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marjoram benefits マジョラムのメリット


 ((in English: Marjoram)) leaves and flowers.marjoram benefits Marjoram or marjoram is a herbaceous plant Muammar aromatic species of oral, a group of famous Alnania. Digester and streaky and diuretic and benefit children in the case of intestinal colic.marjoram benefits It is an antioxidant. Tdkr which is interest-free diet and slimming the body, where it helps to stabilize the body and grease benefit menstruation.marjoram benefits And Kgergerh useful in sore throat or jade water vapor for the treatment of sinusitis. And has Kavoria material. And oil has a smell fragrant volatile. Scams by oil and thyme ..marjoram benefits It is a pain reliever and antiseptic antibacterial and anti-oxidant and contractions and peptic diuretic and expectorant solvent and a reduced blood pressure and laxative and sedation.

Benefits uses
•        For the treatment of glaucoma.
•        Removes flatulence.
•        Stimulates the flow of bile.
•        General tonic.
•        Anti-inflammatory thoracic and tonsils, cough, asthma and infections of the trachea.
•        Diuretic menstruation.
•        Good for stomach ache.
•        Laxative and peptic.
•        Used externally for the treatment of colds massage nasal ointment herb juice.
•        According boiled for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
•        Used widely in the food industry as a spice with meat and vegetables.
•        Rahmi alarm is active.
•        A significant effect in regulating hormones ringing, and aldosterone, and prostaglandins, a neighbor renal gland hormones,marjoram benefits as well as regulating the hormone prolactin.
•        Grass is used in the treatment of irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, as well as in the treatment of pre-eclampsia.
•        Word used in prophetic medicine in the treatment of blood pressure,marjoram benefits dysmenorrhea in women, as it removes excess water from the body.
•        Restores the hormonal balance,marjoram benefits and if you take him healthy it does not affect the hormonal composure, but lead role in accelerating metabolism is strange in this grass that if you take the evening it leads to relaxation.
•        Marjoram is used in the form of tea in the United States,marjoram benefits and is sold freely in drug stores, as regulated by hormones.
•        Is used as an anti-microbial, it is placed with processed meat as a natural preservative.marjoram benefits
•        Proved recently that the aqueous extract of volatile oils held it lowers blood sugar by up to 15%.
•        A close relationship to expand the bronchial tubes and the removal of a migraine.
•        Oil output is used it in the treatment of arthritis,marjoram benefits rheumatic pain, as it is calming and repelling gas.
•        His influential houses and anti-depressants.
•        Research has shown that the extract of the herb influential catalyst for the immune system to influence equals exactly known for Nigella sativa.marjoram benefits
•        His influential anti-inflammatory and lowering the temperature exceeds the high impact of some of the standard medications used to treat these diseases.
•        Experiments proved that this hormonal Abstract ability to bring the natural balance of the hormones of reproduction ratios which causes the imbalance of inferiority or increase the incidence of infertility, both male or female.
•        Studies conducted to demonstrate the therapeutic effect of the plant extract "Marjoram" that has a protective effect and prevents the destruction of liver cells,marjoram benefits as well as influential against oxidation.
•        Contains many active substances including thymol and Alcavacrol acid Alorzmarenak substances have anti for some types of viruses and microbes.

Take a small teaspoon of dry powder marjoram placed in a cup and then pour it boiling water, cover and leave between 10 to 15 minutes, then drain and drink twice a day,marjoram benefits morning and evening.

Side effects and toxicity

Research conducted on the toxicity of this grass proved that summed up perfectly safe until the concentration of 5 g per kilogram of body weight also did not result in continuous use him for two months for damages in the functions of the liver, kidneys,marjoram benefits blood picture, making it completely safe when used on an ongoing basis, however, it was noted that a lot of eating cause drowsiness.marjoram benefits.


( (英語:マジョラム) )の葉とflowers.marjoramはマジョラムに利益をもたらすか、マジョラムは、経口の草本植物カダフィ芳香族種、有名なAlnaniaのグループです。ダイジェスターと筋状や利尿と利益の子どもは、腸colic.marjoramの利益の場合には、抗酸化物質です。無利子の食事とそれが副鼻腔炎の治療のために喉の痛みやヒスイの水蒸気で有用なボディとグリース給付menstruation.marjoramの利点とKgergerhを安定させるのに役立ちます体をスリム化であるTDKR 。とKavoria材料があります。オイルが揮発香ばしい匂いを持っています。これは、鎮痛剤、防腐、抗菌と抗酸化剤および収縮と消化性利尿や去痰溶剤や血圧低下や便秘薬や鎮静ある石油·タイム..マジョラムメリットによる詐欺。

緑内障の治療のために• 。
• Rahmiアラームがアクティブになっている。
リンギングホルモン、およびアルドステロンの調節に重要な影響を• 、およびプロスタグランジン、隣人腎腺ホルモン、マジョラムの利点だけでなく、ホルモン、プロラクチンを規制する。
それは、体から余分な水分を除去するので•血圧の治療に予言医学で使用のWord 、マジョラムは、女性では月経困難症に利益をもたらす。
•揮発性油の水抽出物は、それが最大15 %も血糖値を下げることが最近開催された証明した。
気管支および片頭痛の除去を拡大する密接な関係を• 。

カップに入れ、乾燥粉末マジョラムの小さなティースプーンを取ると、それは水、カバーを沸騰注ぎ、 10〜15分の間残し、そして一日二回、マジョラム給付朝夕ドレインと飲む。


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