The most beautiful fruit pomegranate .. Eaten by hungry and satiated
Contains the fruit of sweet pomegranate to 10.1% sugars 0.1 % citric acid , 84.20 % water,Pomegranate peel 2.91 % ash 0.3 % protein , 2.91 % fiber materials Afsip elements once and vitamins (A, B, C) and only a small amount of iron, phosphorus, sulfur , lime ,Pomegranate peel potash In its seeds and manganese increase the percentage of fatty substances 7-9 % .
Scientists have discovered that the pomegranate is rich in elements of food and vitamins,Pomegranate peel and has properties of both preventive and remedial great is the pain reliever and a reduced heat and useful in cases of extreme thirst during hot weather and astringent for diarrhea and anti- bleeding ,Pomegranate peel especially caused by hemorrhoids and mucous membranes .
The juice will cure some cases of headaches and eye diseases ,Pomegranate peel especially considering the weakness though boiled pomegranate blossoms useful in the treatment of gum disease and Atralha .
And pomegranate benefit to cases of fever and severe chronic diarrhea and dysentery Alombah and expel intestinal worms ,Pomegranate peel especially tapeworms and treatment of hemorrhoids , as it is beneficial to the cold , cold and treatment of skin diseases , scabies and that mixing powder Akecorh dry with honey and used daily in the form of topical cream .
Pharaohs has been known to kill worms abdomen by burning pomegranate peel and mixed with honey ,Pomegranate peel and this mixture of fats benefit to remove the effects of smallpox and the Thar scorched crust on chronic wounds and sores heal it .
Pomegranate flowers and help in addition to stop the bleeding and treat chronic diarrhea,Pomegranate peel gonorrhea cut white from the vagina .
Other topics
Benefits of pomegranate
Herbal alternative to modern medicine in diabetes
** Herbs and health benefits **
_ Special file for rollover fruits and vegetables and citrus _
Has been reported in several novels of the household of infallibility and prophecy recommend eating pomegranate and describe some of the advantages confirmed by modern medicine some of which are narrated from Imam Ali ( peace be upon him ) said: EAT pomegranate Bahmh it tanner of the stomach ,Pomegranate peel and he ( peace be upon him ) : fed your children in. pomegranate it faster to their tongues . He ( peace be upon him ) to Sasap bin Souhan : with the whole crust ( with no fat ),Pomegranate peel it goes drilling ( zero above the teeth ) and evaporation ( stinking in the mouth ) and self- pleasure .
And Imam Reza ( peace be upon him ) : eat pomegranate over the man in the water and improves a child ,Pomegranate peel and Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ( peace be upon him ) said : EAT pomegranate denies your mouth .
He Alaasm in his system :
The master of the pomegranate fruit to eat Gai p satiated
Illuminate the hearts of the people of religion and doctrine and the dreaded weevil
Pomegranate syrup opens the arteries and protects against stroke and dementia
The consumption of a small amount of syrup pomegranate a day may sound ensures the enjoyment of the arteries young and flexible ..Pomegranate peel This has been demonstrated in a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently .
Researchers have found that eating a small amount of pomegranate syrup every day reflects sclerosis and stenosis in the carotid arteries feeding the neck and the brain ,Pomegranate peel which helps in the prevention of complications of arterial sclerosis causes strokes and cerebrovascular disease dementia .
Experts have attributed these benefits to pomegranate syrup sang a wide range of materials strong antioxidant Pomegranate peel such as vehicles and tannin and phenolic Anthusyaninn oxidation processes that hinder low-density lipoproteins bearing bad cholesterol and cause hardening of the arteries .
The researchers follow-up of 19 people with hardening of the carotid arteries ,Pomegranate peel consumed 10 of them 50 Melleltr , less than two ounces of syrup of pomegranate daily , without change of eating habits or lifestyles and continued patients with hypertension or cholesterol of them in the use of their medicine ,Pomegranate peel with a measurement of the degree of hardening arteries have at the beginning of the study and again after one year using ultrasound that determine the thickness of the layers for internal blood vessels.
Other topics
Benefits of pomegranate
Herbal alternative to modern medicine in diabetes
** Herbs and health benefits **
_ Special file for rollover fruits and vegetables and citrus _
After one year, the researchers found that the severity of arterial sclerosis fallen by about 35 per cent in the group that consumed a drink pomegranate ,Pomegranate peel while increased by about 9 per cent in the group that did not eat as decreased systolic blood pressure or pressure reading upper 174 mm Hg at the beginning of the study to 153 mm Hg after one year.
The scientists explained that the pomegranate syrup makes bad cholesterol less sensitive to oxidation , and this effect ,Pomegranate peel in addition to its role in lowering systolic blood pressure may explain the positive improvements in the amount of arterial sclerosis . The pomegranate is a fruit of the Holy when many of the peoples of the world and in many religions, it is a symbol of life and reproduction and marriage in Greek mythology ,Pomegranate peel also known as medical characteristics for a long time , and modern science has proven benefits for the heart and arteries and the brain and its role
Benefits of pomegranate peel
- If boiling pomegranate peel and rinse it forces the gums
2 - If you boil drinking pomegranate peel and was useful in cases of diarrhea
3 - According to the boiling it in cases of acute dysentery
4 - If you take the dried pomegranate peel and grind until it becomes smooth and knead honey and bandaged by the lower abdomen and chest benefit of hemoptysis
5 - If Astnjy Bamola it cut the blood from bleeding hemorrhoids
6 - If drinking boiled pomegranate peel cut phlegm stomach acid
7 - raised goes smallpox if burned and mixing honey and raised by plating consecutive days
The benefits of pomegranate juice
According to recent medical research that pomegranate juice is useful and healthy for the human heart .Pomegranate peel The research revealed that eating a cup of pomegranate juice a day can hinder or even prevent the factors that lead to heart attacks .
