Fatty fish a good food source for vitamin D
A lot of talk in the past few years about the lack of vitamin D sharp ,rickets causes which has become commonplace at rates very high in most societies alike and increased focus and attention on the medical level of relationship with the direct and indirect numerous ailments ranging from disease rickets or osteomalacia in children and osteoporosis in old age and disease cardiovascular disease multiple sclerosis and cancer.rickets causes Due to the importance of this subject will show in detail the importance of this vitamin deficiency and the problems and methods of prevention and treatment.
Vitamin " D " Alsikostroyd group of fat-soluble .rickets causes The vitamin D in humans is unique because it can be taken as cholecalciferol ( vitamin D 3) or Arkksifrol ( vitamin D 2) and because the body can also be made by ( cholesterol )rickets causes when exposed to sunlight enough from the sun (hence the title of " Vitamin X sun " ) .
Although it is called the vitamin D vitamin ,rickets causes but it is not a vitamin basic food in the strict sense , since it can be manufactured in sufficient quantities from the sun when all mammals .rickets causes The organic chemical compound ( or group of related compounds ) and the so-called vitamin scientifically only when the inability synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism , and in this case,rickets causes must be obtained from the diet. As is the case with other compounds called vitamins , the vitamin D was discovered in the attempt to get the food item was absent from Kalexah disease ( a form of osteomalacia in childhood ) .rickets causes In addition , like other vitamins , in the modern world is adding vitamin D to basic foodstuffs ,rickets causes such as milk , to avoid diseases caused by NOQSAT .
And vitamin D are very active compound stimulates the intestines and kidneys to absorb calcium and thus maintain the level of calcium in blood .
That any person not to be exposed to sunlight and enough food Eitnol supported by vitamin D deficiency is an exhibition of this vitamin and found that women,rickets causes the elderly and the obese and dark -skinned are more prone to injury .
And the required amount of exposure to the sun to get vitamin ,rickets causes it should be exposed to 40 percent of the body to direct sunlight for a period ranging between 10 to 20 minutes between the hours of nine in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon rickets causes three times a week and can make sure to get enough at first feeling the pinch in skin
The global interest in vitamin D began at the beginning of the twentieth century ,rickets causes when doctors discovered that giving children doses of fish liver oil prevents and treats disease rickets because it contains vitamin (d )rickets causes For many years it was believed that the role of this vitamin is limited to bone health only .
They found that vitamin D plays a critical role in many areas of health rickets causes beyond bone to include all the functions of the body almost .
Reflect measurements of blood levels of self- manufacturing of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight , as well as lunch ,rickets causes and thought that this configuration may help in maintaining adequate serum concentrations . Evidence suggests that the formation of vitamin D from sun exposure works in a feedback loop that prevent poisoning ,rickets causes but because of uncertainty about the risk of cancer from the sun , has not issued any recommendations from the Institute of Medicine in the United States for the amount of sun exposure needed to meet requirement of vitamin D ,rickets causes and therefore the reference to the quantities of food for vitamin D is assumed that it does not happen composition and vitamin found the person be from the diet ,rickets causes despite the paucity of vitamin D actually not a vitamin but a hormone is produced in the body as a result of exposure to sunlight . It also can be obtained from certain foods .rickets causes This hormone works to absorb calcium from food in the digestive tract to the body.
A lack of vitamin D to a decrease in the absorption of calcium from food.rickets causes As a result, liberated calcium from the bones in order to maintain a fixed ratio of calcium in the blood. This results in injuries to the bones ( rickets in children - Rickets or Osteoporosis - Osteoporosis in adults ) ,rickets causes muscle damage and high blood pressure . There are also doing research confirms the existence of a relationship between low levels of vitamin D and diabetes,rickets causes autoimmune diseases ( which attacks the body by the immune system,Kalzibh - SLE), and certain types of tumors .
A lack of vitamin D is a very common condition in the mid- adults and children alike.rickets causes It also seems to stem from a lack of sun exposure and the use of the large cosmetic sunscreens in recent years ,rickets causes following the increased awareness of the health risks associated with exposure to the sun rising , such as increasing the risk of skin cancer .
