Good replacement for fevers and who they eat lose more weight than those who follow the diet.
Contains a substance " Noblten " useful in eliminating excess fat and burn them.
One of the best types of citrus fruits are beneficial for health because it contains vitamins and minerals
Useful in indigestion and strengthen the immune system and purifies toxins and works to build collagen
Described mandarins as one of the best types of citrus fruits are beneficial for health ,tangerine benefits because it contains a high content of vitamins and B_khasossa (A, E, C ) , and a vitamin B complex ( B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , C ) ,tangerine benefits and featuring a distinguished group of minerals that are indispensable to the body healthy , such as potassium , magnesium, calcium , iron and iodine , phosphate , sodium, manganese , zinc ,tangerine benefits and other vitamins and minerals that protect and preserve the body from serious and chronic diseases .
The scientists have found and Canadian researchers in the laboratory experiments ,tangerine benefits that tangerine or mandarin Effendi has positive effects in reducing excess weight. And that the secret of this is due to the material " Noblten " which works to resist the effects of obesity and its Mnhfah ,tangerine benefits researchers pointed out that those who ate tangerines lose more weight than those who follow a high-carbohydrate diet high in fat and poor .
The study confirmed that tangerine contains material enhanced and beneficial to health ,tangerine benefits such as flavonoids that provide the body's protection against diabetes and atherosclerosis also .. In the following lines, we learn about the health benefits and food to him and his role in the prevention of obesity and also benefits other benefits of citrus fruits and their role in maintaining the rate of sugar in the blood and protect the heart and circulatory system.tangerine benefits.
Says Jamal Saad Mahmoud , Director of Pest Control Directorate of Agriculture Cairo : citrus or citrus of Asian origin , where China is the original home of the orange ,tangerine benefits and the bitter orange and lemon Alodhalaa India is the original home grown , and the beginning of the cultivation of tangerines were in Vietnam ,tangerine benefits including the spread of citrus to the rest of the the world , and citrus of the most fruit crops production and consumption on a global level ,tangerine benefits and occupies the orange leader among the types of citrus different and followed tangerine and grapefruit , and then comes the lemon , due to the content of high nutritional value because they are rich in vitamins,tangerine benefits especially vitamin C, where between 42-55 Mellgm per cubic centimeter juice , also contain fruits vitamin B1 ( thiamine ) , vitamin B12 ( niacin ) , vitamin a ( beta carotene ) ,tangerine benefits as it is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium , and there are small amounts of other minerals such as phosphorus and bromine ,tangerine benefits chlorine, iodine, iron , sodium, copper .
It features a tangerine , that the cortex easily separable from the pulp, Vsos easy separation from each other and articles thereof months globally ( Alclamantin - Dancy - Cleopatra - Satzuma - Kara - Snatra ) .
And tells Jamal story entry tangerines to the Arab nation , was sent Muhammad Ali and to Egypt,tangerine benefits a number of scientific expeditions to study the transfer of modern science to Egypt and was one of those students named Yusuf Effendi ,tangerine benefits who brought with him when he returned from the mission some of the trees, mandarin fruit , which he bought from some traders coming from China ,tangerine benefits and when he arrived in Egypt gave some fruit to the governor Mohammad Ali Pasha, who liked their flavor , and when asked about the name of the fruit, said to him, Yusuf Effendi " Toson " the name of one of the sons of the governor , smiled and Muhammad Ali ,tangerine benefits and he said: what is your name ? Yusuf said . He ordered Muhammad Ali to call it " Yusuf Effendi ," and ordered the planting of this new fruit in the garden of Shubra Palace ,tangerine benefits I knew since then Balyousef Effendi or tangerine .
