Tea is one of the most famous drinks in science as well as water ,types of tea which contains a lot of health benefits :
- Black tea : the most common , accounting for 75 % of global consumption of tea , made from the leaves of Camellia branching ,types of tea which are usually wrapped and fermented and then dried and milled . Black tea has a bitter taste and has the largest percentage of caffeine (40 mg per cup ) .
Health Benefits: Black tea contains high concentrations of compounds known as antioxidants and Thiaflavin Thiarobiqin which has been linked to reduce cholesterol levels ,types of tea the study showed that people who drank more than three cups of black tea a day may decrease their risk of stroke by 21 % .
- Green tea : green tea taste nicer than black tea , where the leaves are drying and heat treated after harvest ,types of tea which prevents fermentation process and contains 25 mg of caffeine per cup .
Health Benefits: Green tea million vehicles Alkatychen antioxidants which may prevent infection with everything from cancer to heart disease.types of tea The study found that each cup of green tea are drunk daily reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels by 10%.
- Oolong tea : black tea -like , but it is fermented for a shorter ,types of tea giving it a richer taste and contains 30 mg of caffeine per cup .
Health Benefits: may contribute to weight loss where activates enzymes responsible for the melting of triglycerides .types of tea Study showed that women who drink Chinese tea burns calories during the two hours of time Aktrmen women who drink only water .
- Tea : White is picking his cards early and so he has a lighter flavor compared to other types and the less percentage of caffeine (15 mg per cup )types of tea and tea solution may contain more antioxidants compared to teas in the bags , because the papers have undergone a manufacturing less .
Health Benefits: It has many benefits for the protection of heart disease and cancer as some research suggests that it may provide some benefit for patients with diabetes ,types of tea where a study found that white tea Hassan of glucose tolerance and reduced low-density cholesterol .
- Tea flavors : aromatic additives are incorporated Kalqrfah and orange peel and lavender leaves types of tea,green tea or black or white .
Health benefits: tea , flavored with the same levels of antioxidants and the same kinds of benefits to non- flavored ,types of tea but the types of fruit flavored important Kaltot may contain more antioxidants .
- Herbal teas : actually is not herbal tea varieties of tea is usually made by merging some dried fruit, flowers and herbs .types of tea It also does not contain caffeine and herbs should avoid herbal teas for weight loss because they contain dangerous laxatives .
Health benefits: study showed that drinking three cups of hibiscus tea a day may reduce blood pressure for people with high blood pressure and no suggestion that chamomile tea may encourage sleep and peppermint tea may calm the stomach.
- 黒茶:最も一般的な、分岐ツバキの葉から作ったお茶の世界的な消費の75 %を占め、通常はラップされ、発酵した後、乾燥させて粉砕されるお茶の種類。黒茶は、苦味があり、カフェインの最大の割合(カップあたり40 mg)を持っています。
健康上の利点:黒茶は、コレステロールレベルを減少させるためにリンクされている酸化防止剤およびThiaflavin Thiarobiqinとして知られている化合物の高濃度を含有する、茶の種類は研究は、紅茶日以上3杯飲んだ人々が脳卒中のリスクを減少させることができることを示した21% 。
- 緑茶:葉は乾燥させ、収穫後に熱処理された紅茶、より緑茶の味よりよい、発酵プロセスを防ぎ、杯あたりのカフェイン25ミリグラムが含まれているお茶の種類。
健康上の利点:がんによる茶研究の心臓disease.typesにすべての感染を防ぐことができる抗酸化物質Alkatychen緑茶万台は、緑茶の各カップは10% 、心臓病や血管のリスクを低減し、毎日酔っていることがわかった。
- ウーロン茶:紅茶に似たが、それはお茶の短い方、種類、それをより豊かな味を与え、杯あたりのカフェイン30ミリグラムが含まれているために発酵させる。
- ティー:ホワイト初期の彼のカードを選んでいるので、彼は、他のタイプおよびカフェインの少ない割合(杯あたり15mg)を茶、紅茶液の種類袋に茶に比べてより多くの抗酸化物質が含まれている可能性に比べて軽い風味を持っているので論文は、製造あまり受けています。
- 茶の味:芳香族添加剤はKalqrfahを組み込み、オレンジピール、ラベンダー、お茶の種類、緑茶や黒または白を残している。
- ハーブティーは:実際にお茶のハーブティーの品種は通常、いくつかのドライフルーツ、花やハーブをマージすることによって行われていないお茶の種類はまた、カフェインが含まれていないと、彼らは危険な下剤が含まれているため、ハーブの減量のためにハーブティーを避ける必要があります。 。
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