Honey in the Quran and Hadith
The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him: "You have to heal yen Koran, honey." In another interview, "licking honey from three Douat of each month did not suffer great affliction), in an interview with the third (three in healing, drinking honey and cupper, and cauterizing with fire, and I finish my nation for ironing).
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and him: ((healing in three things: drinking honey .. and .. cupper and cauterizing with fire, and finished all my ironing)) [Bukhari].
As stated in Sahih Muslim narrated from Abu Mutawakkil Khudri: (that a man came to the Prophet peace be upon him, said the brother Arabs stomach (ie spoiled digest and climbed the stomach), said the Messenger of Allah deemed sweetness, and he went and then came back and said, no Wigan anything about him The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him deemed sweetness. went man then came back and said he did not sang anything about him. said to him, the Messenger of Allah deemed sweetness. went man then came back and said, no Wigan anything about him. said to him, the Messenger of Allah in the fourth deemed sweetness. Believe God and lied to his stomach. man went Vsagah honey Fbre).
It was narrated from the Prophet, he said: "Yes, honey drink, takes care of the heart and the chest goes cold" and narrated that the Prophet peace be upon him he drank honey on an empty stomach.
Honey Bees
Honey is a fragrant sugary substance produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Working bees collect nectar from flowers,honey health orchards, forests and carry it in a bag called the honey stomach. The bees store it in the eyes of the six-party cells and wax sealed it waxy caps. And turn to bees to feed him when you can not get on the nectar of flowers, as is the case in winter. And is commonly called the honey produced by bees live in large,honey health wild nature honey, and classified by FAO in the list of non-wood forest products.
Honey is known to most people as an important food for the human body and health. honey health It also acknowledged the cultural legacy of modern science about the fact that honey is a natural antibiotic and cardboard to the human body (strengthens the immune system, honey health who is resisting all the diseases that attack him).
Honey is known to most people as an important food for the human body and health. honey health It also acknowledged the cultural legacy of modern science about the fact that honey is a natural antibiotic and cardboard to the human body (strengthens the immune system, honey health who is resisting all the diseases that attack him).
Honey is a liquid net graduating bees from their bellies and produced by bees from the elements of sugar produced flowers of some medicinal plants Vimitsa bees and are made by the body and give it a liquid puts it in holes ready-made bees wax called Alnkharab prepared by the bees to put honey which then Tstrha cover thinning of wax. honey health
Known scientifically as bee Apis Mellifera of the platoon Apidae).)
The bees are social insects that live in groups, each consisting of the Queen and the entry of the male ..honey health The Queen does not differ much from the rest of the bees when they leave the egg and feeding them food but Royal (Royal Gilly) factory in the salivary glands, for the rest of the bees grow in size quickly and starts putting imaginary egg every minute throughout the day. Due to your diet,honey health it will continue in bleach for a period of up to five years.
In addition to the honey bee industry to transfer a portion of which is absorbed by the nectar of plants to wax produced by special cells in the lower part of Btonh.honey health This wax is used to build cells Bee.
The honey is usually found in wax tablets,honey health consisting of hexagonal cells made of bees meticulously For honey wax from these cells is usually used centrifuge method or age to get pure honey net.
And most countries of the world production of honey is Chile, honey health Australia and the West Indies and some European and African countries.
And Honey many names, including "Shahad" means honey mixed as long as no wringing of the candle as well as the "beating" and called Manuka honey thick "rigid" and "Aldhub" and called on the pure honey free from any defects and also "the nectar of bees" any net and pure of product Bees. history of honey health
Back human knowledge of honey to the prehistoric and probably knew rights since that was found on the surface of the earth, and the oldest writings that talked about the honey back to three thousand years ago BC, honey healthit was found honey inscribed on some of Pharaonic antiquities, also found amounts of honey in the tombs of pharaohs , honey health unspoiled, but discolored only to blackish color, were also found in the barrel tablespoons honey implications days of the Pharaohs .. It also found the body of a child immersed in a bowl of honey and in the pyramid of the pyramids of the pharaohs in Egypt,honey health so that the rate is an indication of how the honey of the secrets of a fantastic made body of this child during the 4500 year does not rot and do not rot, honey health and ordered that the God who deposited into the honey heal every disease. It also tells the body of Alexander the Great of Macedonia was sent to a submerged honey, and it was the Romans and Greeks use honey to save the meat.
