Olive oil is the oil
output of the era or pressure olives, a tree grows in the Mediterranean basin;
olive oil is used in cooking, pharmacy and medicine at the ignition Moaqad In
oily soap.olive health benefits Olive oil used heavily for being a healthy food
rich in fat and vitamins useful.
Olive oil is classified
on the basis of several characteristics we quote as follows:
1 Color: be on grades from green to yellow (yellowish-green, golden yellow or dark green, light yellow, as well). olive health benefits
1 Color: be on grades from green to yellow (yellowish-green, golden yellow or dark green, light yellow, as well). olive health benefits
2 Appearance: where the bright
color or Atma.
3 Transparency: where is
transparent or brown.
4 textures: heavy even with varying
5 Smell: Aromatic or no distinctive
or strange odors.
6 Taste: characteristic taste
olives or the absence of it or taste creamy without a distinctive flavor.
7 storage period: where
distinguishes: New oil: the current season. olive health benefits Old oil: the
previous season. Oil is too old: older seasons.
The classification rolling in
international trade is the adopted classification olive health benefits issued
by the International Council of olive oil: Nord and his explanation as follows:
Oil is classified into two classes
are two basic factors:
A olive oil: Oil is a product of
the juice of fresh olives.
B olive pomace oil (olive oil
Arjun): It is Zitalnatj of olive pomace (Arjun olives). And extracted from the
remains of the era of olives.olive health benefits We include a rating based
are as follows for each class are as follows:
First: the first category: olive
oil, olive health benefits which oil obtained directly and fully from the
fruits of the olive tree. It is classified into the following types:
1 extra virgin olive oil.
2 refined olive oil.
Pure olive oil.
Second: Category II: oil or olive
pomace oil Arjun olive oil which is extracted from olive pomace any remnants of
contemporary olive health benefits olives: classified into the following types:
1 olive pomace oil, raw (crude) oil
or raw Aerjon.
2 oil or refined olive pomace oil,
refined olive Arjun.
3 dregs of olive oil or olive oil
Arjun. The following is a definition of each category and the types and
Class I: Olive oil Olive oil
It is classified into three types:
Refined olive oil: Virgin Olive
oil, olive health benefits which oil obtained directly and fully from the
fruits of fresh olives by mechanical and physical simple transactions without
any thermal or chemical classified under the types:
A virgin olive oil: Virgin Olive
Oil fit for direct consumption, as is characteristic of the three grades.
Extra virgin olive oil (Extra)
EXTRA VIRGIN O.O a virgin olive oil has a smell and taste and good acidity does
not exceed 1% (the ability of oleic acid, heat oil in 100 g of the sample).
Extra virgin olive oil good: Fine.
voo a virgin olive oil the same specifications, but the previous maximum
acidity of 5.1% (the ability of oleic acid,olive health benefits heat oil in
100 g).
Extra virgin olive oil semi-good
(normal) Semi-fine VOO (Ordinary) the same specifications, but the former
acidity of up to 3% (the ability of oleic acid, heat oil in 100 g). With a
tolerance of 10% of the pH in the previous distinction grades.
B virgin olive oil: VOO (Lampante)
is not valid for direct consumption due to defects of taste or smell, or a rise
in pH of more than 3.3%. Called extra virgin olive oil (for Ambanti) or oil
lamp and is subject to the refining operations or for industrial use.
2 Refined olive oil: Rifned Olive
oil is a product of oil refining virgin olive oil refining in ways that do not
affect the natural chemical composition.olive health benefits
3 pure olive oil: Pure olive oil is
a mixture of the oil output of refined olive oil with virgin olive oil which is
fit for human consumption as it is.
Class II: olive pomace oil
Olive-Pomace oil olive oil Arjun: Oil is a product of the treatment of olive
pomace (the remnants of juice olive health benefits Osmaralzaton Palmasr
(Aerjon) organic solvents (hexane petrol) with the refining and purification
necessary and classified into the following types:
1 crude olive pomace oil (raw)
Crude Olive-pomace oil is the oil olive pomace allocated for refining in order
to be valid outfitted for human use or in industry.
