Research results are still mixed about the necessity of health
New York : Rooney Karen Rabin *
Can we reduce the risk of cancer by eating a daily multivitamin ? Researchers at the University announced « Boston » Finally,multivitamin benefits the results of the largest experiments in the long term for multivitamins «multivitamins» in the United States , which included 14 thousand male physicians , aged fifty and older and lasted for more than ten years .multivitamin benefits The experiments found that eating a range of essential vitamins and minerals every day reduces the risk of cancer by 8 per cent,multivitamin benefits compared to a tablet of placebo.
* Taking a multivitamin
* Category benefited the most were from men who have had cancer at an early age of their lives,multivitamin benefits according to the study revealed . As well as decreased mortality due to cancer among those taking vitamins , despite the paucity of this . It is intriguing that a diet that includes vitamin supplements did not reduce the incidence of prostate cancer ,multivitamin benefits the most common type of cancer in men. As well as the researchers looked at the side effects and found that taking vitamins on a daily basis , but did not cause the problems as simple as a rash temporary .
And despite the fact that the ratio of 8 per cent is only a small percentage ,multivitamin benefits Dr. Demetrius Albenz , senior researcher at the National Cancer Institute , says that the potential impact on public health considerably. He explained : « If I thought about the hundreds of thousands of new cancer cases that occur each year ,multivitamin benefits you will realize that the ratio of 8 per cent is a big plus » . However, no one rushes toward urged Americans to eat multivitamins .multivitamin benefits And despite the fact that half of the population is already dealing with the types of supplements , were the results of previous studies mixed.
* Balanced diet
* Experience has been shut down a large number of food items that are believed to be resistant to cancer ahead of schedule due to adverse consequences ;multivitamin benefits terms led to increased risk of the disease rather than downgrade . It encourages the current federal dietary guidelines and recommendations of the American Cancer Society people to eat a balanced diet containing plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Until this moment , there is a consensus that there is no sufficient evidence to support eating a multivitamin to prevent cancer or other chronic diseases .multivitamin benefits In spite of that the result of the experiment large conducted in the territory of Anxian China was the low risk of stomach cancer in people who ate a variety of vitamins , including vitamin « E » and selenium and beta-carotene ,multivitamin benefits have suffered these problems feeding chronic and spread , including cancer of the stomach more than spread in the United States .
A report issued by the National Institutes of Health in 2006 to lack of sufficient evidence on the benefits or disadvantages of multi-vitamins and minerals.multivitamin benefits The Institute of Medicine recently warned people taking supplements of calcium and vitamin « de » saying that healthy adults do not need it,multivitamin benefits and that there is a relationship between high doses of calcium and between kidney stones and heart disease. Also pointed out that taking high doses of vitamin « de » may be harmful .
Said Dr. Michael Gaziano ,multivitamin benefits a specialist in diseases of the heart of the University « Brigham » In Women's Hospital and Health Care System in Boston and a prominent authors in this study ,multivitamin benefits the main reason to take multivitamins is to prevent nutritional problems remain as well.
However, the role of frequency in predicting eating multivitamins in reducing the incidence of cancer .multivitamin benefits He pointed out that the common hypothesis is that there are certain vitamins, antioxidants protect cells from aging oxidative damage caused by free radicals and atoms that make up because of the adverse metabolic processes within cells .
* Results of the study
* The study doctors kind of practical experience that can be relied upon to determine cause and effect. Dealt with one of the two vitamins varied randomly ,multivitamin benefits while the other group took a placebo . Nevertheless can not be considered as a sample to represent the population dramatically .
The doctors were a homogenous group well-educated to a large extent ;multivitamin benefits terms were not reflect the ethnic diversity in the population and there was a large number of smokers among them .multivitamin benefits Nor was there any women .
Said Margie Mcleok , specialist epidemic diseases related to nutrition : « The results were promising ,multivitamin benefits but we want to make sure that it has the same effect on the various factions of the population do not cause damage to them , and try to replicate these findings to determine whether to ratify the women,multivitamin benefits smokers and other categories also ordered worth trying » . Mac Mcleok also pointed to the presence of different combinations of vitamins ,multivitamin benefits and that the results of the experiment related to the group that was used during the study. The company donated « Pfizer » group vitamins , dubbed « Centrum Silver » ,multivitamin benefits but the company changed its structure since the beginning of the experiment ; where reduced the amount of vitamin « AIX » For example , she supplements Litwin and lycopene .
