Exponent: Ace plant is a small evergreen shrubs often grow in shady and humid places.Ace plant For the many branches of the plant carrying papers convergent leather textures with aromatic scent oasis.Ace plant Carrying twigs flowers colors to white vase has the fruits of endodontic black eaten at maturity and shall be dried spices. A plant evergreen tree multiplies the mind and the seed is known by other names such as Hmpelas,Ace plant Mersin and basil and basil, but not known to us.
To Las several popular names realizes Balfronah behalf Khet ace and this means "Basil graves" and is known in Greek as "Amoser" and Latin "sociable" Persian "Marzbaj" Syriac "Hoosen,"Ace plant the Hebrew "Akhmam" The Arab "basil" In Egypt, "Mersin" In the Levant " Gardener, "as well as" stop-and-see ", and wild-type Greek" Mercy Ogharba "In Yemen,"Ace plant Hades "and Hlmos The reason for the Ahmam.
Known scientifically as Myrtus Communis
Part used: it leaves, seeds, flowers and roots of any plant,Ace plant as well as the entire essential oil.
The chemical content of the plant Ace: Ace contain essential oils,Ace plant the most important Alsceniol, Algabeinin, Martanol and limonene, and Alvatherbanol and geraniol and Maertol and also contain materials Afsip.
The benefits will be well placed kissed and appetitive and astringent and tonic and boycotted the bleeding and antiseptic for respiratory ducts, bronchi,Ace plant and is used in the form of boiled and drenched powder, either damaging it has no damage.
What did he say about the ancient myrtle?
He knew the Pharaohs ace where it is a plant of ancient Egyptian painted branches on the walls of tombs in the hands of the dancers,Ace plant as scientists found on the branches of the plant in some tombs in Fayoum and Hawara, has been known to the Greeks and Romans ace and the Greeks symbolize him to the glories and victories.Ace plant And received Baltazim. It was used in concerts and synagogues, religious Muslims and still use twigs Ace in some countries to decorate the graves of the dead,Ace plant especially on holidays and seasons and put the land with eucalyptus leaves in the grave.
The plant came within an ace of many prescriptions in the ancient Egyptian papyri for the treatment of epilepsy Ace plant and inflammation of the bladder and the organization of urine and remove lower abdominal pain in the form of oral doses.
Kdhan as well as for the treatment of low back pain and against the red abdomen, headache, cough and increased hair growth and inflammation of the uterus,Ace plant and the use of oil extracted from the plant operations in massage for cases of paralysis.
Said Abu Bakr al-Razi for Ace to remove tumors,Ace plant such as putting warm places infected redness oil ace and then placed over a piece of wool and linking.
Ibn Sina: S: essence: Wallace is known and the bitterness with Afosh and sweetness and cooler Afosth and his bank stronger and imposes his bank drink gall and the essence of the ground and the essence of gentle walks and his bank is something on the leg of choice: the mouths,Ace plant which hits the blackness especially Alkhsrvani round paper especially mountain of Association.
The finest White Flower and juice paper.
The finest fruit juice and if age Asarth weakened and Takerjt Ace plant must pinch.
Copyright: the heat is nice and it is mostly cold and possession of more than push and looks like to be a push in the first and the second within Absa.
Actions and properties: locked diarrhea,Ace plant sweat and all bleeding all Ceylon to the member, and if massaged him in the bathroom forces the body and blotted Alrtobat that under the skin and embrocation Tbejh on bones accelerates redress and Hracth instead of zinc in the perfumed scent of the body, which benefit from all the bleeding Tokha and dressings and drink,Ace plant as well as his Lord and Lord fruit.
The grip is stronger than cooled and fed a few and not in the beverage and what conceivable benefit from the pains of the lung and coughing is drink.
Embellishment: lard and Asarth and Tbejh assets strengthens the hair and prevents precipitation and Aitilh dominated and especially Ace plant his love and his love cooking in butter prevents abrasion Asdlh race and ethnicity.
The paper prevents bromidrosis dry armpits and Amobn and ashes instead of zinc and purifies freckles,Ace plant freckles and Galloway vitiligo.
Tumors and warts: dwell tumors warm and reddish and Ant and blisters and sores,Ace plant and was on the hands and the fire burning with oil, as well as drink and paper wounds him after Tkhbays oil and wine,Ace plant as well as lard and ointments taken from lard and benefit dry weight if Dhar on Whitlow as well as Alkirouti taken from him.
If cooked fruit drink and also taken dressings acquitted sores in the hands and feet and burning fire and prevent it from Altnaft Ace plant as well as ashes Balkirouti.