2 refined olive pomace oil: Refined
Olive-Pomacem Oil which oil is extracted from crude olive pomace oil refining
operations is does not affect olive health benefits the original composition of
the fatty acids. It is intended for human consumption or as mixes with extra
virgin olive oil.
3 olive pomace oil: Olive-Pomacem
Oil is a blend of refined olive pomace oil with virgin olive oil which is fit
for human consumption.
Olive oil helps to dissolve a
pebble physicians say: "I've seen cases where the patient fasts
satisfactory gall stones and then drink olive oil to dissolve gallstones,olive
health benefits gallbladder to contract terms and expel the stones of the
She different research in the field
of relationship of food consumed peoples and heart disease that food
"Mediterranean" has a close relationship with the reduction of high
cholesterol and heart disease and attributed the researchers of this
information or the positive results to the high consumption of olive oil in the
diet of this part of the world. I have met many researchers in this field and
began to discuss (olive oil and the Mediterranean diet and the diseases
associated with them). It was of the most important conclusions in this matter
as follows: First, olive oil and cholesterol: associated with "olive
oil" olive health benefits reduction of developing high cholesterol was
observed on the people who consume good amounts of olive oil that the
percentage of bad cholesterol (LDL), or what is known as ( LDL) low in the
blood and thus led to the reduction of atherosclerosis, which in turn has a
great relationship in the reduction of heart disease and stroke. Secondly,
olive health benefits olive oil and blood pressure: The disease, high blood
pressure of the primary factors for heart disease and stroke,
as the high pressure, both diastolic or
contraction (simple or primarily)olive health benefits has a negative effect on
the incidence of various diseases. I have observed that there is a direct
relationship between blood pressure and reduce the consumption of adequate
amounts of olive oil is indicated by a research conducted on the number of
patients with high blood pressure and diluted share for the drugs. Section,
where the first two patients to whom the program work for them diet rich in
olive oil (toasted Excellent) or what is known as Babakr. And the other half
put on a program of diet rich in sunflower oil and after a period of time in
excess of 4 months. Results indicated a decrease in the group that consumed
olive oil has been able patients in this group reduced doses of drugs for high
blood pressure. Thirdly,olive health benefits
olive oil and cancer: Studies indicate that
there is a decrease in the rate of deaths from cancer in areas of the
Mediterranean basin and describes olive health benefits these studies The food
the residents of these areas includes a good
proportion of olive oil as a source
of fat in their diet and do not forget the impact of the consumption of fruits
and vegetables, especially breast cancer, stomach, and illustrate these facts
that olive oil contains a good percentage of vitamin E which is known in
anti-oxidants and thus olive health benefits the encapsulates and linking
oxidizing substances and rid the body of them. It was noted that the
consumption of (a tablespoon of olive oil)olive health benefits a day can
reduce the risk of breast cancer by more than 40%. Fourth: olive oil and the
reduction of skin cancer spreads and significantly skin cancer in many
countries of the world, especially those with white skin and who are largely of
the Sun and for long periods, especially after swimming. olive health benefits
It has one of the researchers studying the fats in olive oil on the skin (all
body) after swimming a direct impact in helping to reduce the incidence of
breast cancer. olive health benefits All these facts and studies linking the
consumption of "olive oil" and the reduction of health problems is
not alien to us as Muslims, as this Oil is produced from a blessed tree
described by God Almighty in airtight book where likened to God Almighty the
light where he said: {Kindles from a blessed tree olive tree is not Eastern nor
Western} Moreover, olive health benefits these secrets lurking in this
oil-Mubarak, who praised the Messenger Huda upon him blessings and peace,olive
health benefits where He said: (EAT oil and Adhnoa do it from a blessed tree).
process, so the consumption of this product recommends blessed by the Holy
embarked as well as the results of high-Shafi God.