I've known Arabs bees and honey for a long time and talked to them in their hair and Ntarham has bee described in prose as follows: Enough with the virtue of the bee, and His Majesty the recipes, she inspired them, and twelve in the book ..honey health Learn waterfalls adversity behind Baida. Located there for Nawara mist, and Bahareh Angh, and sipping them what reservations Redaba drink and when he spoke, and Taatjavy dimension to him about Akram Mojtna and the construct of the wisest. " honey health
And described poetry as poet Ibrahim bin Khafajah Andalusian honey gift from a friend came to him and said: God leaflet bees
Patronized the hills and Alhaaba
The GAP land prescriptive
Faint infected patients
Even saturate of healing
Amj him Redaba
If you like the food
Or you want the drink
Types of honey
Honey varies according to the diversity of whether the source of nectar from flowers or plant secretions or Alokhrjh left by insects. And varies depending on the color of honey and smells and tastes and susceptibility to crystallization, density and alkaline and even some of its components, even a few percentages., honey health And there are other factors also affect the qualities of honey, such as soil type and weather factors.honey health
1. Sidr honey: one of the finest honey in the world and price ranges kilogram to $ 133 and features a turquoise, dark brown and smells and tastes pure and warm Alziv conclude about the bees from the tree of Sidr.honey health There in Yemen Sidr Honey Douan especially in Hadramout and is considered one of the most expensive and the best types of honey globally but there is no production companies, but locally
2. Honey Citrus: Citrus Honey and the advantage of turquoise, white and intensity few, honey and orange of this layer is characterized by recent research wiped out his blood, and being soothing to the nerves if you take a spoon half an hour before going to sleep, especially for children.
3. Honey Alkabbar (Shafalah): from the finest and most expensive honey as Alkabbar wild plant is characterized by many medical qualities on top of that Alkabbar sexual tonic and therefore all of these medicinal properties honey health transferred to the nectar of the plant and thus conveyed to the honey bee. Stimulates and activates the function of the liver and spleen and improves blood circulation and is useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis and helps digestion, and in the disposal of puff abdomen. And unrelenting intestine, honey health and generates urine and menstrual. And helps to get rid of bronchitis pulmonary secretions. And is useful in treating some cases of anemia. It is used to treat edema (fluid in the abdomen crumpled) and gout, and arthritis. The benefit in the treatment of allergies and skin eruptions. Live and dental pain. And helps to get rid of the sand tract.honey health And help floral buds of capers in the prevention of disease, cataracts in the eye, because of the richness of some private vehicles.
4. Honey eucalyptus: eucalyptus honey is dark amber color and distinctive smell and taste good, which is one of Alaasal high-end, full respiratory competence. Taken in the case of phlegm and allergies thoracic and is a loyal friend for patients with asthma, and urinary tract from the kidney, and it is very useful in the case of inflammation in the body and Aallonat.
5. Clover Honey: Honey Clover features turquoise italics yolk contains Zeta pilot is Hbhet flavonol and gums and extracts Alkovarin.honey health
6. Sunflower honey: honey and sunflower have flavonoids (FLAVONOIDESB). Golden yellow color and turns to amber light flawless greener, if crystallized, and its smell mild and pungent tastes delicious and gives the plant a hectare of 50 kg honey.
7. Honey alfalfa: Fresh for him has different colors from colorless to amber color. It is taking shape quickly transformed into a white mass Kalakecdh, and has a pleasant smell and taste special, and contains fructose 40% and 37% dextrose and a hectare of alfalfa flowered gives 380 kg of honey. Of benefits: Keep blood sugar and diuretic and diarrhea.
8. Honey sweet clover: delicious taste, which is one of the best types of honey, pale amber in color, and smell refreshing Calfanilla, and contains 36% dextrose, and 39.5% fructose, and gives per hectare of irrigated alfalfa 600 kg honey.
9. Honey apple: pale yellow in color and smell pleasant sweetness in the paper, and contains fructose 42% and 32% grape sugar and gives hectares of apple trees only 20 kg of honey.honey health.
10. Honey barberry: golden yellow color and a pleasant smell and taste sweet and cute. The bees visit flowers barberry,honey health a turnout of medicinal plants that purify the blood.
11. Honey Raspberry: It is white like water and tastes delicious and gives hectares of raspberry 20 kg of honey.
12. Honey carob Black: one of the best types of honey, a honey transparent but if crystallized turned into a snow-white mass. Contains 40% fructose and 36% dextrose.
