Perfume body
You smell determined by the foods you eat
Leafy vegetables and fresh fruits , juices ,your body your diet water and herbs, most notably the white meat
Dishes and spices with pungent odors is one of the more food that gives the body odor offensive
Wholesome foods operations " metabolism " and rich in fiber and " choline " challenge of odors
Disturbance in metabolism, lack of cleanliness , genetic factors , lifestyle , diseases ,your body your diet types of bacteria found in the intestinal tract and on the skin surface , microbes , low blood sugar , liver cirrhosis , nephropathy , fear , anxiety, tension , anger , excitement , diet , are all factors that contribute mainly in the formation of body odor ,your body your diet whether positively or negatively , the more rights occurred under stress and nervousness, hit him and invaded his skin diseases, bacteria , fungi, and adopted a diet is difficult to digest ,your body your diet the smell of his body became unacceptable .
Those who keep their bodies free from disease and rely on their diet on vegetables , especially leafy which contain large amounts of water , fruits and fresh juices ,your body your diet whole grains and plant foods , light and easy to digest and contain essential oils , they keep the smell of their bodies good and Zakia .
Revealed a recent scientific study conducted at the University of " Maastricht " in the Netherlands that what we eat plays an important role in our body odor ,your body your diet contrary to what many people believe that race is responsible for body odor , and that there are several factors that contribute to the production of body odor in the forefront of food we eat,your body your diet and in the following lines to identify the role of food in the body odor and most important foods that improve body odor and health benefits , as we recognize foods that cause objectionable odor to the body ,your body your diet and monitor other factors that benefit or harm the smell of flesh by experts and specialists in this field .
Recalls Dr. Abdul Aziz Ramadan consultant dermatologist and genital and infertility : There is a belief error with the vast majority of people that race is the leading cause of body odor , with that race has no smell ,your body your diet but controlled the first in body odor is the intake of human food , if Otamth light and easy to digest , and all components of fruits and vegetables and water ,your body your diet they do not remain in the stomach for a long time so the body odor be smart .
He added that the first line of defense about body odor Zakia and free of disease lies in a long list of foods including ,your body your diet white meat are easy to digest and keep away from red meat , which stay in the stomach for a long time helps to move smells bad to the blood , and then to the skin and reacts with bacteria updated that smell unacceptable .
Among the foods that earn the body smell brown rice rich in protein ,your body your diet which produces a pleasant smell , as well as fresh fruit such as strawberries , apples, grapes , watermelon, cantaloupe , oranges, tangerines , lemons, pears and bananas. As well as vegetables such as lettuce , spinach, parsley , peas, celery , tomatoes, cucumbers , carrots, cilantro , dill and whole grains. In addition to herbs such as thyme, rosemary , ginger, mint , cinnamon, green tea , clove, rose water , basil,your body your diet chamomile .
And vegetables operate to facilitate the operations of " metabolism " , and are rich in fiber and material " choline " which help digestion and reduce odors unacceptable ,your body your diet and aromatic herbs are useful for removing body odors breath, which contain essential oils give the body a nice smell and pungent ,your body your diet as well as containing antibiotics naturally resistant to bacteria and fungi , which are the main source of the odors in the body.
Relying on a balanced diet is better than the use of deodorizers and fresheners and detergents antibacterial to get the smell of the body good ,your body your diet and there is a list of foods to be avoided to keep the body odor acceptable , including garlic, onion, red meat, grilled and smoked and some seafood and processed foods , radish, watercress , broccoli , cauliflower, cabbage ,your body your diet fenugreek and spices with pungent odors and all the food that lead to constipation or gas produced in the abdomen or difficult to digest .
Advised Dr. Ramadan,your body your diet that the nutritional balance is important not to get a good smell only and to protect the body from disease . The student who suffer from foul smell sweat their bodies to change their diet and rely on foods that benefit the body and purification of toxins. And also a lot of drinking water ,your body your diet which helps to divert the course of unpleasant odors into the urine instead of race .
As the fresh juices earn body secretions smell good and smart and aromatic .
Watch out for the family Crusade
Stresses Dr. Lubna Abdel Fattah Haridi professor and head of the Research Unit ,your body your diet Agricultural Research Center at the Institute of Food Technology , there are plants carry a bad reputation on the subject of bad odor of the body ,your body your diet although it is essential for the body by Utilising a number of materials important and effective to protect the body and Oukaath of diseases as well as strengthening the body ,your body your diet including crops family crusade , such as cabbage , cauliflower, broccoli , turnips , radishes, watercress, and also crops family narcissism , such as onions, garlic, leeks ,your body your diet and characterized these crops the presence of a characteristic odor due to the presence of sulfur compounds , also caused gas and swelling and pain in the gut ,your body your diet especially for owners of Irritable Bowel Syndrome , also method of preparation may be the cause of it with the presence of mixtures of rice and spices with ghee and other stuffed during preparation or mixtures broccoli and other lead to more of these gases ,your body your diet and there is a pungent smell that appear , especially for those who drink it in large quantities.