I realized scientific research
medical benefits, where results indicate that olive oil protects against God
willing disease era "heart disease!". olive health benefits Has been
one of the recommendations in some communities, the World Food communities
countries Mediterranean basin is considered one of the most important factors
affecting the low occurrence of diseases the heart and arteries, olive health
benefits compared to other
countries such as Europe and the United States. due researchers to increase the
consumption of "olive oil" to have. The consumption of this oil
instead of margarine,olive health benefits butter and other fats. In my view,
this is why a health benefit of olive oil to the oil output of the blessed tree
as he says: {Kindles from a blessed tree olive tree is not Eastern nor Western}
contain fatty olive health benefits acids distinct known as fatty acid mono
olive health benefits useless saturation Mono Unsaturated where do these acids
Unique to reduce the high rate of cholesterol in the blood. Also,olive health
this oil blessed contains vitamins especially
known antioxidants, as well as some vehicles such as polyphenols each of these
compounds, olive health benefits which rise increase in olive oil challenge of
developing high cholesterol in other words, olive health benefits reduce
hardening of the arteries and thus reduce heart disease, but this should be Oil
inferred a certain way and in a manner gives the so-called oil "extra
virgin olive oil," olive health benefits which is excellent and the output
of the first Squeeze Virgin Oil Extr.
Olive oil strengthens your memory
Can drops of olive oil, eat each
day,olive health benefits to protect you, memory loss and keep the performance
of the brain's functions effectively when you reach old age, according to what
the scientific team from the University of "Barry" and password in it
olive health benefits - by what he says Dr "Antonio Kaborso" who
presides over the scientific team that has the necessary research before
reaching this conclusion - is a non-saturated fatty acids that can be found in
olive and sunflower grain and sesame oil.olive health benefits
These scientists believe that these
materials maintain the integrity of the evidence of the brain. And expresses
