Race licorice
Consensus of the global scientific community.licorice health benefits That the main benefits of licorice:
1 - helps to heal stomach ulcers within a few months.
2 - He has been instrumental in removing Cahth and heartburn when they occur.
3 - helps to repair the liver because it contains different metals.
4 - generates urine.
5 - cures chronic cough its use thick or a solution of hot water, and so would prefer Ostaalh hot for the prevention of colds and coughs and colds raised.
6 - brings delicious food during its use.
7 - easy to digest food after its use.
8 - Best syrup moisturizer for people with diabetes to completely cured of regular sugar.
9 - a general tonic for the body and blood of the clarifier.
10 - According to heal rheumatism because it contains Anasrfalh.
11 - contains a lot of potassium salts, calcium, sex hormones and substances soap.
12 - According to heal rheumatism because it contains elements equivalent Agrokortazon and helps in strengthening the immune system in the body.licorice health benefits
Advised not to drink a lot of licorice for people with hypertension
Here's some of what has been written about licorice licorice health benefits
Licorice plant Barre Muammar of Fabaceae, and called on the roots (licorice) or (out of licorice), which is famous in the Arab world since ancient times. licorice health benefits
Grows wild in the ground around the Mediterranean basin.
The active ingredient in licorice:
Is Alkltesratsen,licorice health benefits and proved to be licorice contain sugars and mineral salts of the most important potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, materials and cause soap foam when you pour juice,licorice health benefits and also contains a volatile oil.
Medicinal properties:
Made from the roots of licorice syrup (licorice), a laxative and diuretic, and calms cough accompanied by loss of voice (voice hoarseness),licorice health benefits which is useful in the treatment of kidney disease.
And using crushed (teaspoon once daily) in the treatment of stomach ulcers and chronic constipation and indigestion.licorice health benefits
Recent research has shown that licorice tonic and purifier of the blood,licorice health benefits and Baerksos recognized in the constitutions of many of the global pharmaceutical.
Ways to use:
For the treatment of diarrhea and lubricate the intestines crushed 40 grams of licorice with 40 grams of flowers of sulfur and 40 grams of fennel and 60 grams of senna Mackie and 200 grams of sugar plant,licorice health benefits blends everybody and taken one tablespoon pm every day to lubricate the intestines, and Small tablespoons every evening for diarrhea stomach.
Licorice roots mixed with ginseng and boil, and taken daily as a drink tonic, especially in the heart. licorice health benefits
Prefers not to eat licorice in cases of hypertension; because it causes fluid retention.
1 - は、数ヶ月以内に胃潰瘍を癒すのに役立ちます。
2 - が発生したときに彼がCahthや胸焼けを除去するのに尽力してきました。
3 - は、異なる金属が含まれているため、肝臓を修復するのに役立つ。
4 - 尿を生成します。
5 - 慢性の治療法は、その使用が厚いまたはお湯の溶液咳など上げ風邪や咳や風邪の予防のためのOstaalhが熱い好むだろう。
6 - その使用中に美味しい料理をもたらします。
7 - 簡単使用後食べ物を消化する。
8 - 糖尿病を持つ人々のためのベストシロップ保湿剤は、完全に規則的砂糖が治癒する。
9 - クラリの体と血のための一般的な強壮剤。
10 - それはAnasrfalhが含まれているため、リウマチを癒すためによる。
11 - カリウム塩、カルシウム、性ホルモンや物質石鹸がたくさん含まれています。
12 - それは要素と同等Agrokortazonが含まれており、 body.licoriceの健康上の利点に免疫システムを強化するのに役立ちますので、リウマチを癒すためによると
古くからアラブ世界で有名であるカンゾウ植物マメ科のバレカダフィ、および(甘草)または(甘草から)根に呼びかけ、 。甘草健康上の利点
Alkltesratsen 、甘草健康上の利点であり、甘草の糖および最も重要なカリウム、カルシウム、マグネシウム、およびリン酸塩、材料の無機塩を含有し、果汁、甘草健康上の利点を注ぎ、また揮発性油が含まれている場合に石鹸の泡を生じさせることが判明した。
甘草シロップ(甘草) 、下剤や利尿剤の根から作られ、ボイス(音声嗄声)の損失を伴う咳、腎臓病の治療に有用である甘草健康上の利点を静め。
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