Affects the genes
Dr Abdul Rahman Afifi consultant Internists and the gastrointestinal system : the fruits of mandarin rich Balkorotanuedat and dyes Filawoonoidz ,tangerine benefits folic acid and vitamins and minerals , its positive effects is important for health , not only in the reduction of obesity and weight reduction ,tangerine benefits but also play a vital role in the prevention of diseases , it has been proven that the tangerines contain compounds and chemical properties that will prevent exposure to health problems .tangerine benefits Furthermore it is rich in " pectin " and " flavonoids " , and fiber , which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers , high blood pressure and sugar.tangerine benefits Besides the nutrients available in tangerine working to build cells and nucleic acids , and have an impact on some of the functions of genes tangerine benefits especially those responsible for obesity and accumulation of lipids in the body.
Tangerine and contain large amounts of fiber helps you feel full for a long time ,tangerine benefits and thus helps to reduce the weight , is also working material " Noblten " available in tangerine as a barrier material for fat .tangerine benefits And play an important role in helping the body to eliminate excess fat and burn them. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota,tangerine benefits to the existence of a link between the consumption of mandarin, Weight Loss , and attributed to the fact that the fruits of tangerines contain a high percentage of water and fiber , which is working on a full stomach ,tangerine benefits thus relieving the rumen and melt the fat accumulated in the body and B_khasossa in abdominal circumference and waist .
The health benefits of citrus fruits in general and ,tangerine benefits in particular, tangerine , and a great many , where useful in indigestion and strengthens the immune system and purifies the body of toxins and resists bacteria, viruses and fungi .tangerine benefits And effective in the treatment of colds and infections of the colon , osteoporosis, rheumatism and bleeding , in addition to that irresistible cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatic cancers ,tangerine benefits and is necessary to improve the functions of the kidneys , nerves, muscles , heart and digestive system , and works to build collagen is necessary for the skin ,tangerine benefits eliminates insomnia and calms the nerves and stimulates the body and strengthens bones and consideration.
Tangerine and diabetes
Stresses Dr. Lubna Abdel Fattah Haridi Professor and Head of Research Unit ,tangerine benefits Agricultural Research Center at the Institute of Food Technology , Cairo University on the importance of citrus,tangerine benefits especially tangerine and its important role in the prevention of diabetes and hardening of the arteries , where it reduces the BH blood oxidation and also the process of transferring fat harmful to the body as it reduces the risk of overload of lipoprotein LPL , which stimulates fat storage ,tangerine benefits and also relayed lipoprotein LDL cholesterol from the liver to the tissues of the body.
And the best ways to address the citrus says Dr. Lubna : prefers eating Thmradtha tangerine benefits as it is and if its age should preferably be done by juices traditional and not by electric blenders and when the work of fruit cocktail is added juice to the mixture without the use of a blender ,tangerine benefits also prefer to eat an orange or Thmrtin of tangerine those who suffer from a high percentage of salts or excess electricity in the body.
Reduces weight and resists cirrhosis of the liver and pancreas.
Good replacement for fevers and who they eat lose more weight tangerine benefits than those who follow the diet
Contains a substance " Noblten " useful in eliminating excess fat and burn them
One of the best types of citrus fruits are beneficial for health because it contains vitamins and minerals
Useful in indigestion and strengthen the immune system and purifies toxins and works to build collagen
Achieve - Mohammed Ismail and Mokhtar Abdel Hamid :
Described mandarins as one of the best types of citrus fruits are beneficial for health ,tangerine benefits because it contains a high content of vitamins and B_khasossa (A, E, C ) , and a vitamin B complex ( B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , C ) ,tangerine benefits and featuring a distinguished group of minerals that are indispensable to the body healthy , such as potassium , magnesium, calcium , iron and iodine , phosphate , sodium, manganese , zinc ,tangerine benefits and other vitamins and minerals that protect and preserve the body from serious and chronic diseases .
The scientists have found and Canadian researchers in the laboratory experiments ,tangerine benefits that tangerine or mandarin Effendi has positive effects in reducing excess weight. And that the secret of this is due to the material " Noblten " which works to resist the effects of obesity and its Mnhfah ,tangerine benefits researchers pointed out that those who ate tangerines lose more weight than those who follow a high-carbohydrate diet high in fat and poor.
