David says in his
Rue plant that is known
is of two types,stinkweeds a white Arab, and a red, a commoner known and called
Persian Esfand. And public calls lock Deeb or Rue, a plant rises one-third of
traverse and branching frequently, and has paper as paper willow,stinkweeds and
it rounder and the flower White succeeds conditions round triangular inside the
right black Kkherdl fast Altfrck heavy Alrathh, realizes Oathl June, and the
remaining strength of four years,stinkweeds which is hot in the last second
crusty in the third, going Albardan and Omradhma headaches and strokes and
Allqoh and numbness, tetanus and sciatica, madness and the like, epilepsy,
pain,stinkweeds hips and abdominal cramps, fatigue, colic, jaundice and Sudd
edema, forgetfulness and improves colors and eliminates sag and irritability
drink and paint.
If washing Rue with
fresh water and then crushed and beaten with hot water and Alcherj,stinkweeds
honey and drinking pure stomach, chest, head and upper body of phlegm and
Allzojat malicious vomiting purification does not amend, the other, though
cooking juice or drink and drink thirty days healed of headaches ancient
epilepsy,stinkweeds chronic and re-load after stop him, and a sign His goodness
vomiting least, and if you drink twelve days consecutive cut sciatica, and if
Tsat Basarth Uma cook it pure red eye and cut calamity,stinkweeds and if boiled
in water radish, oil, Qatar has removed deafness and echoed the ear and the
forces of hearing and Galloway whiteness Ekhala conjunctivitis and toothache of
incense,stinkweeds and if you mix with Albozor and knead with honey and Uzm
used to go shortness of breath, is added to the glass Muharraq drew gravel and
turn menstruation, urine and shitty milk,stinkweeds and with the water
Alrazyanj, saffron and honey drink and bitterness chicken removes weakness
Alcatn for fullness and locked up steam Sherpa and coating,stinkweeds and if
cooking with vinegar and Ntalt by members of its forces and black hair and
removed numbness, or water and fat adults and Tamoda the drink removed
tuberculosis and liver disease.
He inherited nausea,
headaches and forfeits pomegranate Elms,stinkweeds apples or Alexanajabin and
drank to the weight and drink to ounces, it was: the suit Alqirdmana and it was
said that the requirement Therbh for women is powder,stinkweeds and scrub with
hot water after Guelleh and dried and filtered and drink for vomiting and
applied it to the epilepsy part in Atherin part of the Drink or juice and taken
every day Oqatan.
Rue used since ancient
times and has a long history of uses in traditional Arab medicine.
Rue amount of cooking in
a quarter kilo liter and a half of water,stinkweeds and cook until well remains
almost a liter of water, break it epileptic period of thirty days in the amount
of two tablespoons spoon, honey large,stinkweeds the curse of epilepsy go away,
even if, God willing, chronic 0
Cooking patient Aoukatin
amount of Rue in a liter of water, and then deals with its water infected by a
spoon in the morning and again at lunch and dinner in the third for a
week,stinkweeds the head of chronic headache go away, God willing.
The paper uses boiled
Rue widely for the treatment of diabetes.
Toothpaste Rue: Rue
beats and cooking in oil and then break the nut infected by a period of seven
days on an empty stinkweeds stomach heals of the following diseases:
Knee soreness and aching
legs hands and feet - wrench Hemorrhoids - inflatable belly .
Ibn Sina says:
Rue: essence: it is
Actions and properties:
clip soothing.
Machines joints: good
for the joints ache and coated it.
Members of the eye:
Deskoraydos said: It is the crush honey and drink and bitterness Alqubj or
chicken and water stinkweeds approved visual impairment.
Members of Food: Agthe
Alinvd members: Leader
urine and menstrual strongly Sherpa and coating and also benefit from colic
drink and paint.
知られている通り、プラントは、 2つのタイプがあり、白のアラブのstinkweeds 、赤、知られており、ペルシャEsfand呼ば平民。と公共のコールがDeebや通りをロック、植物はトラバースの三分の一と頻繁に分岐を上昇し、紙の柳、 stinkweedsとして紙を持ち、オールラウンダーそれと花は白を実現、右黒Kkherdl速いAltfrck重いAlrathh内側条件丸い三角形を成功Oathl 6月、第三、行くAlbardanとOmradhma頭痛や脳卒中とAllqohやしびれ、破傷風や坐骨神経痛、狂気などを、てんかん、痛み、 stinkweedsの最後の二無愛想に暑い4年間、 stinkweedsの残りの強さ腰と腹部痙攣、疲労、疝痛、黄疸やスッド浮腫、物忘れや色を改善し、たるみや過敏ドリンクや塗料を除去します。
洗濯真水で通り、その後粉砕し、熱水とAlcherjで殴らは、蜂蜜をstinkweeds 、飲料、純粋な胃、胸、頭部や痰やAllzojat悪意のある嘔吐浄化の上半身は、ジュースを調理するのに、他のを修正したり飲んだりしていない場合頭痛古代てんかんの治癒し30日を飲んで、慢性的にstinkweeds 、再ロード後に彼を停止し、彼の良さは、少なくとも嘔吐記号、あなたは12日の連続したカット坐骨神経痛を飲む場合、およびTSAT Basarthユマはそれを純粋な赤目を調理し、災難を切った場合、 stinkweeds水大根、油で煮た場合、カタールは難聴を削除し、耳にこだましていると聞き、ギャロウェイ白さEkhala結膜炎や線香、 stinkweedsの歯痛、あなたがAlbozorと混合し、蜂蜜とUZMで混練した場合に行くために使用されるの勢力息切れは、 Alrazyanj 、サフランと蜂蜜のドリンクと苦味の鶏が満腹のための弱点Alcatnを削除し、蒸気シェルパとコーティングをロックアップし、 stinkweedsとムハッラクが砂利を描き、月経、尿やくだらない牛乳、 stinkweedsを回してガラスにし、水を加えているその力と黒髪のメンバーと削除しびれ、または水と脂肪大人とTamodaで酢とNtaltで調理した場合、ドリンクは結核や肝疾患を削除しました。
スーツAlqirdmana 、それは女性のための要件Therbhは後の粉末、 stinkweedsやお湯できれいになると言われていました:彼は、吐き気を継承した頭痛や没収はエルムズをザクロ、リンゴやAlexanajabinをstinkweedsと重量に飲み、オンスに飲む、それがあったGuellehし、乾燥し、濾過し、嘔吐のために飲んで、ドリンクやジュースのAtherin部におけるてんかんの部分に適用し、毎日Oqatanを放った。
四半期キロリットルと水、 stinkweedsの半分に調理し、よくなるまで煮るの通り量は、それを2大さじスプーンの量、大蜂蜜中30日間のてんかん期間を破る、ほとんどリットルの水のままてんかんの呪いをstinkweeds 、離れて行くとしても、神喜んで、慢性0
リットルの水に通りの患者Aoukatin量を調理した後、午前中にスプーンと再び週の3分のランチとディナーにに感染し、その水を扱って、神喜んで、慢性頭痛の頭が消えるstinkweeds 。
膝の痛みと痛む足手と足 - レンチ痔 - インフレータブル腹。
通り:エッセンス: itが知られている。
目のメンバー: Deskoraydosは言った:それはクラッシュ蜂蜜と飲み物と苦味Alqubjや視覚障害を承認した鶏肉と水stinkweedsです。
食べ物のメンバー: Agthe強く。
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