The researchers used in the experiments they conducted on pomegranate juice mice developed by genetic engineering are injured arterial thrombosis ,Pomegranate peel as the mice were divided into two groups , the first water and irrigate the second pomegranate juice .
As indicated by the results of the study,Pomegranate peel the group of mice that consumed pomegranate juice developed arterial thrombosis incidence rate of less than 54 percent for a group of mice that were not given pomegranate juice .
The researchers say that the man who drank at least half a cup of pomegranate juice per day reduces the likelihood of injury thrombosis arteries or heart disease.
It is worth mentioning that the centers everywhere in the world is doing experiments on natural food and learn about the benefits that accrue to human if ingested regularly or from time to time .
Has revealed a number of research the role of substances called ( Vljevinuedat ) on the body,Pomegranate peel and it works as anti -oxidant strong within the body , he began to search for these substances in the food , it was a series of research that confirms its presence in a number of plants and flowers ,Pomegranate peel and in particular tea a number of good research in this aspect .
New today went to the pomegranate ,Pomegranate peel and found it full of vehicles to prevent oxidation of these , was found to be effective well to prevent the oxidation of fats plasma ( which is believed to be the causes of hardening of the arteries ) study was published Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the study was conducted on healthy people and in experimental animals,Pomegranate peel where they were given healthy pomegranate juice for two weeks and 14 weeks the animals . In order to determine the effect of pomegranate juice on oxidation of lipoproteins and their accumulation ,Pomegranate peel and hardening of the arteries when healthy or infected animals atherosclerosis .
The results found that pomegranate juice works to minimize the accumulation of lipoproteins and oxidized harmful to the body when healthy donors . It also leads to reduce the size of the problem of atherosclerosis in mice ,Pomegranate peel and the outcome of the study concluded that the effect of pomegranate juice a strong antidote to the hardening of the arteries when the healthy people , as well as in animals infected with atherosclerosis . This effect is due mainly to the presence of antioxidants in pomegranate.
10.1%糖0.1%のクエン酸、 84.20パーセントの水、ザクロの皮2.91パーセントの灰分0.3%のタンパク質、一回の要素およびビタミンAfsip 2.91パーセント繊維材料(A 、 B 、 C )および少量のみのに甘いザクロの果実を含んでい鉄、リン、硫黄、石灰、その種子やマンガンでザクロの皮カリは、脂肪物質の割合7から9%を高める。
科学者たちは、ザクロ、食品やビタミンの要素、ザクロの皮が豊富で、予防や改善の両方の性質を持っていることを発見した偉大な鎮痛剤の減少、熱と下痢と抗ため暑さと渋みの間の極端な喉の渇き例に有用である - 出血、特に痔や粘膜によって引き起こされるザクロの皮。
無謬性と予言の世帯のいくつかの小説で報告されているザクロを食べるとイマーム·アリからナレーションされ、そのうちのいくつか現代医学によって確認利点のいくつかを記述するおすすめ(彼に平安あれ)言った:胃のタナーそれをBahmhザクロを食べ、ザクロの皮と、彼は(彼に平安あれ) :自分の舌に速くザクロインチあなたの子供を供給した。 SasapビンSouhanに彼(彼に平安あれ) : (脂肪のない)は、全体の地殻と、ザクロは、それが(歯上ゼロ) 、蒸発(口の中で臭い)と自己喜び掘削行くはがします。
そしてイマームレザは(彼に平安あれ) :水の男の上ザクロを食べ、子供、ザクロの皮とアブドラ·イブン·アル·ハサンを(彼に平安あれ)が改善言った: EATザクロがお口の中を拒否します。
彼のシステムでは、彼Alaasm :
研究者は、頸動脈の硬化と19人のフォローアップ、ザクロの皮は、そのうちの10を消費し50 Melleltr 、食習慣や生活習慣、高血圧またはそのコレステロールとの継続的な患者の変化のない毎日のザクロのシロップ未満2オンス、それらの薬剤の使用において、動脈硬化の程度の測定でザクロの皮は、研究の開始時および再び一年の内部の血管のための層の厚さを決定する超音波を使用した後有する。
1歳後、研究動脈性硬化の重大を最高血圧または減少召し上がりしていないのグループに%〜約9 by増加し飲み物ザクロ、ザクロの皮を摂取のグループに約35パーセント毎に下落ことfound 1年後の153ミリメートルHgのに試験開始時上限174ミリメートルHgの圧力読取り。
- ザクロの皮を沸騰し、それをすすぐと、歯茎を強制した場合
2 - あなたはザクロの皮を飲むと下痢例において有用であった沸騰した場合
3 - によると、急性赤痢例でそれを沸騰
4 - あなたが乾燥したザクロの皮を取り、それが滑らかで、蜂蜜を混練し、喀血の下腹部と胸の利益で包帯になるまで挽く場合
5 - Astnjy Bamolaそれは痔出血から血液を切った場合
6 - もし飲酒煮ザクロの皮カット痰胃酸
7 - 日間連続メッキにより焼失し、蜂蜜を混合し、調達した場合に生じ天然痘を行く
研究の数のボディ、ザクロの皮に( Vljevinuedat )と呼ばれる物質の役割を明らかにし、それを体内での抗酸化の強いとして働いており、彼は食品中のこれらの物質を探索し始めた、それは一連の研究であったこと植物や花、ザクロの皮、特にお茶この面では良い研究の数の数は、その存在を確認する。
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