The greater the level of vitamin D less incidence of cancer, as it limits the growth of cancer cells and reduces the growth of blood vessels feeding her studies also showed that cancer rates increase in the elderly and those with black skin and obese people ,rickets causes because the ability to have at least the formation of vitamin D and increase Cancer rates in people who live in the northern regions above the latitude of 37 degrees a few of those who are exposed to sunlight , consisting of the vitamin .
It confirmed that vitamin D treats diseases own bone Kalexah and fragility and increases the efficiency of the muscles and usefulness of the heart that it reduces the risk of clots in the heart and arteries and improves myocardial contractility Vivid cases of congestive heart failure and reduces substances that cause inflammation of the arteries and hardening .
She added that it reduces the risk of developing diabetes and multiple sclerosis and several types of cancers in addition to the benefits of preventive and curative Other asthma and skin diseases and pre-eclampsia , and others.
Says Richard Karmur of McGill University was told after a special study Pftamen (d ) : "What we did not expect is an outbreak of a lack of vitamin D among young people in sunny areas , we also found that girls who suffer from a lack of vitamin D tend to be obese ,rickets causes especially in the abdominal area of their counterparts who enjoy the natural rate of vitamin D " .
According to the hospital Brenngham , lack of vitamin D leads to a disruption in the proper functioning of the hormone Leptin. Where the hormone Leptin is produced in adipose cells in the body which is a major contributor to body weight regulation . That's where functional hormone Leptin letting you know when they are full of , but a lack of vitamin D disrupts this connection , causing often the direction of people to overeat despite the lack of need for people to it.
脂溶性。くる病のビタミン"D" Alsikostroyd基は、体がまたによって作製することができるため、ヒトにおけるビタミンDは、それがコレカルシフェロール(ビタミンD 3 )またはArkksifrol (ビタミンD 2)とすることができるので、独特であり、原因日( 「ビタミンのX日」のゆえタイトル)から十分な日光にさらされた場合(コレステロール)が原因のくる病。
それは、ビタミンD 、ビタミンと呼ばれているが、原因をくる病が、すべての哺乳動物。くる病、有機化合物(または関連の基を引き起こすときに、それが太陽から十分な量で製造することができるため、厳密な意味でのビタミン基本的な食品ではない化合物)及びいわゆるビタミン科学的ときにのみ生物によって十分な量で合成され、この場合、くる病の原因は、食事から得なければならないことができない。ビタミンと呼ばれる他の化合物の場合のように、ビタミンDは、食品がKalexah病(小児骨軟化症の形)には存在しなかった取得しようとして発見された。くる病、現代世界では、他のビタミンのように、また原因基本的な食品へのビタミンDを追加して、 NOQSATによって引き起こされる疾患を避けるために、ミルクなどの原因をくる病。
と太陽への露出の必要量は、ビタミンを取得するには、くる病、それが三時に朝の9時までの間、 10〜20分の範囲の期間、直射日光の体の40%にさらされるべきである原因午後のくる病で週に三回発生し、最初の皮膚ピンチを感じで十分に得るために確認することができます
医師は子供たちに魚肝油の防ぎ、扱い疾患くる病をの用量を与えること、それが信じられていた何年もの間、原因をくる病ビタミン( D)を含んでいるため、ことを発見したとき、Dは20世紀の初めに開始したビタミンの世界的な関心が、くる病を引き起こすことこのビタミンの役割のみ骨の健康に制限されています。
food.ricketsからのカルシウムの吸収が減少し、ビタミンDの不足が結果として生じ、血液中のカルシウムの一定比率を維持するために骨からカルシウムを遊離した。これは( - くる病や骨粗しょう症 - 小児のくる病、成人で骨粗鬆症)骨に傷害をもたらし、くる病は、筋肉の損傷や高血圧の原因となる。 、および特定の種類の腫瘍 - も研究をしてありますが、ビタミンDと糖尿病の低レベルの関係が存在することを確認し、くる病は( SLE免疫系、 Kalzibhによって身体を攻撃する)自己免疫疾患の原因となる。
マギル大学のリチャード· Karmur特別研究Pftamen ( D )の後に言われたと言う: "我々が期待していなかったことは、日当たりの良い地域の若者の間でのビタミンDの不足の発生であり、我々はまた、発見したの不足に苦しむ少女ビタミンDが肥満になる傾向があり、くる病」は、特に、ビタミンDの天然の速度を楽しむそれらの対応の腹部領域において生じる。
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