The study confirmed that tangerine contains material enhanced and beneficial to health,tangerine benefits such as flavonoids that provide the body's protection against diabetes and atherosclerosis also ..tangerine benefits In the following lines, we learn about the health benefits and food to him and his role in the prevention of obesity and also benefits other benefits of citrus fruits and their role in maintaining the rate of sugar in the blood tangerine benefits and protect the heart and circulatory system.
Says Jamal Saad Mahmoud ,tangerine benefits Director of Pest Control Directorate of Agriculture Cairo : citrus or citrus of Asian origin , where China is the original home of the orange , and the bitter orange and lemon Alodhalaa India is the original home grown ,tangerine benefits and the beginning of the cultivation of tangerines were in Vietnam , including the spread of citrus to the rest of the the world ,tangerine benefits and citrus of the most fruit crops production and consumption on a global level , and occupies the orange leader among the types of citrus different and followed tangerine and grapefruit ,tangerine benefits and then comes the lemon , due to the content of high nutritional value because they are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, where between 42-55 Mellgm per cubic centimeter juice , also contain fruits vitamin B1 ( thiamine ) , vitamin B12 ( niacin ) , vitamin a ( beta carotene ) ,tangerine benefits as it is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium , and there are small amounts of other minerals such as phosphorus and bromine , chlorine, iodine, iron , sodium, copper .tangerine benefits.
It features a tangerine , that the cortex easily separable from the pulp, Vsos easy separation from each other and articles thereof months globally ( Alclamantin - Dancy - Cleopatra - Satzuma - Kara - Snatra ) .
And tells Jamal story entry tangerines to the Arab nation ,tangerine benefits was sent Muhammad Ali and to Egypt, a number of scientific expeditions to study the transfer of modern science to Egypt and was one of those students named Yusuf Effendi ,tangerine benefits who brought with him when he returned from the mission some of the trees, mandarin fruit , which he bought from some traders coming from China ,tangerine benefits and when he arrived in Egypt gave some fruit to the governor Mohammad Ali Pasha, who liked their flavor , and when asked about the name of the fruit, said to him, Yusuf Effendi " Toson " the name of one of the sons of the governor , smiled and Muhammad Ali , and he said: what is your name ? Yusuf said . He ordered Muhammad Ali to call it " Yusuf Effendi ," and ordered the planting of this new fruit in the garden of Shubra Palace , I knew since then Balyousef Effendi or tangerine .
Affects the genes
Dr Abdul Rahman Afifi consultant Internists and the gastrointestinal system : the fruits of mandarin rich Balkorotanuedat and dyes Filawoonoidz ,tangerine benefits folic acid and vitamins and minerals , its positive effects is important for health , not only in the reduction of obesity and weight reduction ,tangerine benefits but also play a vital role in the prevention of diseases , it has been proven that the tangerines contain compounds and chemical properties that will prevent exposure to health problems .tangerine benefits Furthermore it is rich in " pectin " and " flavonoids " , and fiber , which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers , high blood pressure and sugar.tangerine benefits Besides the nutrients available in tangerine working to build cells and nucleic acids , and have an impact on some of the functions of genes , especially those responsible for obesity and accumulation of lipids in the body.
Tangerine and contain large amounts of fiber helps you feel full for a long time , and thus helps to reduce the weight , is also working material " Noblten " available in tangerine as a barrier material for fat . And play an important role in helping the body to eliminate excess fat and burn them. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota, to the existence of a link between the consumption of mandarin, Weight Loss , and attributed to the fact that the fruits of tangerines contain a high percentage of water and fiber ,tangerine benefits which is working on a full stomach , thus relieving the rumen and melt the fat accumulated in the body and B_khasossa in abdominal circumference and waist .
