Calendula Officinalis
What is and what its benefits and Azeris Mdharalodhiraon?.
Is a chrysanthemum plants and is one of the plants used for months in the West and is known as pot marigold and calendula officinalis scientifically as the vehicle of the platoon.calendula benefits The user of the Azeris orange flowers is a beautiful shape and the original home of this plant is in southern Europe.
It is a herbaceous plant grows in the orchards and the parties to the roads,calendula benefits and has a high leg 4060 cm long, serrated leaves are oval and covered with hairs Parties minutes,calendula benefits floral yellow or orange color.
Azeris contain plant materials and terpene resin materials and Gelokozydat once and essential oils and Sterolat calendula benefits phenols and fluid materials and Korotonz.
Calendula gardens MARIGOLD perennial plant up to a height of about 60 cm, has a bright orange flowers resemble flowers arranged in chrysanthemums.
The original home of Calendula gardens: native to southern Europe and is grown in temperate regions of the world.calendula benefits And usually grow spontaneously in the outskirts of orchards and roads.
The user: blooming flowers and plants fresh flowers blooming before.calendula benefits Plant flowers and a strong smell foul.
Calendula is known by other names,calendula benefits such as parks and Qoqahan Zubaydah and Kahlah. The scientifically is defined as the CALENDULA OFFICNAL I of the platoon vehicle.
What are the contents of the chemical?
Containing flowers and plants on the three-turbine Sabotinat by between 2 to 10% and Gelokozydat a, b, c, d, e, g, a type of either mono or Bseidimosziedk or Aanolik Lion Gelaako Zaidz.calendula benefits It also features a three-alcoholic turbines which are numerous, as well as flavonoids increased by 0.03 to 0.08% and include Oazothaji and Kuerstan. It also contains the most important and Korotonidat compound where U Tin Zaakthen.calendula benefits And also contain Diyderuxtkumarin such as scopoletin and Ampelifordn and Askiolten. As well as the volatile oil ratio of 0.02%, and the most important compound Alvakadenol,calendula benefits as well as multiple confectionery materials and fluid materials and resin materials.
What did he say about seniors?
Calendula Herbal gardens is more famous and has multiple uses in herbal medicine European Fbtalath brightly calendula benefits excellent treatment of the skin inflamed and swollen where help antiseptic properties and therapeutic in reducing the spread of infection and speed up the healing and flowers calendula benefits also cleaner and removing toxins.
He told him David of Antioch in his ticket "purifies the brain,calendula benefits chest, guts, and come out vermin of the abdomen and the house and run away from him where she was, especially flies.calendula benefits Heartbreaking gravel and generates waste, and falls Alognih even caught by the hand of a pregnant short period of time, fit the teeth gargling mother of boys. Goes ascites and spleen jaundice never,calendula benefits joints and pigs coating.
He said his son Bitar at the University "allegedly folk that a pregnant woman if I caught her hands in place one over the other,calendula benefits won the fetus him great damage is severe, and if perpetuated cought and Achtmamh dropped the fetus. Said that the smoke escapes from Alvirran and deployment.,calendula benefits And if they drink one hundred four dirhams vomited strongly , and make a response in the subject fled from the flies., and rang and bandaged him down the back Anaz Aanaaza average,calendula benefits and if Astat Basarp origin prevented from toothache, including analyzes of the defense of phlegm. said to be the origin, "its root" If commented benefit of the tracks,calendula benefits and that the women barren If Ahtmmelth conceived.
Ibn Sina "Azeris hot in the third and crusty where the A. E. and strengthens the heart,calendula benefits but it tends to temper the spirit his side anger without joy. Benefit from alopecia vinegar powder,calendula benefits vinegar ashes on the sciatica, the benefit of all the toxins and especially Alldog.
It is the big benefits of treatment for wounds and putrefying sores incurable.
What did he say about modern medicine?
Research has shown that the Azeris anti-inflammatory, dried muscle spasm and astringent, anti-bleeding and heal wounds, antiseptic, remover of body toxins generator gentle estrogen. As the resin material which antifungal and antibacterial and viruses.calendula benefits He also caught the capillaries and this explains the effectiveness of wounds and varicose veins and various inflammatory conditions.calendula benefits Used flowers to treat wounds putrefying sores and intractable ulcers varicose veins and bed sores "They sores that occur in the stool or shoulders or heel of the foot when the disease and especially the elderly who are forced disease to stay in bed for a long time lying on their backs,calendula benefits and the treatment of fistulas and congestion in the toes of the feet of the effect of exposure to cold The nipple cracks, hands and address all of these injuries calendula benefits ointment made from flowers Azeris.
The method of making the ointment is mashed plant flowers that were fresh or crushed flowers that were dry and mixed with goat butter is salted and then uses paint.calendula benefits As the plant flowers treated skin cancers. As used boiled flowers plant that contain the hormone sexy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in males and boiled itself generates menstruation in women and removes its accompanying pain,calendula benefits to drink before the date of menstruation expected eight days, and said that drinking boiled flowers Azeris and long relieves uterine cancer,calendula benefits and the method of taking the dose is one teaspoon of flowers fill the Azeris and is added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave to cool and then gives him a tablespoon every two hours.calendula benefits The Azeris of the best recipes of Dermatology as well as a remedy used for burns and wounds and skin infections and against the burning sun, as well as rash.
Also, scientific studies have proven its effects on the digestive system has been used dye Azeris, as well as boiled against infections, including duodenal ulcers,calendula benefits bowel and colon. It is also well Azeris cleanser for the liver and gall bladder and can be used to treat specific problems of these two members. Also, this plant can be used to regulate menstruation and relieve pain and light bleeding after normal vaginal shower can be done in the case of vaginal infections.