13. Honey Apsis: one of the best types of honey, light amber color has a nice smell and taste is excellent, very viscous and slowly freezes. This grass and flowers loved bees, therefore, has a value in the production of honey,honey health and gives 350 kg per hectare of honey.
14. Buckwheat honey: its color varies from dark yellow flawless red to dark brown has a smell and taste characteristic is the cayenne in the throat,honey health it contains 37% sugar grapes 40% fructose and the iron and protein high and recommended for treatment of anemia. And gives 60 kg per hectare honey.
15. Honey Burdock: Dark Olive color has a sharp smell-like spice, and his wife are high. And gives the plant a hectare of 600 kg honey.
16. Honey islands: dark yellow in color and has a nice smell.
17. Chestnut honey: Dark color has a light aroma and taste of unpalatable also reap the bees of pink flowers to plant horse scalp of ornamental plants violates Honey Alkestna as colorless and freezes quickly and the bitterness of both Alaasal lousy.honey health
18. Honey Citrus: He is the best types of honey has excellent smell like the smell of orange blossom, lemon, and has excellent taste and painted him face to remove freckles.
19. Honey turnip or draw Rape: greenish yellow color and has a mild odor and taste great but it is not fit for long storage, and gives the plant 40 hectares kg of honey.
20. Honey Coriander: it has a pungent smell and taste special,honey health and fragrant coriander plant gives 50 kg per hectare honey.
21. Honey cotton: light and distinctive smell and taste flour,honey health quickly freezes and turns to the color white as snow. It may be yellowish, honey health containing 36% dextrose, fructose, 39%, and cotton sheets give Rahiqa does not differ from the nectar of flowers and a hectare of cotton gives 100-300 kg of honey.
22. Honey Dandelion: golden yellow thick crystallize very quickly and has a strong aromatic smell and strong taste and has a 36% dextrose and 41% fructose.
23. Honey Wheat: greenish yellow in color and has the smell of almonds and remember the bitter taste of a special light.
24. Honey dragon head: Honey has a mild aroma and taste and a nice plant white flowers attract bees and contain a large amount of sweet nectar and is therefore a valuable plant in the production of honey.
25. Eucalyptus honey: It tastes nice and usefulness big as popularly described for people with lung Bessel.honey health And out of the honey from the flowers numerous stamens of this tree evergreen say about Mustafa Murad: "In the time when the earth barren and have flowering cotton has ended, turning beekeepers around them do not find it, but that tree majestic covered by flowers in abundance it is eucalyptus, which rises to the streets of many urban and rural areas. " honey health
26. Heather honey: a yellow or dark red-brown light and smell pungent taste nice, a very dense textures nor freezes easily, and gives the plant 299 hectares kg honey.
27. Honey hibiscus: Fresh from pale yellow turbid and unpalatable taste.
28. Honey Lavender: golden brown and smelled a thin high-value collections bees from plant lavender aromatic chives.honey health
29. Syrian linden honey: From Alaasal excellent, and tastes delicious, and has a strong aromatic smell when fresh. Includes dextrose 36% fructose and 39%. Is widely used in medicine to treat colds and is very streaky,honey health and the linden tree rightly called the "Queen of plants producing honey" It gives a hectare of which approximately 1000 kg of honey.
30. Altmrahna Honey: Honey is an excellent taste and smell nice,honey health it can compete with honey Aletilo. It is transparent, gives the plant 600 hectares kg of honey.
31. Honey Mint: Mint is a good source of honey, an aromatic plant, and Asla his mint smell, and color of amber.
32. Honey Alvasilya: color, light green, or white, and tastes delicious, and crystallized into a kind of dough, honey is excellent,honey health and the plant Alvasilya of the most important plant species producing honey,honey health gives a hectare of 500-1000 kg honey.
33. Honey Pumpkin Pumpkin: golden yellow in color, and smell acceptable and freezes quickly.
34. Honey Strawberry / Strawberry: white and smelled fresh, and tastes delicious. He loves strawberries and flowers favored by bees and for others,honey health it is an excellent honey contains a high proportion of fructose 41.5%.
35. Honey sage: color amber light or dark golden and smelled Zakia and tastes scrumptious. And gives the plant a hectare of 650 kg of honey.