Dr. "Kaborso" for saying, "olive health benefits There seems to
be a growing need for non-saturated fatty acids during the aging process."
The medical team to reach its results after this research included 300 people
aged between 65 and 84 years,olive health benefits it was found that those who
ate higher amounts of these acids within the components of their diets.Enjoy
better able to remember and they were more vigilant than others. The
researchers recommend eating additional quantities of olive oil as particularly
effective in this area. No wonder, olive health benefits the olive tree is a
blessed Medical.
Bオリーブ搾りかす油(オリーブオイルアルジュン) :それは、オリーブ搾りかす(アルジュンオリーブ)のZitalnatjです。各クラスのために、次のように我々はベースの評価が含まれolives.olive健康上の利点の時代の遺跡からのものである抽出、次のように:
第二:カテゴリーII :オリーブ搾りかすから現代オリーブ健康上の利点オリーブのいずれかの残党を抽出したオイルやオリーブ搾りオイルアルジュンオリーブオイル:次のタイプに分類:
1オリーブ搾りかす油、生(未精製)油や生Aerjon 。
クラスI :オリーブオイルオリーブオイル
これは、 3つのタイプに分類される:1
バージンオリーブオイル:バージンオリーブオイルは、 3段階の特徴であるとして、直接消費用に適合します。
エキストラバージンオリーブオイル(エクストラ) EXTRA VIRGIN OOはバージンオリーブオイルは、香りと味があり、良い酸味が(サンプル100g中のオレイン酸、熱油の能力を) 1%を超えない。
エキストラバージンオリーブオイルの良い:ファイン。 VOOバージンオリーブオイルと同じ仕様が、 5.1%の前の最大酸度(オレイン酸の能力、オリーブの健康上の利点は、 100グラムの油を加熱し) 。
エキストラバージンオリーブオイル半良い(ノーマル)セミファインVOO (普通)と同じ仕様が、最大3%の元酸度( 100グラム中のオレイン酸、熱油の能力) 。前回の区別グレードのpHを10 %の許容差を持つ。
Bバージンオリーブオイル: VOO ( Lampante )が原因味や匂いの欠陥、または超える3.3%のpH上昇に直接消費には有効ではありません。と呼ばれるエキストラバージン( Ambanti用)オリーブオイルやオイルランプとは、精製操作、あるいは工業用の対象となります。
2洗練オリーブオイル: Rifnedオリーブオイルは自然な化学composition.olive健康上の利点に影響を与えない方法で、石油精製バージンオリーブオイル精製の生成物である
クラスII :オリーブ搾りオイルオリーブ搾りかす油オリーブオイルアルジュン:オイル、オリーブ搾りかすの処理の生成物(ジュースオリーブの健康の残党が必要な精錬·精製してOsmaralzaton Palmasr ( Aerjon )有機溶剤(ヘキサンガソリン)を利点とある以下のタイプに分類:
オリーブオイルは、小石の医師が言う溶解させるのに役立ちます: 「私は、患者が満足できる胆石を断食してから胆石を溶解するためにオリーブオイルを飲む例を見てきました、オリーブの健康上の利点は、利用規約を収縮させ、体の石を追い出すために胆嚢。 "
食べ物"地中海"高コレステロールや心臓病の減少と密接な関係があり、オリーブの高い消費、この情報や肯定的な結果の研究者を帰せ食品が消費の人々と心疾患の関係の分野で彼女異なる研究世界のこの部分の食事中の油。私はこの分野で多くの研究者に会い、 (オリーブオイルと地中海ダイエット、それらに関連する疾患)を議論し始めたしている。まず、オリーブオイルとコレステロール:それは次のようにこの問題で最も重要な結論であった高コレステロールを開発する"オリーブオイル"オリーブの健康上の利点の減少オリーブオイルの良い量を消費する人々に認められたに関連付けられているが、そのの割合悪玉コレステロール(LDL) 、またはどのような血液中の低い(LDL )として知られ、従って、今度は心臓病や脳卒中の軽減に多大な関係を有するアテローム性動脈硬化症の減少につながっている。疾患、心疾患および脳卒中の主な要因の高血圧:第二に、オリーブの健康上の利点は、オイルおよび血圧オリーブ