Calendula oil is used as an antidote gardens effective fungal infections, as the petals are used externally to treat certain skin infections.
It is used in the treatment of many diseases of women,calendula benefits especially inflammation of the vagina and nipples cracks, and works as a regulator of menstruation and bearing yellow, and the emulsion is used for a long time in the treatment of cancer of the uterus.
And made into an ointment handles congestion in the toes resulting from exposure to cold, and Treatment of fractures of the hands.
The emulsion used flowers because they contain a hormone to treat sexual impotence in males.
Bandage soaked in the infusion of plant and then placed on a slow healing of wounds or sores on Varicose.
Added 10 points of 5 of Calendula oil to bath water for the treatment of nervous anxiety and depression.
Are there any products from the plant Azeris?
Yes, there are cream and jelly 7%, 10%, 4% ointment and eye drops and dye and shampoo.
何で、どのような、その利点とAzeris Mdharalodhiraon ?
菊の植物で、欧米では数ヶ月のために使用される植物の一つであり、 platoon.calendulaの車両がAzerisオレンジ色の花のユーザーに利益をもたらすように科学的にポットマリーゴールドやキンセンカとして知られていると、美しい形と元のホームですこの植物の南ヨーロッパである。
それは草本植物は、道路、キンセンカの利点に果樹園やパーティで成長し、 4060センチメートル長いハイレグを持っている、鋸歯状の葉は楕円形であり、毛の締約国の数分で覆われ、キンセンカの利益花の黄色またはオレンジ色。
Azerisは植物材料およびテルペン樹脂材料を含んでおり、 Gelokozydat一度、エッセンシャルオイルとSterolatのキンセンカ給付フェノールおよび流体材料とKorotonz 。
カレンデュラはその他の会社名、製品名、公園やQoqahan ZubaydahとKahlahなどキンセンカ恩恵によって知られている。科学的に小隊車両のカレンデュラOFFICNAL私として定義されています。
二から十パーセントとGelokozydat間、 B、C、D 、 E、Gによる三タービンSabotinatに花や植物を含む、モノまたはBseidimosziedkまたはAanolikライオンGelaako Zaidz.calendulaもそれに利益をもたらすいずれかのタイプは、 3を備えていますアルコール数多くあるタービンのほか、フラボノイドは、 0.03から0.08パーセント増加しOazothajiとKuerstanが含まれています。また、また、UティンZaakthen.calendulaの利点とは、スコポレチンやAmpelifordnとAskioltenとしてDiyderuxtkumarinが含まれている最も重要かつKorotonidat化合物が含まれています。ならびに0.02%の揮発性油比、および最も重要な化合物Alvakadenol 、キンセンカ利点ならびに複数製菓材料と流体材料と樹脂材料として。
彼は、彼のチケット内のアンティオキアダビデは「脳、キンセンカ給付胸、根性、そして腹部の害虫が出てくると家を浄化し、彼女がどこに、特に利点の悲痛砂利をflies.calendula 、廃棄物を発生させる彼から離れて実行して彼に言われたそしてAlognihは、時間さえの妊娠短期間の手でキャッチ落下男の子の歯うがい母にフィットします。腹水と脾臓黄疸決して、キンセンカのメリット関節と豚コーティングを行く。
彼は息子、私は他の上の所定の位置1で彼女の手を発見できれば、妊娠中の女性は、キンセンカの利点は彼に大きな被害を胎児に勝った大学」伝えられるところでフォークでビタールが厳しく、 cought永続とAchtmamhが胎児を落とした場合。前記その煙は、 。 Alvirranと展開からキンセンカメリットを脱出し、彼らが飲めば104ディルハムを強く嘔吐、件名で応答を行う。ハエから逃げて、鳴ったと彼を包帯バックAnaz Aanaaza平均、キンセンカの利点とトラック、キンセンカの利点とAhtmmelthが考えた場合、女性は不毛というのASTAT Basarp起点が痰の防衛の分析など、歯痛、防止します。起源であると言われ、 「ルート」とコメントした場合の利点。
ホットの3番目と無愛想な場所AEと心、キンセンカの利点を強化するが、それは喜びなしで精神の彼の側の怒りを和らげる傾向がある。脱毛酢粉末の恩恵を受ける、坐骨神経痛にカレンデュラのメリット酢灰、利益においてイブン·シーナ」 Azerisすべての毒素、特にAlldog 。
軟膏を作製する方法は、ヤギのバターと乾式混合した新鮮または砕いた花を塩漬けされた、その後の植物の花が皮膚癌を治療したようpaint.calendulaの利点を利用した植物の花をつぶしている。男性の勃起不全の治療のためのセクシーなホルモンが含まれており、それ自体が女性で月経を生成し、それに付随する痛み、月経の日付は8日と予想する前に飲むキンセンカメリットを削除し、ゆで使用ゆで花工場として言ったゆで花を飲むAzerisと長いが、子宮癌、キンセンカの利点と用量を服用する方法を緩和は花がAzerisを埋めるの1ティースプーンで熱湯をカップに充填し、冷却するために残すために追加された後、彼に大さじを与え、すべての2 hours.calendulaのメリット皮膚科の最高のレシピのAzerisだけでなく、火傷や傷や皮膚の感染症と燃える太陽だけでなく、発疹に対して使用救済。
はい、クリームやゼリー、7% 、10%、 4%の軟膏および点眼剤と染料とシャンプーがあります。
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