36. Honey Tobacco: its color varies from light to dark, honey health smelled not gone, and tastes bitter, a Alaasal lousy. Used by the tobacco plants to produce the types of scented cigarettes.
37. White clover honey: Honey transparent colorless, and the taste is excellent, and if crystallization has become a solid white mass, which is one of the best types of honey, the proportion of fructose in which 40%, and gives the plant a hectare from 100 kg honey.
38. Honey Willow: golden yellow and tastes good,honey health and crystallized into a soft block Kalakecdh, bees preferred flowers and willow visited frequently and gives about 150 kg per hectare of honey.
39. Rock honey: Honey is rare is made by wild bees nest in natural rocks, pale yellow in color,honey health smell Zakia, and tastes delicious. Oaqras and come in the form of amorphous solid block to be broken into pieces. And can be reserved Bakwamh for many years.
40. Irradiated honey: Could Allen Etrios A.Caillas1908 to prove that certain types of honey contain radium.honey health It is the discovery of great importance, because the reserves of radium in the earth's crust is very weak. Honey and tarpaulin great importance as therapeutic uses in the treatment of malignant tumors of cancer and sarcoma.
Honey recipes and methods of cheating:
Honey varies depending on the seasons and the different plants that feed on the nectar of flowers as well as the type of bees and plants like bees to clover, olive and Sidr and acacia trees and citrus fruits (oranges, lemons and tangerines), mint and berries. And the finest honey-Rubaie then summer and winter succumbing.honey health Honey is known by several names in Saudi Arabia called the Sidr honey and honey and the course of the term and the fork and the honey is sold with either a net or witnessed rarely be drained unsophisticated textured glucose (dextrose), honey health which sold for less than half the value of the sugar. Scams and honey roasted flour and can be detected by alcohol, where it is deposited. As Scams flour is roasted starch or removes property