Ricinus Communis
Arboreal plant follows the family Alfrbionah,castor plant leaves with five lobes in the form of palm and fruit contain tonsil painting engulfed in and out of the famous oil, castor seed and contains about 50% by weight Zeta,castor plant and this oil is used medically.
Essential oil containing stearin and Riciolaen and Bmutain,castor plant and notes that the seeds contain toxic substances.
Abu Dawood said: castor oil laxative known,castor plant has a significant impact in the treatment of skin diseases and skin ulcers and milk production.
Castor plant that maximizes near the water and long Okthomn armchair,castor plant originally cane empty, and paper sleek wide and love Kalaqrad mottled Kiiraldhen aware Btamoz August, does not reside. More Year, and Houhar in Alialih crusty where or in Alianah,castor olie or damp in the first, analyzes the wind and blends cold, and if the cook in oil right Athry removed the rift and strokes and Allqoh, gout, sciatica creamier and Sauto,castor plant and if you eat out phlegm and blends sticky and gently turn the menstruation and directed Aalmhimh, and lard softens all solid Getty Minerals land for experience,castor plant especially with the water radishes and wash it with mustard Omaj body Vinekaya.
And its properties: It is distressing and falls lust,castor plant and taking care to peel and is used with Alkira, and drank to ten beads, and weakness heady and fifty kills, lard and water leeks boot hemorrhoids Sherpa and creamier.
Ibn Sina says:
Essence said Deskoraydos: from people he calls Aqraoutia a tick,castor plant but his this because love is similar to tick a small tree in the amount of a small tree of figs and a paper-like paper sycamore,castor plant however large and smooth and darker and her leg and branches hollow like a reed and its fruit Grapes in the rough and if you peel the fruit seemed to love in the form of ticks and it squeezes fat Oguenks named Castor,castor plant a fat and this is not fit for food, but fit for Siraj and some mixtures of ointments and some medicines.
Although his love of killing thirty grain number and rang crushed and drank Oshilt phlegm.castor plant Actions and properties said Damascus: The Castor analyst laxative and soothing nicer lard oil naive.
Embellishment: If you drive a gouge and heal him warts and freckles.
Oncology: If paper sounded barley flour housing tumors sputum.
Sores: lard fit for scabies sores and wetlands.
Members of the food: If crushed pill and drank thirty irritated vomiting because it relaxes the stomach and very Agthe castor plant.
Members of al-Sadr: If you heal him alone and with vinegar housing breast tumors.
Alinvd members: love powder drink phlegm and facilitates visits and worms come out of the abdomen.
It is used to remove warts; massaged 20 times in the morning and again in the evening castor oil Dlka well to enter the oil inside.
In order to increase hair growth in children;castor plant massage the skin of the scalp twice a week, castor oil, and keep oil where throughout the night, and then wash and still reported in the morning,castor plant and after reaching the result required only to conduct this process twice a month just to maintain the hair and skin of the scalp.
To treat flu; massaging the chest with a mixture composed of two tablespoons of castor oil and one teaspoon of turpentine (from pharmacies) and attend the mix heats castor oil first in a water bath and then added to it Rabntin Then,castor plant in mild cases massaging the chest this mix only once in the evening, This process was repeated in severe cases three times during the day.
For the pain of the feet; each of his feet carries the burden of severe or complain of pain that it Adlkha in the evening before going to sleep castor oil, then wears socks and slept until morning, so twice a week,castor plant and in this way the pain go away feet, God willing.
エッセンシャルオイルを含むステアリンおよびRiciolaenとBmutain 、ひまし油植物と種子は有毒物質が含まれていることを指摘している。
ヒマシ水の近くで最大化した植物と長いOkthomnアームチェア、キャスター工場もともとサトウキビ空、紙幅広いおしゃれでKalaqradを愛するがKiiraldhen意識しBtamoz 8月にまだら、存在しない。より多くの年、 HouharはAlialihの無愛想で最初にどこかAlianahにおいて、ヒマシオーリーや湿った風を分析し、冷たいブレンド、および石油右Athryクックは、裂け目や脳卒中を削除しAllqoh 、痛風、坐骨神経痛クリーミーとSAUTOた場合、ヒマシ植物、あなたが痰を食べて、べたつきやそっと月経をオンにし、監督Aalmhimhをブレンドし、ラード、経験、特に水の大根で、ボディVinekaya Omajマスタードと一緒に洗わヒマシプラント用全固体ゲッティ鉱物土地を柔らかくします。
とそのプロパティ:それは悲惨で、欲望、ヒマシプラントと剥離に注意しながら、およびアルキラで使用されて落下し、 10ビーズに飲み、弱さ酔わせると50キル、ラードと水ネギブート痔シェルパとクリーミー。
本質は言っDeskoraydos :愛はイチジクの小さなツリーとヒマシプラントしかし大と滑らかな紙のような紙のプラタナスの量で小さな木をチェックするのと同様であり、ので、人々から彼はダニ、ヒマシ植物が、彼のこのAqraoutiaを呼び出し暗くて、彼女の足と枝が荒いにおけるリードし、その果実のブドウのように中空であなたが剥離した場合、果実はダニの形で愛するように見え、それはキャスター、キャスター植物油脂という名前の脂肪Oguenksを絞り、これは食品には向いていませんしかしスィラージおよび軟膏といくつかの薬のいくつかの混合物のための適合。
彼の30粒数を殺すの愛とがつぶれ鳴ったとOshilt phlegm.castor工場アクションとプロパティを飲んだものの、ダマスカスは言った:キャスターアナリスト下剤となだめるよりよいラード油はナイーブ。
ヒマシ植物は、 1週間に2回、頭皮の皮膚をマッサージヒマシ油、および夜通しどこ油を維持し、次いで洗浄し、さらに朝、硬化植物において報告され、必要な結果に達した後、小児において毛髪の成長を増加させるためにばかり頭皮の髪や肌を維持するために、月二回、この処理を実施する。
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