* Mixed results
* Experts say addresses of vitamins generally enjoy good health,multivitamin benefits to some extent, and usually care about following a healthy varied diet and watching their weight and exercise .multivitamin benefits Not always clear that what they get from the benefits attributed to vitamins that are found in the disks.
Says David Hardt , a senior dietitian at the Center for Science in the service of the public interest in Washington : « vitamins represent a mystery ,multivitamin benefits it is a kind of magical items . There is some truth in it ; because vitamins are essential for life. But to say that human life for long or that he will live his life in better health if you eat food, vitamins or enhanced by , this is difficult to prove » .multivitamin benefits The pressure center during the current year on the company « Pfizer » to change the card carried by the tray « Centrum » which claims that this group of multi- vitamins promote breast health and colon.
Must be done to prove the validity of these allegations by the Food and Drug Administration before anything,multivitamin benefits even if this card were not explicitly tell that these supplements prevent cancer ; center where he sees it carries an implicit message so.
Experts feel specifically concerned about unleashing this enthusiasm before reaching scientific evidence supported because the results of experiments ,multivitamin benefits which were conducted on vitamins , mixed eerily . She explained Two separate injury smokers took overdoses of beta-carotene supplements on lung cancer of a sudden more than those who took a placebo .multivitamin benefits It is believed that beta-carotene is useful in the prevention of cancer , but it seems that the overdose caused the damage to the lung smokers respect to the tape genetic rather than protect them from the disease in the words of Dr. Mcleok .
The results of another study, participated by 35 thousand men took vitamin « E » and selenium in the hope that it limits of contracting prostate cancer ,multivitamin benefits frustrating. While that can harm the lack of some food rights, can also result in an increase of these substances also explains Dr. Joel Mason , professor of medicine and nutrition at Tufts University .
There are materials and nutrients such as vitamins and drugs , should be used as much as a specific benefit them even a concept called Dr. Joel and his colleagues « Goldilocks phenomenon » . Mason says : « I think that there is clear evidence that folic acid deficiency may increase the risk of colon cancer as well as a number of other cancers .multivitamin benefits Folic acid is an essential element in the formation and renewal of the genetic tape » .
However, it does not seem that eating people ,multivitamin benefits who do not suffer the problems of nutrition , supplements of folic acid reduces the risk of cancer , but some studies have shown that people eating an overdose of folic acid leads to counterproductive ; terms may increase the risk of colon cancer In the words of Mason .
Of important observations made in the new study is that it is safe to eat a variety of vitamins daily . In the opinion of Dr. Albenz that this may help in shaping the direction of research in the future .multivitamin benefits The Albenz saying : « led to believe that if eating a small amount of something is good , it handled a greater quantity of it better , to the experiences of non- productive ,multivitamin benefits especially eating larger doses . This leads towards the kinds of doses that should be considered to represent protection . This is a thought provoking » .
* Service « New York Times » .