from heat and lack of liquidity of melting cold water and blue in color if water has added iodine,honey health so this is known as fraud.Scams Balscros as honey and molasses and honey or sugar cane, sweet fluid extracted from Canadian maple trees, which is sold in cans to be used a substitute for honey in pies "pancakes."
小隊ミツバチ科のハチアピスミツバチ)として科学的に知られている。 )
そして「 Shahad 」を含むハニー多くの名前は、蜂蜜は限りろうそくの無リンギングだけでなく、 「鼓動」のように混合し、マヌカハニーと呼ばれる厚い「剛性」と「 Aldhub "を、任意の欠陥がない純粋な蜂蜜に呼びかけを意味し、また、 「ミツバチの蜜」は任意のネットや製品ミツバチで純粋。蜂蜜の健康の歴史
おそらく先史時代との蜂蜜の裏人間の知識は、そのは、地球の表面に見出されて以来の権利を知っていて、 3000年前に戻って蜂蜜について話しました最も古い書物は、紀元前、蜂蜜healthitはファラオの一部に刻ま蜂蜜を発見された古美術品が、またファラオ、蜂蜜の健康自然のままの墓で蜂蜜の量を発見したが、唯一の黒っぽい色に変色し、またバレル大さじファラオの蜂蜜の影響時代に発見された···率が示すものであるように、それはまた、蜂蜜のボウルに、エジプト、蜂蜜健康ファラオのピラミッドのピラミッドに浸漬し、子供の遺体を発見したか、この幻想製のボディの秘密のはちみつ4500年の間に子供が腐敗していないと、蜂蜜の健康を腐らせず、蜂蜜の中に堆積神はすべての病気を治すことを命じた。また、マケドニアの偉大が水没蜂蜜に送信され、それはローマ人とギリシャ人は肉を保存するために蜂蜜を使用したしたアレキサンダーのボディに伝えます。
私は長い間、アラブ人ミツバチと蜂蜜を知られており、自分の髪で彼らに話をし、 Ntarhamは蜂は、次のように散文で説明していました:ハチのおかげで十分、と陛下のレシピ、彼女はそれらに影響を与えた、と12でのブック..蜂蜜健康はBaida後ろ滝の逆境は、こちらをご覧ください。 Nawaraミストのためにそこに位置しており、 Bahareh Angh 、それら何予約Redabaドリンクを飲みながら、彼が話したとき、そしてアクラムMojtnaと最も賢いの構造についての彼にTaatjavy寸法。 「はちみつの健康
彼をAMJ Redaba
蜂蜜は花や植物の分泌物やAlokhrjhから蜜のソースは昆虫が残したかどうかの多様性に応じて変化する。と蜂蜜の色に応じて変動し、においや結晶化、密度とアルカリ性、さらにはその構成要素であっても数%の一部。 、蜂蜜の健康への好みや感受性は、その他の要因も、土壌などの蜂蜜の品質に影響がある種類や気象factors.honey健康
1 。シドル蜂蜜:世界との価格範囲で最高級の蜂蜜の1は133ドルにキロとターコイズ、ダークブラウンが特徴で、香りが、純粋で温かいAlzivイエメンシドルハニー中Sidr.honeyの健康の木、そこからミツバチについての結論を下すの味特にハドラマウトにおけるグローバル最も高価と蜂蜜の最高の種類の一つと考えられますが、ローカルに存在しない制作会社はありませんが、されているDouan
2 。ハニーシトラス:シトラスハニーとターコイズの利点、少数の白と強度、蜂蜜、この層のオレンジ色は、彼の血を一掃した最近の研究を特徴とし、あなたが寝る前にスプーンに半分の時間を取れば神経の鎮静さ、特に子供たちのために。
3 。蜂蜜Alkabbar ( Shafalah ) :高級で高価な蜂蜜からAlkabbar野生植物は、そのAlkabbar 、性的トニックの上に多くの医療の質を特徴とし、したがって、これらの薬効成分のハチミツの健康のすべてが植物の蜜に転送され、そのために搬送されるミツバチ。刺激し、肝臓および脾臓の機能を活性化し、血液循環を改善し、アテローム性動脈硬化症の治療に有用であり、消化を助け、パフ腹部の処分である。そして容赦ない腸、蜂蜜の健康とは、尿や月経が生成されます。そして気管支炎、肺の分泌物を取り除くのに役立ちます。貧血の幾つかの症例を治療するのに有用である。それは、浮腫(腹部くしゃくしゃの流体)と痛風、関節炎の治療に使用されます。アレルギーや皮膚発疹の治療にメリットがあります。ライブと歯痛。砂tract.honeyの健康を取り除くと病気の予防にケーパーの花芽ヘルプを得るのに役立ちます、なぜなら、いくつかの自家用車の豊かさの目に白内障、 。