Machines joints: Agrees dressing Butmrth cooked a drink of relaxation joints.
Members of the head: locked nosebleed and Galloway lichen and dried sores head and ear sores and Qahaa if Qatar hundred and benefit from the relaxation drink gums.
If cooking and paper drink and accommodation by ligature severe headaches.
And if they drink by drink wine prevent Muffler.
Members of the Eye: Conjunctivitis lives and Algehoz If cooking with barley Soiq APRA Oramha ashes and enters the Pharmaceuticals Dhafra.
Members of the self-Sadr: strengthens the heart and goes flapping and prevent fruit from coughing Bhlaute and belly conceivable that the owner was a cathartic fist and served on the fruit of hemoptysis and also in the Lord as well.
Food members: strengthens the stomach especially love the Lord and prevents runny curiosity into the stomach.
Members Alinvd: fruit juice generating a same urine and prevents heartburn heartburn bladder,Ace plant a good in preventing the passage of menstruation.
And one hundred conceivable nature and trap bile diarrhea coating and melancholic Ace plant With Fat Solution pressed sputum Fashlh.
And cooking the fruit of the womb and runny Rtobath benefit Ptdmadh hemorrhoids and benefit from testicular Ace plant tumor and Tbejh benefit out of the stool and the uterus.
Poison: benefit from tarantula muscle,Ace plant as well as fruit if I drank a drink as well as the sting of the scorpion.
"Ace and Asarth oil strengthens hair and prevents hair loss and Aitilh and dominated .. paper prevents dry spots under the armpits and between the thighs and the ashes purifies freckles,Ace plant freckles and dwell tumors and warts and sores. Drank tonic for the heart and goes palpitations and cough."
As Ibn al-Bitar said: "Love Ace hot dryer Tgviva strong roots and bark less alone and more pungency and bitterness and the catch is a heartbreaking Ace plant gravel and benefit from liver disease and calms colic and if cooking vinegar benefit from toothache.
And David said Antioch "Ace benefit from headaches and flu ..Ace plant and never locked diarrhea, and blood analyzes used whatever tumors, sweat and heartbreaking gravel drink and weakens hemorrhoids and removes air of incense."
What did he say about modern medicine? Studies have shown that the experimental animals myrtle leaves an anti-bacterial effect against inflammation of glands. It also has proven to be influential in the sleep cycle where over a period of sleep.Ace plant It also proved that relieves cold and flu symptoms. Ace and the oil is used widely for the treatment of respiratory problems.
In addition to the use of securities to cases of poor digestion and dysuria,Ace plant colds and inflammation of the urinary tract, and the fruits Vtvid cases of diarrhea and intestinal gas, which are eaten green or dry.Ace plant The oil is used to cleanse wounds Ace surface and is extracted from the leaves of the myrtle flower and distilled water called "Water Angels" and is used to cleanse the nose.
Liquid or liquid for. G would like or would like to know information about the paper sorrow and especially its use and usefulness of the hair coloring hair brown or black Ace plant as well as its usefulness in removing the blackening thighs and how it is used in both cases?
- For the liquid. G paper uses grief for many purposes it is locked diarrhea,Ace plant sweat and bleeding and if the rules of engagement by the body when bathing was nourishing and restorative for the body and for the stimulus Rtobat under the skin.Ace plant With regard to the hair and strengthens it prevails and Atoulh as well as the limits of hair loss and the way that the crushed leaves and kneaded like henna and used to dye hair and holding it for an hour and then wash with water and shampoo once a week.Ace plant Regarding Psoad thighs burns his papers sorrow then taken ash and kneaded with water and paint it Alfajoz draft once a day for several days.
* Liquid exponent ask you is whether I have a basil recipe to intensify and lengthen hair?
- Ace sister is not basil but some peoples calls basil and two differ Both are of a different race and a different species,Ace plant but they agree in the aromatic odor and is known scientifically as Myrtus Communis while basil is known scientifically as Ocimum Basilicum and their uses vary.Ace plant With respect to intensify and lengthen hair and Tsoedh Valos which is used for that purpose.