As that eating red meat continuously and in large quantities cause unpleasant odor of the body as they remain in the digestive tract for a long time is difficult to digest ,your body your diet and can be replaced or veal meat sheep .
As for the food ,your body your diet which helps to excrete smell good Vtnsah Dr. Lubna foods happiness , such as apples, pears, oranges , melons , grapes, kiwi , dates , as well as green leafy vegetables, especially lettuce , parsley, dill , coriander, rosemary , basil, mint ,your body your diet and fresh vegetables ( cucumbers, carrots , tomatoes, celery ) , and any type of vegetable smell aromatic , In addition to foods rich in fiber and whole grains , and raw nuts are very rich in vitamins ,your body your diet they all help to purify the body of toxins and free him from the waste that cause odors.
Aromatic herbs
About the role of herbs and spices in giving smell good for the body says Sheikh Jamal Al-Attar : aromatic herbs in nature with a pleasant smell ,your body your diet when Ntahnha smell the oils that explain the soul and opens the arteries , is addressed in turn will return it smell good , for example, cinnamon earn our bodies smell nicer ,your body your diet and also seeds green Cardamom of favorite items Kmatarat refreshing the mouth , and can put the grains of cardamom small black in the mouth to improve the smell and feeling refreshed ,your body your diet as well as a screw or cloves , all kinds of herbs are useful in improving the odor secreted by the body , especially aromatic herbs such as fennel , mint , thyme, rosemary , basil and others.
It deals with these herbs to feel comfortable in his body ,your body your diet they play an important role in reducing the bad odor emitted from the body ,your body your diet as it works to rid the digestive and intestinal gases stored them.
健全な食品事業「代謝」 、繊維や臭いの「コリン」の挑戦が豊富
病気から自由に自分の体を維持し、野菜、水、果物やフレッシュジュースを大量に含んでいる、特に緑豊かな、あなたの体あなたの食事療法全粒穀物や植物性食品、軽くて消化しやすい上、食事に依存しており、エッセンシャルオイルが含まれている人々 、彼らは良いとZakia自分の体の臭いを保つ。
博士LubnaアブデルファタHaridi教授と研究ユニットのヘッド、あなたの体を強調し、あなたの食事療法食品技術研究所の農業研究センター、植物が悪い、体の悪臭をテーマに評判、あなたの体あなたの食事キャリあるそのようなキャベツ、カリフラワー、ブロッコリー、カブなどの作物ファミリー十字軍を含むあなたの食事療法、身体とOukaath疾患ならびに身体を強化し、あなたの体を保護することが重要で効果的な材料の数を活かしたことで身体に不可欠であるが、このようなタマネギ、ニンニク、ニラ、あなたの体あなたの食事療法に起因硫黄化合物の存在のためにこれらの作物に特有の臭いが存在することを特徴とする大根、クレソン、また家族のナルシシズムを作物は、 、また、ガスや腫れや腸の痛みの原因となった、あなたの体、特に過敏性腸症候群、調製のも方法の所有者のためのあなたの食事療法は、ギーやご飯との混合物とスパイスの存在と、それの原因である可能性があり、他のこれらのガスのそれ以上に準備またはそれらの混合物、ブロッコリーや他のリードの間に詰め、あなたの体、あなたの食事療法とそこには、特に大量に飲む人のために、表示される刺激臭である。
食品に関しては、排泄するのに役立ちますあなたの体、あなたの食事療法は、そのようなリンゴ、ナシ、オレンジ、メロン、ブドウ、キウイ、日付だけでなく、緑の葉野菜、特にレタス、パセリなど、良いVtnsah博士Lubna食品の幸福をかぐディル、コリアンダー、ローズマリー、バジル、ミントは、あなたの体あなたの食事と新鮮な野菜(キュウリ、ニンジン、トマト、セロリ) 、および野菜の任意のタイプの繊維と全粒穀物、そして生のナッツが豊富な食品に加えて、芳香族である匂いビタミンが非常に豊富で、あなたの体あなたの食事療法は、それらはすべて体内から毒素を浄化し、悪臭の原因となる廃棄物から彼を解放するのに役立ちます。
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