4 。ハニーユーカリ:ユーカリ蜂蜜はAlaasalハイエンドの1 、完全な呼吸能力である、濃い琥珀色と独特のにおいがあり、味が良い。痰やアレルギーの胸部例に取り、喘息、および腎臓からの尿の患者のための忠実な友人であり、それは身体とAallonatの炎症の場合には非常に便利です。
5 。クローバー蜂蜜:ハチミツクローバーターコイズイタリック卵黄はゼータパイロットがHbhetのフラボノールと歯茎で含まれており、 Alkovarin.honeyの健康を抽出しています
6 。ひまわり蜂蜜:蜂蜜とヒマワリはフラボノイド( FLAVONOIDESB )を持っています。黄金色とは結晶化した場合、光完璧な環境に優しいを黄色になり、その臭いマイルドで辛味の味おいしいと植物に50キロの蜂蜜のヘクタールを与えます。
7 。ハニーアルファルファ:彼のために新鮮な物を無色から琥珀色に別の色を持っています。それはすぐに白い塊Kalakecdhに変換形を取って、心地よい香りを持ち、特別な味、と果糖40%と37%のブドウ糖が含まれており、アルファルファ花の咲くのヘクタールは、蜂蜜の380キロを提供している。メリットの:血糖値と利尿や下痢をしてください。
8 。ハニースイートクローバー:おいしい味、はちみつの最高のタイプのいずれか、色が淡い琥珀色、およびCalfanillaさわやか香りがあり、 36%のデキストロース、 39.5 %の果糖が含まれており、灌漑アルファルファ600キロの蜂蜜のヘクタール当たります。
9 。はちみつリンゴ:色が淡黄色と紙で心地よい甘さの香りと果糖42%と32 %のブドウ糖が含まれており、リンゴの木honey.honey健康の唯一の20キロのヘクタールを与えます。
10 。ハニーメギ:ゴールデンイエロー色、心地よい香りと甘くてキュートな味わい。ミツバチが花メギ、蜂蜜の健康血液を浄化する薬用植物の賑わいをご覧ください。
11 。ハニーラズベリー:それは、水のように白く、おいしい味とラズベリーのヘクタールの蜂蜜の20キロを提供します。
12 。ハニーキャロブブラック:蜂蜜の最高のタイプのいずれか、透明ますが結晶化した場合には雪のように白い塊になっハチミツ。 40%のフラクトースと36 %のブドウ糖が含まれています。
13 。蜂蜜アプシス:蜂蜜の最高の種類の一つは、明るい琥珀色が香ばしさがあり、味は非常に粘性、優れており、ゆっくりとフリーズします。この草や花、ミツバチを愛ししたがって、蜂蜜、蜂蜜の健康の生産の値を持ち、蜂蜜のヘクタール当たり350キロを提供します。
14 。そば蜂蜜:その色はダークブラウンにダークイエロー完璧な赤から変わるが、臭いがあり、特性が喉のカイエンある味、はちみつ健康はそれが37%の砂糖のブドウ40 %のフルクトースとが含まれている鉄とタンパク質高や貧血の治療に推奨。そしてヘクタールの蜂蜜あたり60キロを提供します。
15 。蜂蜜ゴボウ:ダークオリーブ色はシャープな匂いのようなスパイスを持っており、彼の妻は高い。そして植物に600キロの蜂蜜のヘクタールを与えます。
16 。蜂蜜の島:黄色に暗くて香ばしさを持っています。
17 。栗の蜂蜜:ダーク色は光香り、口に合わないの味を持っているにも観賞植物の馬の頭皮を植えるピンクの花のミツバチを享受することは無色ハニーAlkestnaに違反して、すぐにフリーズし、 Alaasalのlousy.honeyの健康の両方の苦味
18 。ハニーシトラス:彼は蜂蜜の最高の種類では、オレンジの花、レモンの香りのような優れた香りを持ち、優れた味を持って、彼はそばかすを除去するために直面して描いた。
19 。蜂蜜カブやレイプを描く:緑がかった黄色と、軽度の臭いがあり、偉大な味が、それは長期保存には向いていないで、蜂蜜のキロ植物に40ヘクタールを与えます。
20 。蜂蜜コリアンダー:それは刺激臭があり、特別な味、はちみつの健康と香りのコリアンダー工場はヘクタールの蜂蜜あたり50キロを提供します。
21 。蜂蜜綿:光と独特の香りと味小麦粉、蜂蜜の健康はすぐにフリーズし、雪のように白い色に変わります。それは黄色がかったかもしれ、 36%ブドウ糖、果糖、 39% 、コットンのシーツを含む蜂蜜の健康はRahiqa花の蜜と変わらない与えると綿のヘクタールは、蜂蜜の100〜300キロを提供します。
22 。蜂蜜タンポポ:厚い非常に迅速に結晶化し、強い芳香香りと強い味があり、 36%のブドウ糖と41%のフルクトースを持つ黄色の黄金。
23 。ハニーウィート:黄色で緑がかったとアーモンドの香りがあり、特殊な光の苦味を覚えています。
24 。蜂蜜ドラゴンヘッド:蜂蜜はマイルドな香りと味があり、素敵な植物白い花は蜂を引き付け、甘い蜜を多く含むため、蜂蜜の生産において価値のある植物です。
