasニンニクを食べて比類のない一日-6 Avsas 、新鮮なまたは調理胸腺植物を食べることができます。
- リンデンシナノキ
- 通りルタ
どこでも新鮮Alsmab成長胸腺植物のいくつかの葉を採取し、英国の南部地域で自然発生的に成長し、焼きたてのパンと一緒に食べる香ばしいAlsmab 1芳香植物。
- タイム胸腺
オート麦、小麦、大麦バー** 、小麦、オート麦
中国の果物Kababh Cubaba
Kababh中国人は、形状が類似黒コショウ、胸腺の植物であるが、それはへその端で小さな手の出現があり、 Kababh中国エッセンシャルオイルとアルカロイドが含まれており、ティースプーンを埋めるために取ら最高の前菜の一つと考えられているMshogahaの彼らはまた、消化性と落ち着か毎食後。胸腺工場。
セロリであるか、またはそれは、人体、例えば、ビタミンA 、 B 、およびC 、ならびにミネラルカルシウム等の胸腺プラントに最も有用な物質を含有セロリ煮沸動作するように電力を使用したり、食べられる既知の植物、ヨウ素、鉄、銅、マンガン、マグネシウム、カリウム、リン、胸腺植物や有名Fouath食欲の一つです。
それはHakoraa新緑効果が食欲を開くようにすることが知られている、貧しい農民であることが知られている、特にチーズと「 Palmh 」として知られている古いチーズを主食、胸腺植物としてそれらに依存しており、そのうちの任意の量を食べることができ、消化性であるそして塩漬け。
また、カリフラワー植物の冬として知られており、それは、リンが含まれており、スーダン、胃の腫れやガス起こらないように、豆と一緒に食べるべきではありませんので、 Aaaklは通常、体を強化するより多くの野菜からの調査によるとブロッコリーを調理しているブロッコリー、 。
一人で4から5クローブが若くて新鮮なことで、それを無駄に胸腺植物で内側から壊れやすい西洋ワサビの使用に注意しなければならないでしょうTzah紅葉や食事と一緒に食べられ、好ましくは、親切。食べることKmshahyhに影響を与え、カルシウム、ヨウ素、硫黄、鉄、マンガンなどのビタミンやミネラルを大量に含んでいる大根物質は消化管での弱さに苦しむ人々 、胸腺植物だけでなく、ある患者で大根を使用すべきではありません肝疾患。
Algosaian Sauge
植物の意志胸腺植物だけでは拳を撮影し、大きなボウルに配置した場所食べに食欲をそそるように、地中海沿岸の国々でAlgosaianを使用すると、比較的、それが水沸騰させ、 10の間の期間カバーさの半分リットルに達し注ぐ - 15分、 [移動]をスリープ状態にする場合は特に、毎食後胸腺工場をカップを排出し、それを飲む。
Muftfah Muffattigha
このレシピは、リングの等しい部分を取ることが、純粋な緑とクミンと蜂蜜ふるい自治体と豆のリングで構成され、 Attariエジプトジャム(ビーズ牛)やジャムビーズの方法で知られている肥満にお祈りNhfaとピルのために使用されている緑とよくつぶす、胸腺工場はその後ニゲラsativaの自然な蜂蜜の茶さじを追加し、生地が柔らかくて冷蔵庫に保存し、それらを毎日朝の胸腺プラントのスプーンと、再び夕方に取られるまで混合する。
花は、粉末状のハーブの大さじを記入し、 12時間水のカップを埋めるにつかるように注意して、食事の前にカップを埋めるために人のダメージを翌日びっしょりに出席レヴァントKvathh食欲胸腺植物のホップの花を使用しホップをホップというように12時間、胸腺工場とのスケジュール期間の前に。
エンドウの種子は、非常に便利と同時に、肥育され、カリウム、リン、硫黄、胸腺植物カルシウムや鉄分などのミネラルが非常に豊富プロトン化。ひよこ豆の一握り、日中のみの食事の途中で1 、それが消化するために重く、通りにフムスまたは弱いの所有者が用意し過食を食べてはならない。胸腺工場を扱う人。
消化不良や肝臓、心臓やリウマチの疾患を持つ人々 、どのような理由があります。
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