我々は毎日マルチビタミンを食べることによって、がんのリスクを減らすことはできますか?大学の研究者が発表さ«ボストン»最後に、マルチビタミンのメリットマルチビタミンは«マルチビタミン»のため、長期的には50歳以上の14000男性の医師を、含まれており、 10年以上続いた米国で最大規模の実験結果。マルチビタミンの利点毎日の必須ビタミンとミネラルの範囲を食べるとプラセボの錠剤に比べて、パーセント8でマルチビタミンの利点ががんのリスクを減少させることを発見実験。
そして8パーセントの比率はわずかな割合、マルチビタミンのメリット博士ディミートリアスAlbenz 、米国国立がん研究所の上級研究員であるという事実にもかかわらず、その公衆衛生上の潜在的な影響がかなり言う。彼は説明した: «私は毎年発生新しい癌症例の数十万人を考えた場合には、マルチビタミンの利点を使用すると、 8パーセントの比率は大きなプラスであると認識するでしょう» 。しかし、誰も。マルチビタミンを食べるように促したアメリカ人に向けてマルチビタミンの利点が殺到せず、人口の半分がすでにサプリメントの種類を扱っているという事実にもかかわらず、混合前の調査の結果であった。
むしろダウングレードよりも疾患のリスクの増加につながったマルチビタミンメリット規約、 *経験は、不利な結果に前倒し癌に耐性であると考えられている食品を大量にシャットダウンされました。これは、果物や野菜をたっぷり含んだバランスの取れた食事を食べるために、現在の連邦栄養ガイドラインと米国癌学会の人々の勧告を奨励しています。
この瞬間まで、がんや他の慢性疾患を予防するためにマルチビタミンを食べて支持する十分な証拠がないことをコンセンサスが存在する。大安県は中国の領土で行われた実験の結果は、低リスクであったことにもかかわらず、マルチビタミンのメリットビタミン"E" 、セレンやベータカロチンなどのビタミンの様々な食べた人々 、中に胃がんのため、マルチビタミンの利点は、米国で拡散する以外には、胃の癌などの慢性および普及を供給し、これらの問題を、苦戦している。
*頼ることができるような実践的な経験の研究の医師は原因と結果を決定する。他のグループは偽薬を取ったながら、 2ビタミンの1を扱っは、ランダムにマルチビタミンの利点を変える。それにもかかわらず、劇的集団を表すために、試料とみなすことはできない。
マージーMcleok 、栄養に関連する専門家の流行病は言った: «結果は、マルチビタミンの利点を約束したが、我々はそれがそれらに損傷を与えており、これらを複製しようとしない住民の様々な派閥で同じ効果を持つことを確認するには女性、マルチビタミンのメリット喫煙者および他のカテゴリを批准するかどうかを判断する調査結果はまた»を試してみる価値が注文しました。マックMcleokもビタミン、マルチビタミンの利点と研究の間に使用されたグループに関連する実験の結果は、様々な組み合わせの存在を指摘した。当社は、 «ファイザー»グループビタミンを寄贈«セントラムシルバー» 、マルチビタミンのメリット吹き替えが、同社は、実験開始以来、その構造を変更し、ビタミン«のAIX »の量を減少たとえば、彼女がリトウィンとリコピンを補足するところ。
デビッド·ハルト、ワシントンで公共の利益のサービス科学センターのシニア栄養士は言う: «ビタミンは、それが魔法のアイテムの一種である謎、マルチビタミンの利点を表しています。いくつかの真実がそこにあります。ビタミンは生命に不可欠だからである。しかし、長い間、またはあなたが食品、ビタミン又はによって強化を食べれば、彼はよりよい健康の彼の人生を生きることのために、人間の人生は、これは»を証明することは困難であると言うこと。マルチビタミンの利点をプレッシャセンタ会社«上、現在の年ファイザー»の中にマルチビタミンのこのグループは、乳房の健康とコロンを促進すると主張しているトレイ«セントラム»によって運ばカードを変更します。
素材やビタミンや薬などの栄養素がありますが、具体的な利点としては、博士ジョエルと彼の同僚は呼ばれていてもコンセプトは«ゴルディロックス現象の»を限り使用すべきである。メイソンは言う: «私は葉酸欠乏は大腸癌のリスクだけでなく、他の癌の数を増やすことは明らかな証拠があると考えて総合ビタミンメリット葉酸遺伝テープの形成及び更新に不可欠な要素です。 » 。
新しい研究で行われた重要な観察のそれは日々のビタミンの様々な食べても安全であるということである。これは今後の研究の方向性を形成する上で役立つことが博士Albenzの意見ではマルチビタミンのメリットと言っAlbenz : «何かを少量食べて良ければ、それは良いことより多くの量を処理していることを信じるようにつながった、特に大規模な用量を食べて非生産的な、マルチビタミンの利点の経験に。これは保護を表現するために考慮されるべき投与量の種類に向けて導く。これは思考させられる»です。
*サービス«ニューヨークタイムズ» 。
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