高圧として、拡張期や収縮(単純または主に)オリーブの健康上の利点の両方が様々な疾患の発生率にマイナスの影響を持っています。 Iは、薬物の高血圧および希薄化後の患者の数に行われた研究によって示されている血圧およびオリーブ油の十分な量の消費を低減するとの間に直接的な関係があることを観察した。最初の2人の患者は、オリーブオイルが豊富な彼らの食事療法のためのプログラムの仕事は(優れたトースト)またはものにセクションは、 Babakrとして知られています。残りの半分は、ヒマワリ油が豊富な食事療法のプログラムに4ヶ月を超える期間の後に置く。結果は、オリーブオイルは、このグループの高血圧のための薬物の用量を低減できる患者が消費された群の減少を示した。第三に、オリーブの健康上の利点
彼らの食事中の脂肪のソースと果物や野菜、特に乳癌、胃癌の消費の影響を忘れて、オイルオリーブ、これらの事実を説明しないなどのオリーブオイルの割合はで知られているビタミンEの優れた割合が含まれています抗酸化ので、オリーブの健康はカプセル化し、リンク酸化性物質に利益をもたらし、そのうちの体を取り除く。これは、 (オリーブオイル大さじ)オリーブ健康の消費が日が40%以上乳癌のリスクを減らすことができる利点が留意された。第四:大幅にオリーブオイルと皮膚癌のスプレッドの縮小と、特に水泳の後、世界の多くの国々 、特に白い肌の方やアール主に日の、長い期間でがんを肌。オリーブの健康はそれは乳がんの発生率を減らすために助けに直接影響を与える水泳後に皮膚(全身)にオリーブオイル中の脂肪を研究研究者の1を持っているメリットがあります。オリーブの健康は「オリーブオイル」の消費と健康問題の軽減を結ぶすべてのこれらの事実および研究に利益をもたらし、このオイルは、神にたとえどこに気密本の中で全能の神によって記述祝福の木から生成されるように、イスラム教徒としての私たちに外国人ではありません全能の彼が言ったライト:また、オリーブの健康が彼の祝福と平安、オリーブの健康上の利点に基づいメッセンジャーフダを賞賛し、この油ムバラク、潜んでいるこれらの秘密に利益をもたらす{祝福木オリーブの木からのKindleは、東部や西部ではありません}ここで彼は言った: ( EAT石油· Adhnoaは祝福されたツリーからそれを行う) 。プロセスなので、この製品の消費は神聖で祝福さをお勧めしますが、高Shafi神の結果と同様に乗り出した。
私は結果がオリーブオイルは神喜ん疾患の時代から保護することを示す科学的研究医療給付を実現「心臓病を! 」 。オリーブ健康上の利点は、いくつかのコミュニティの提言の一つとなって、世界食糧コミュニティ諸国、地中海沿岸は、疾患、心臓と動脈、オリーブの健康の低い発生に影響を与える最も重要な要因の一つと考えられている
利点は、欧州、米国など他の国に比べて。研究者が持っている「オリーブオイル」の使用量を増加したことによる。この油の消費量の代わりにマーガリン、オリーブの健康上の利点バターと他の脂肪。 {祝福木オリーブの木からのKindleは、東部や西部ではありません}脂肪酸として知られている明確な脂肪オリーブの健康上の利点酸が含まれています。彼が言うように、私の見解では、これは祝福された木の石油生産へのオリーブオイルの理由健康上の利益である血液中のコレステロールの高い率を減らすためのユニークなこれらの酸を行うモノオリーブ健康上の利点無用飽和モノ不飽和。また、オリーブの健康上の利点
恵まれこのオイルはビタミン、特に知られている酸化防止剤、ならびにそのようなポリフェノール言い換えると高コレステロールを開発するのオリーブオイルの課題の増大を上昇、これらの化合物、オリーブの健康上の利点のそれぞれと一部の車両が含まれ、オリーブの健康上の利点は、このように動脈硬化および軽減心臓病を減らすことが、これはあるべきオイルは特定の方法で推定されると方法で、いわゆるオイル」エキストラバージンオリーブオイル、 「優れ、オリーブの健康上の利点と第スクイーズバージンオイルEXTR出力を提供します。
オリーブオイルの滴が、あなたを保護するために、毎日オリーブの健康上の利点を食べる記憶喪失、あなたが老後に達したときに応じて、効果的に脳の機能のパフォーマンスを保つことができるものを「バリー」の大学とパスワードの科学チームそのオリーブの健康上の利点 - オリーブやひまわり穀物とごま油で見つけることができる非飽和脂肪酸である - 彼はこの結論に到達する前に必要な研究を持っている科学的なチームを主宰博士「アントニオKaborsoは「言うことで。オリーブの健康上の利点
これらの科学者は、これらの物質は、脳の証拠の完全性を維持すると考えている。博士「 Kaborsoは」と言っ用表す「オリーブの健康上の利点老化プロセスの間に不飽和脂肪酸に対するニーズがあるようです。 "この研究は65と84歳までの300人が含まれていた後に、その結果に到達するための医療チームは、オリーブの健康上の利点には、発見されたことを覚えておくことは良いことが彼らのdiets.Enjoyのコンポーネント内でこれらの酸の高い量を食べたと彼らがいた人たち他のものよりも警戒。研究者は、この分野で特に有効なようにオリーブオイルの追加量を食べることをお勧めします。どうりで、オリーブの健康はオリーブの木が祝福された医療であるメリットはありません。
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