Integrated food
Sure, that man can not eat according to his wish and whim Food is proper provides the body depend on their needs daily nutrients ,staples food and where Anannasr food available in the foods you eat , and there is no one food contains Alyba nutrients needed by the body ,staples food this should eat a varied and balanced everyday!
Key elements of food :
Food consists of integrated health and Alveajb everyone taken daily from multiple nutritional elements ,staples food and the elements are divided Algmaihaly six main sections are
1 - proteins
2 - Carbohydrates
3 - fats
4 - vitamins
5 - mineral salts
6 - Water
Moedkimawih protein complex organic composition enters the installed elements carbon and hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen ,staples food and some of them contain other elements such as sulfur, iron , phosphorus and proteins of the most important substances to humans because they are involved in the installation of every living cell staples food and the other most important Havoaúd
1 - The protein between cells and body tissue and makes this Alansjhtamr and works to repair damaged ones
2 - becomes the protein of the heat sources in Algesmvi special circumstances and that Anddma less carbohydrates and fat ,staples food and are useful for the growth of the fetus of pregnant and breastfeeding women Andalmroh
3 - Some secretions and bodily fluids on the job in Kturkebha protein which Imojleuen blood staples food and hormones and enzymes
4 - Albrootinaaml important to give the body resistant to diseases and the protein is available in the following articles
* Carbohydrates
Alazawah carbohydrate materials and are made up of elements of oxygen and hydrogen and carbon and are important for the body and have multiple benefits ,staples food mainly generating Taqhahararia when decomposition within the human body and this thermal energy to help the body Alyalkiem in his works and deeds daily staples food
Sources of carbohydrates
Rice - bread,staples food pasta and sugar - jam and sweets of all kinds
* Fat
Fat organic chemicals Tntekon elements of carbon and hydrogen and Takhtlvnsptha in carbohydrates and fat and bodily functions and its most important staples food
1 - To provide thermal Algesmbtaqh
2 - Thvd intestines internal shocks configure lining Holalamaae
3 - fats contain the crisis on the raw materials for the growth of the human body
4 - keeps the body temperature
5 - individual notice of satiety after eating them
6 - Tkspalatama desirable flavor and taste
* Vitamins
Vitamins vehicles Aazavihla life where neighborhoods are manufactured in plants and animals to sustain life and must Ttoverwa food because the body can not manufacture in sufficient quantities with the exception of vitamin D ,staples food which Asnahalgesm as a result of exposure to sunlight
Vitamins are divided into two
1 - water soluble vitamins include - c - and the group - with the vehicle and is available in orange and other citrus fruits such as lemon,staples food milk and eggs
2 - soluble vitamins in Aldhenneatveetamen - a - d - e - k - and the most important sources of milk, butter, eggs, cod liver oil , vegetables
* Mineral salts
Called inorganic elements and are found in very small quantities Gesmalansan 4% of body weight , but needed rights of Sahhdjidh and her Daúv many of them in the body
1 - Position structural building tissues and bones
2 - Effectiveness of the regulatory function organized body
* Water
Akonalme 70% of the human body and weight and is essential for everyone and has many benefits , including
1 - to Ataatm digestive processes ,staples food but the existence of water
2 - enters in the composition of the body such as blood - enzymes - hormones
And peace ,staples food mercy and blessings of God and praying to the Almighty to be.
食べ物はAlgmaihaly 6主なセクションがあり、統合、健康で構成され、複数の栄養素、ステープル食品や要素から毎日取らAlveajb誰もが分割されている
1 - タンパク質
2 - 炭水化物
3 - 脂肪
4 - ビタミン
5 - ミネラル塩
水 - 6
1 - 細胞および体組織との間のタンパク質およびこのAlansjhtamrを行い、損傷したものを修復するために動作する
2 - Algesmvi特殊な状況にあると、その熱源のタンパク質になるAnddma少なく、炭水化物や脂肪、ステープル食品や妊娠中や授乳中の女性の胎児Andalmrohの成長に役立ちます
3 - Kturkebhaタンパク質中の仕事の一部の分泌物や体液どのImojleuen血液ステープル食品やホルモンや酵素
4 - 病気とタンパク質に耐性の体を与えることが重要Albrootinaamlは、以下の記事で提供されています
ライス - パン、ステープル食品パスタと砂糖 - ジャム、すべての種類のお菓子
1 - 熱Algesmbtaqhを提供するために、
2 - Thvd腸内部ショックはHolalamaaeを裏打ちする設定
3 - 脂肪は、人体の成長のための原料に危機を含有
4 - 体温を保つ
5 - それらを食べた後満腹の個別の通知
6 - Tkspalatama望ましい風味
1 - 車両とし、レモン、ステープル食品牛乳や卵などのオレンジと他の柑橘類に提供されています - C - - とグループを水溶性ビタミンは、
2 - Aldhenneatveetamen中の水溶性ビタミン - - D - E - K - 牛乳、バター、卵、タラ肝油、野菜の中で最も重要な情報源
1 - 位置、構造、建物組織および骨
2 - 調節機能に組織体の有効性
人体や体重のAkonalme 70%は誰にとっても不可欠であり、など、多くの利点を持っている
1 - 消化過程、ステープル食糧が、水の存在をAtaatmする
2 - 血液のような体の組成中に入る - 酵素を - ホルモン
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