指数:エース工場は小さな常緑低木で、多くの場合、白い花瓶に小枝の花の色を運ぶ芳香香りoasis.Ace工場は歯内の果物を持っているとの論文収束革テクスチャを運ぶ植物の多くの支店では、日陰や湿気の多いplaces.Ace工場に成長されるブラックは、満期時に食べ、スパイスを乾燥させたものとします。植物常緑樹は心を乗算し、種子は、 Hmpelas 、エース工場メルシンとバジル、バジルなどの他の名前で知られているが、我々に知られていない。
ラスには、いくつかの人気の名前はBalfronah代わっヘースエースを実現し、これは "バジルの墓」を意味し、 「 Amoser 」とラテン語「社交的」ペルシャ」 Marzbaj "シリア" Hoosen 、 「エース工場ヘブライ「 Akhmam 「アラブ」とギリシャ語で知られている庭師、 「バントで「メルシン」だけでなく、 「ストップアンド見る」 、および野生型のギリシャ"マーシーOgharba 」イエメンでは、「エースプラントハデス」とHlmos 「エジプトでは、「バジルAhmam理由。
植物エースの化学物質含有量:エースエッセンシャルオイルが含まれている、エース工場は最も重要なAlsceniol 、 Algabeinin 、 Martanolリモネン、およびAlvatherbanolとゲラニオールとMaertolとは、材料Afsipが含まれています。
腰痛の治療のために、赤の腹部、頭痛、咳や子宮、エース工場と麻痺例のためのマッサージ工場操作から抽出した油の使用の増加、毛髪の成長や炎症に対してだけでなく、 Kdhan 。
イブン·シーナ: S :エッセンス:ウォレスが知られており、 Afoshと苦味と甘さとクーラーAfosthと彼の銀行は強く、彼の銀行ドリンクゴールとグランドの本質と優しい散歩の本質を課し、彼の銀行は、足に何かです選択した:口、協会の特に山岳特にAlkhsrvaniラウンド紙黒さに当たるエース工場。
機械継手: Butmrthが緩和関節のドリンクを調理ドレッシングに同意します。
瞳のメンバー:結膜炎が住んでいるとAlgehoz APRA Oramha灰Soiq大麦で調理し、医薬品ダフラを入力した場合。
メンバーはAlinvd :フルーツジュースは、同じ尿を生成し、月経の通過を防止するのに良い胸焼け胸焼け膀胱、エース工場を防ぐことができます。
「エースとAsarthオイルが髪を強化し、 ..紙が脇の下の下にドライスポットを防止し、太ももや灰の間そばかす、エースプラントそばかすを浄化、腫瘍やイボやただれ滞留抜け毛やAitilhと優勢を防ぐことができます。心臓に飲んだの強壮剤そして動悸や咳を行く。 "
イブン·アル·ビタールが言ったように: "愛エースホットドライヤーTgviva強い根や樹皮少ないだけでは、より辛味と苦味とキャッチが肝臓病からの悲痛なエースプラント砂利や利益で、疝痛を静めとの歯痛から酢利益を調理する場合。
ダビデはアンティオキア「エース頭痛やインフルエンザ..エース工場、決してロック下痢の恩恵を受ける、と血液が痔を弱め、香の空気を取り除きどんな腫瘍、汗と悲痛な砂利ドリンクや使用分析しています。 」と述べ
消化不良や排尿障害例に対する有価証券の使用に加えて、エース工場風邪や尿路の炎症、および果実は緑色またはdry.Ace植物油がに使用されて食べられている下痢や腸内ガスの例を、 Vtvid傷エース表面をクレンジングし、ミルテの花と「水の天使」と鼻を浄化するために使用されていると呼ばれる蒸留水の葉から抽出される。
のための液体または液体。 Gは、ご希望や紙悲しみについての情報、特にその使用、ヘアカラーリングヘア褐色または黒色のエース工場だけでなく、黒化太ももを除去するのに有用性の有用性を知っていただきたいと思いますし、どのようにそれが両方のケースで使用されていますか?
- 液体の場合。 G紙は、それが下痢、エースプラント汗や出血をロックされている多くの目的のために悲しみを使用している場合は入浴に関してskin.Ace工場の下で体に刺激Rtobatために栄養と回復した機関による交戦規則髪と、それが脱毛の制限や方法だけでなく、優勢とAtoulh強化その砕いた葉とヘナのように混練し、髪を染めるために使用され、時間のためにそれを保持してから一度水やシャンプーでweek.Ace工場を洗うPsoadの太ももをに関しては、彼の論文の悲しみは、それから灰を入れ、水を加えて混練し、数日間Alfajozドラフト一日一回、それをペイント燃やす。
- エースの妹はバジルではありませんが、どちらも異なる人種のものであり、異なる種、エース工場が、それらは、芳香臭に同意し、バジルはバジルバジルとして科学的に知られている間にマータスコミュニスとして科学的に知られているいくつかの人々は、バジルを呼び出し、 2が異なる彼らは、その目的のために使用されている髪とTsoedh Valosを強化し、長くに関してvary.Aceプラントを使用しています。
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