The health benefits of citrus fruits in general and , in particular, tangerine , and a great many , where useful in indigestion and strengthens the immune system and purifies the body of toxins and resists bacteria, viruses and fungi . And effective in the treatment of colds and infections of the colon , osteoporosis, rheumatism and bleeding ,tangerine benefits in addition to that irresistible cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatic cancers , and is necessary to improve the functions of the kidneys , nerves, muscles , heart and digestive system , and works to build collagen is necessary for the skin , eliminates insomnia and calms the nerves and stimulates the body and strengthens bones and consideration.
Tangerine and diabetes
Stresses Dr. Lubna Abdel Fattah Haridi Professor and Head of Research Unit , Agricultural Research Center at the Institute of Food Technology , Cairo University on the importance of citrus, especially tangerine and its important role in the prevention of diabetes and hardening of the arteries , where it reduces the BH blood oxidation and also the process of transferring fat harmful to the body as it reduces the risk of overload of lipoprotein LPL , which stimulates fat storage , and also relayed lipoprotein LDL cholesterol from the liver to the tissues of the body.
And the best ways to address the citrus says Dr. Lubna : prefers eating Thmradtha as it is and if its age should preferably be done by juices traditional and not by electric blenders and when the work of fruit cocktail is added juice to the mixture without the use of a blender , also prefer to eat an orange or Thmrtin of tangerine those who suffer from a high percentage of salts or excess electricity in the body.
物質」 Noblten 「余分な脂肪を排除するのに役立つし、それらを燃やすが含まれています。
それはビタミンおよびB_khasossa (A、 E 、C)の含有量が高い、及びビタミンB複合体(B 1 、 B 2 、 B 3が含まれているため、柑橘類の最高の種類の一つとして記載されマンダリン健康、タンジェリンの利点のために有益である、 C ) 、タンジェリンのメリットや、カリウム、マグネシウム、カルシウム、鉄、ヨウ素、リン、ナトリウム、マンガン、亜鉛、タンジェリン給付および保護し、他のビタミンやミネラルなど、健康な体に欠かせないミネラルの著名なグループを特色深刻な慢性疾患から体を守る。
