Burdock plant lives for two years up to the height of
his legs about meter and a half, his cards Mekovp oval inside the heads of its
flowers and reddish.burdock benefits The root of the plant is covered with bark
sons to a white spongy become stiff after drying.
Burdock is known scientifically as ARCTIUM LAPPA.
The user of the plant: leaves,burdock benefits roots
and fruits that contain seeds.
The original home of the burdock plant: his native
Europe and Asia, and now grows in temperate regions all over the world,
including the United States,burdock benefits and is grown in China Burdock.
There are such types of Burdock Burdock small which is known scientifically as
ARCTIUM MINUS and Burdock lanugo known scientifically as ARCTIUM TOMENTOSUM and
are identical in their use.
Chemical components of the burdock plant:
Burdock contains glucose lira times the most important
compound,burdock benefits known as Erguetao Bkerin and also contain Flavo Nadat
Erqtien most important compounds, also contains Afsip acids and volatile oil
and polyhedra acetylene turbines as well as mono-half and inulin.burdock
What has been said about Burdock in ancient medicine?
Burdock said about herbal medicine in the western and
Chinese alike that he was more abrasive herbal toxicity.burdock benefits The
Burdock treatment of gout and heritage fevers and kidney stones. In the
seventeenth century the world's books Clipper suggests Burdock swing up and
down across his therapeutic One moment people were Anatonh insults and another
time they recommend for the treatment of all kinds of diseases,burdock benefits
so that the nun and the German scientist plants Heald Gard Dobnjan was used as
a treatment for cancerous tumors.
The Chinese doctors Alemraon traditions as well as the
physicians of ancient India considered Burdock good treatment to combat colds
and influenza and throat infections and pneumonia. In Europe,burdock benefits
during the fourteenth century were Burdock leaves soak for vintage is useful in
the treatment of leprosy.
In the seventeenth century was the world of herbal
British Nicholas Cooper advised to use burdock to treat uterine
prolapse,burdock benefits any decline in the ligaments supporting the uterus,
leading to a decline in the vagina. The Colbert recommends treating strange to
treat the disease, boils down to a crown of burdock plant on the head so as to
make the uterus climb back to his place.burdock benefits
Doctors began to weed later as Burdock root for the
treatment of fever, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, acne, skin peels, gout and skin
diseases caused by plants and cutaneous infections, syphilis, gonorrhea and the
problems associated with childbirth.
The doctors Alantghanion in North America recognize
its advantages and they call therapeutic for the treatment of skin infections
and arthritis.burdock benefits
During the thirties and the fifties was one of the
main components of burdock for the treatment of cancer,burdock benefits who was
a miner former Hoxa Harry has revealed to the markets.
What has been said about Burdock in modern medicine?
German researchers have discovered that Burdock
contains chemical elements are polyhedra acetylene (POLYACETYLENE)burdock
benefits can expel the bacteria responsible for infections and breakfast.
As the Japanese in 1967 detects that polyhedra
acetylene in fresh roots have the effect of antibacterial and breakfast and
materials Madrrh urine and reduced the level of sugar in the blood and also
seems to him pursuant to the Anti tumors.burdock benefits As the compound
Alariqnyen relaxant nice muscles.
Burdock is considered of drugs that occupies a high
position in the treatment of cancer worldwide,burdock benefits several studies
have shown that the material contained in it affect the tumors. And remember
his article published in the magazine (CHMOTHERAPY) that element chemical found
in plant Arkiegin ARCTIGENINE counter to the growth of tumors,burdock benefits
and also showed another study published in the MUTATION RESEARCH that Burdock
reduces the occurrence of mutations caused by chemical elements in cells (most
of the substances that cause genetic mutation can also cause cancer). Burdock
has the influential anti-toxin,burdock benefits has conducted tests on
laboratory animals given Burdock turned out he's got to have a bearing chemical
Preparation of an actual Burdock taken to fill a
teaspoon of root powder and added to fill a cup of water for 30 minutes,burdock
benefits until the leaves cool and drink that a person does not exceed three
cups a day.
Warning not given Burdock for children under two years
of age.burdock benefits It also should not be used on pregnant women because it
Burdock stimulant of the uterus.
ゴボウは、グルコースリラ時間の最も重要な化合物、 Erguetao Bkerinとして知られているゴボウのメリットが含まれており、これもAfsip類および揮発油や多面体アセチレンタービンだけでなく、モノの半分とinulin.burdock利点が含まれている、フラボNadat Erqtien最も重要な化合物が含まれている
ゴボウは、彼がより多くの研磨剤ハーブtoxicity.burdockが痛風と遺産発熱と腎臓結石のゴボウの治療に有益であったことを西洋料理と中華を問わずに漢方薬について語った。 17世紀に世界の本クリッパーはゴボウを振り上げを示唆しているし、彼の治療の一つの瞬間の人々間で上下Anatonh侮辱と、彼らは病気のすべての種類、ゴボウの利益の治療のためにお勧めします別の時間だったように修道女とドイツの科学者工場ヒールドガールDobnjanは、癌性腫瘍の治療として使用された。
伝統Alemraon中国の医師だけでなく、古代インドの医師は風邪やインフルエンザ、喉の感染症や肺炎を戦うためにゴボウの良い治療法を検討した。ヨーロッパでは、 14世紀中にゴボウの利点は、ゴボウはハンセン病の治療に有用であるヴィンテージ浸し残した。
日本人は1967年に、新鮮な根の多面体アセチレン抗菌ブレックファースト効果を有し、材料が尿をMadrrh 、血液中の糖のレベルを低下させ、また彼に、化合物Alariqnyen弛緩剤などの抗tumors.burdockの利益に基づきらしいことを検出すると素敵な筋肉。
ゴボウは、世界中の癌の治療に高い位置を占めている薬、ゴボウの利点いくつかの研究は、それに含まれる材料は、腫瘍に影響を与えることが示されているのと見なされます。雑誌に掲載さ彼の記事( CHMOTHERAPY )腫瘍、ゴボウの利点ともゴボウは、化学の要素に起因する変異の発生を減少させることMUTATION研究で発表さ別の研究を示したの成長に植物Arkiegin ARCTIGENINEカウンターに見られる要素化学を覚えている細胞(遺伝子変異を引き起こす物質のほとんどは、がんを引き起こす可能性があります) 。ゴボウはゴボウは、彼が有毒ベアリング化学物質を持っているんだが判明した実験動物での影響力の抗毒素、ゴボウの利点が実施しているテストされています。
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