25 。ユーカリの蜂蜜:それはムスタファムラドについて言う俗肺Bessel.honeyの健康とそして、この木の常緑の花の多数の雄しべから蜂蜜のうち人々のために説明したように素晴らしく、有用性に大きな味: 「地球不毛と開花を持っている時間内に綿はそれを見つけていない彼らの周りの養蜂家を回して、終了したが、その木は豊富に花に覆われた雄大な、多くの都市部と農村部の街頭に上昇し、ユーカリです。 「蜂蜜の健康に
26 。ヘザーの蜂蜜:黄色または暗赤褐色の光とは、辛味の素敵な、非常に密度の高いテクスチャを嗅ぐも簡単にフリーズして、植物に蜂蜜キロ299ヘクタールを与えます。
27 。ハニーハイビスカス:淡黄色の濁ったとまずい味の新鮮な。
28 。ハニーラベンダー:黄金色とは、植物ラベンダーの芳香chives.honeyの健康から薄い価値の高いコレクションのミツバチを嗅い
29 。シリアシナノキの蜂蜜:優れAlaasalから、そして、おいしい味、新鮮な強い芳香匂いを持っています。ブドウ糖36%のフルクトースおよび39%が含まれています。広く風邪の治療に医学で使用し、非常に筋状、蜂蜜の健康と当然「蜂蜜を生産する植物の女王」と呼ばれる菩提樹があるさこれは、ヘクタールを与える蜂蜜の約千キロ。
30 。 Altmrahnaハニー:蜂蜜は優秀な味であり、それは蜂蜜Aletiloと競うことができる素敵な、はちみつの健康を嗅ぐ。それは、透明であり、植物に蜂蜜の600ヘクタールのキロを提供します。
31 。ハニーミント:ミントは、蜂蜜の良い情報源、芳香植物、そしてASLA彼のミントのにおい、そしてアンバーの色です。
32 。蜂蜜Alvasilya :色、ライトグリーン、または白、おいしい、生地の種類に結晶化味、はちみつ、優れた、はちみつの健康と蜂蜜を生産する最も重要な植物種の植物Alvasilyaで、蜂蜜の健康は500ヘクタールを与えます - 千キロの蜂蜜。
33 。蜂蜜カボチャカボチャ:色は黄金色、そして、許容可能な匂いとすぐにフリーズします。
34 。ハニーストロベリー/ストロベリー:白と新鮮な匂いが、おいしい味がします。彼は、ミツバチが好むイチゴや花を愛し、他人のために、蜂蜜の健康は、優れた蜂蜜は果糖の割合が高い41.5%が含まれています。
35 。ハチミツセージ:カラー黄色のライトまたは暗い黄金とZakiaを臭いと美味しい味がします。そして植物に蜂蜜の650キロのヘクタールを与えます。
36 。ハニータバコ:その色は光から暗いまで変化する、蜂蜜の健康は消えて、苦い、 Alaasalのお粗末な味ではない匂い。香りのたばこの種類を生産するタバコ植物で使用される。
37 。ホワイトクローバーハチミツ:ハチミツ無色透明、そして味が優れており、結晶化が蜂蜜の最高のタイプのいずれか、 40%フルクトースの割合であるから植物にヘクタールを与えた白色固体塊となっている場合に100キロの蜂蜜。
38 。蜂蜜ウィロー:黄金色と良い、蜂蜜の健康を味とソフトブロックKalakecdhに結晶化、ミツバチが好ましく花や柳が頻繁に訪問し、蜂蜜のヘクタール当たり約150キロを提供します。
39 。岩の蜂蜜:蜂蜜はまれであるが、自然の岩での野生のミツバチの巣で行われ、色、蜂蜜健康匂いZakiaでの淡黄色、おいしい味がします。 Oaqrasとは断片に分割されるアモルファス固体ブロックの形で来る。長年Bakwamhを予約することができる。
40 。照射された蜂蜜:地球の地殻中のラジウムの埋蔵量が非常に弱いため、アレンEtrios A.Caillas1908蜂蜜の特定の種類を証明するためにでしたが、それは非常に重要な発見であるradium.honey健康が含まれています。がんや肉腫の悪性腫瘍の治療における治療的使用としてハチミツと防水シートは非常に重要。
蜂蜜は季節やだけでなくクローバー、オリーブやシドルとアカシアの木や柑橘類(オレンジ、レモンやみかん)に蜂のようなハチや植物の種類などの花の蜜を餌に異なる植物によって異なり、ミント、ベリー。そして最高級の蜂蜜Rubaieその後、夏と冬のsuccumbing.honey健康ハチミツはサウジアラビアで、いくつかの名前で知られているがシドルの蜂蜜、蜂蜜や長期の経過とフォークと蜂蜜が、ネットのいずれかで売却またはめったに目撃されていないと呼ばれる素朴な質感のグルコース(ブドウ糖)、砂糖の半分以下の値で売ら蜂蜜の健康を排水する。詐欺や蜂蜜は小麦粉をローストし、それが堆積されるアルコールを検出することができる。小麦粉はローストデンプンであるか、熱、これは蜂蜜と糖蜜、蜂蜜やサトウキビなどのfraud.Scams Balscrosとして知られているので、水がヨウ素、蜂蜜の健康を追加している場合はカラーで冷たい水と青の溶融流動性の欠如からプロパティを削除詐欺としてパイに蜂蜜の代わりに使用されるように、缶で販売されているカナダのカエデの木から抽出された甘い液「パンケーキ」。
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