科学者はタンジェリンまたはマンダリン·エフェンディは、余分な体重を減らすのにプラスの効果を持っていることを室内実験、タンジェリンの利益に発見され、カナダの研究者している。この秘密は、肥満とそのMnhfahの影響に抵抗するために働く材料」 Noblten 」によるものであると、みかんの利点の研究者は、みかんを食べた人は、高高炭水化物食に従っている人よりも多くの重量を失うことを指摘脂肪と貧しい。
ジャマルサアドマフムード、農業カイロの害虫駆除総局のディレクターは述べています:柑橘類やアジア、中国が元のオレンジ色のホーム、タンジェリンの利点とビターオレンジとレモンAlodhalaaインドが成長し、元の家である起源、そして最初の柑橘類みかんの栽培、ベトナムの世界の残りの部分への柑橘類の普及、およびグローバルレベル、タンジェリンのメリットで最も果実作物の生産と消費の柑橘類を含むみかんの特典だったとの種類の中でオレンジ色のリーダーを占めている彼らは立方センチメートル汁ごと42から55 Mellgmの間、また、果物のビタミンが含まれている、タンジェリンの利益、特にビタミンC、ビタミンが豊富であるため、柑橘類異なり、タンジェリンとグレープフルーツを踏襲し、そして、高い栄養価の内容に、レモンが来るB1(チアミン) 、ビタミンB12 (ナイアシン)、ビタミン(ベータカロチン) 、タンジェリンの利点それは、カリウム、カルシウム、マグネシウムなどのミネラルが豊富で、かつ、リン、臭素、タンジェリンの利点として他の鉱物の少量があるので塩素、ヨウ素、鉄、ナトリウム、銅。
それはみかんが特徴、そのパルプ、 Vsos簡単に互いから分離し、グローバルヶその製品( Alclamantin - ダンシー - クレオパトラ - Satzuma - カラ - Snatra )から容易に分離皮質。
とアラブ国家にジャマルストーリーエントリみかんを伝え、モハメド·アリを送られたし、エジプトに、タンジェリン、エジプトに現代科学の転送を研究する科学的な探検の数を利点とユスフ·エフェンディ名付けた学生の1 、となっみかんのメリットだった彼と彼は任務から戻ったとき、彼は中国、タンジェリンの利益から来る一部のトレーダーから購入し、彼はエジプトに到着したとき、その味が好きだった知事モハマド·アリ·パシャにいくつかの果物を与えた木、マンダリンフルーツ、 、 、いつの一部果物の名前について尋ね、ユスフ·エフェンディ」藤村「知事の息子の一人の名前が、彼に言った、微笑んでモハメド·アリ、タンジェリンの利点と彼は言った:あなたの名前は何ですか?ユスフは言った。彼は " 、ユスフ·エフェンディ"と呼ぶようにモハメド·アリを注文しShubra宮殿、私はその後Balyousefフェンディやタンジェリンので、知っていたミカンの利点の庭で、この新しいフルーツの植栽を命じた。
博士アブドゥルラーマンAfifiコンサルタント内科や消化器系:マンダリン豊かBalkorotanuedatや染料Filawoonoidz 、タンジェリンのメリット葉酸とビタミンやミネラル、その正の効果は、肥満や軽量化、タンジェリンの削減だけでなく、健康のために重要であるの成果メリットだけでなく、疾患の予防に重要な役割を果たし、それはみかんが健康上の問題への暴露を防ぐことができます化合物および化学的性質が含まれていることが証明されています。ミカンのメリットさらにそれは「ペクチン」と「フラボノイド」が豊富であり、繊維、その細胞および核酸を構築する作業タンジェリンで利用可能な栄養素に加えて心臓病のリスクおよびいくつかの癌、高血圧およびsugar.tangerineの利益を減少させ、特に遺伝子タンジェリン利点の一部の機能に影響を与えるのに役立ち体内で肥満や脂質の蓄積の責任者。
タンジェリンと繊維を大量に含んでいる、あなたが長い間、タンジェリン給付満腹感を感じることができますので、体重を減らすのに役立ち、また、脂肪のためのバリア材料としてミカンで利用できる素材「 Noblten 」を進めています。ミカンの利点と重要な役割を果たしている余分な脂肪を除去し、それらを燃やすために体を助けることに。ミネソタ大学、ミカンの消費量、体重減少、およびみかんの果実が取り組んでいる水と繊維の割合が高いが含まれていることに起因するとの間のリンクの存在にミカンの恩恵で行われた調査で満腹、タンジェリンの利点は、このように第一胃を緩和し、腹囲と腰ボディとB_khasossaに蓄積された脂肪を溶かす。
物質」 Noblten 「余分な脂肪を排除するのに役立つし、それらを燃やすが含まれています
達成 - モハメド·イスマイルとMokhtarアブデルハミドを:
それはビタミンおよびB_khasossa (A、 E 、C)の含有量が高い、及びビタミンB複合体(B 1 、 B 2 、 B 3が含まれているため、柑橘類の最高の種類の一つとして記載されマンダリン健康、タンジェリンの利点のために有益である、 C ) 、タンジェリンのメリットや、カリウム、マグネシウム、カルシウム、鉄、ヨウ素、リン、ナトリウム、マンガン、亜鉛、タンジェリン給付および保護し、他のビタミンやミネラルなど、健康な体に欠かせないミネラルの著名なグループを特色深刻な慢性疾患から体を守る。
科学者はタンジェリンまたはマンダリン·エフェンディは、余分な体重を減らすのにプラスの効果を持っていることを室内実験、タンジェリンの利益に発見され、カナダの研究者している。この秘密は、肥満とそのMnhfahの影響に抵抗するために働く材料」 Noblten 」によるものであると、みかんの利点の研究者は、みかんを食べた人は、高高炭水化物食に従っている人よりも多くの重量を失うことを指摘脂肪と貧しい。
柑橘類やアジア原産の柑橘類、中国はオレンジ色の元のホーム、苦いオレンジとレモンAlodhalaaインドは元栽培家、タンジェリンの利点とされています:ジャマルサアドマフムード、農業カイロの害虫駆除総局のミカンの利点ディレクターは述べていますみかんの栽培の始まりは、世界、タンジェリンの利点とグローバルレベルでほとんどの果実作物の生産と消費の柑橘類の残りの部分への柑橘系の広がりを含む、ベトナムにいた、との種類の中でオレンジ色のリーダーを占めている彼らは立方センチメートル汁ごと42から55 Mellgmの間、また、果物のビタミンが含まれているビタミン、特にビタミンCが豊富であるため、異なるとタンジェリンとグレープフルーツ、タンジェリンの利点を踏襲し、柑橘類は、高い栄養価の内容に、レモンが来るB1(チアミン)、ビタミンB12(ナイアシン)、ビタミン( βカロチン) 、タンジェリンの利点は、例えば、カリウム、カルシウム、マグネシウムなどのミネラルが豊富で、かつ、リン、臭素、塩素等の他のミネラルの少量が存在するとして、ヨウ素、鉄、ナトリウム、銅。みかんの利点を。
それはみかんが特徴、そのパルプ、 Vsos簡単に互いから分離し、グローバルヶその製品( Alclamantin - ダンシー - クレオパトラ - Satzuma - カラ - Snatra )から容易に分離皮質。
とアラブ国家にジャマルストーリーエントリみかんを伝え、タンジェリン給付はモハメド·アリを送られたし、エジプトに、エジプトに現代科学の移転を研究し、科学的遠征の数は、ユスフ·エフェンディ名付けた学生の1 、となっみかんのメリットだった彼と彼は任務から戻ったとき、彼は中国、タンジェリンの利益から来る一部のトレーダーから購入し、彼はエジプトに到着したとき、その味が好きだった知事モハマド·アリ·パシャにいくつかの果物を与えた木、マンダリンフルーツ、 、 、いつの一部果物の名前について尋ね、ユスフ·エフェンディ」藤村「知事の息子の一人の名前、微笑んで、モハメド·アリは、彼に言った、と彼は言った:あなたの名前は何ですか?ユスフは言った。彼は " 、ユスフ·エフェンディ"と呼ぶようにモハメド·アリを注文しShubra宮殿の庭で、この新しいフルーツの植栽を命じ、私はそれ以来知っていたBalyousef上流階級やタンジェリン。
博士アブドゥルラーマンAfifiコンサルタント内科や消化器系:マンダリン豊かBalkorotanuedatや染料Filawoonoidz 、タンジェリンのメリット葉酸とビタミンやミネラル、その正の効果は、肥満や軽量化、タンジェリンの削減だけでなく、健康のために重要であるの成果メリットだけでなく、疾患の予防に重要な役割を果たし、それはみかんが健康上の問題への暴露を防ぐことができます化合物および化学的性質が含まれていることが証明されています。ミカンのメリットさらにそれは「ペクチン」と「フラボノイド」が豊富であり、繊維、これは特に、心臓病のリスクおよびいくつかの癌、高血圧、細胞および核酸を構築する作業タンジェリンで利用可能な栄養素に加えsugar.tangerineの利益を減少させ、遺伝子の機能のいくつかに影響を与えるのに役立ち体内で肥満や脂質の蓄積に関与。
タンジェリンと繊維を大量に含まれているでは、長い間満腹感を感じることができますので、体重を減らすのに役立ち、また、脂肪のためのバリア材料としてミカンで利用できる素材「 Noblten 」を進めています。そして余分な脂肪を除去し、それらを燃やすために体を助けることに重要な役割を果たしている。みかんの消費量、体重減少、およびみかんの果実が取り組んでいる水と繊維の割合が高い、タンジェリンの利益が含まれていることに起因するとの間のリンクが存在するために、ミネソタ大学で行わ調査満腹、このように第一胃を緩和し、腹囲と腰ボディとB_khasossaに蓄積された脂肪を溶かす。
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