Peony "promises Cross": Fawania a
herbaceous plant around or Muammar semi to wild and farm which breeds seeds and
mind his papers Khanjria shape and flowers beautiful red-like flowers, roses,growing
peonies known scientifically as Paeonia officinalis known as peonies and Bonnie
Ward Hamid There him male and female . part of the plant used for its flowers
and roots and seeds,growing peonies plant contains volatile oil and Gelokozydat
and resin materials and materials Afsip and organic acids and sugars. And peony
many uses but uses task Mahdi against cramping and used in the form of boiled
juice growing peonies and either dye is damaging if taken in large doses cause
severe poisoning and should not be used except under the supervision of
Ibn Sina says:
Deskoraydos claimed that some of the
promises he calls the Cross The people's fingers and he calls people Others
Alassa and meaning in Arabic sweet wind is a plant Stalk toward him from Shirin
forked many people and it looks like a paper mentioned paper and paper Shah Oak
The female looks like a paper Smrnillon Musharraf and on the edge of a
golf-like leg Baghlaf almonds,growing peonies if opened Cover the back of them
that love red blood like many young pomegranate-like love and that love between
Black Alverwaria to five or six and the origin of the male in thicken growing
peonies and finger an inch tall white Mmagueth Holding out his female Balbleut
people like a seven or eight such assets Hermaphrodite.
Members of the head:
if you drink it with a
grain of fifteen water Alaqratun benefit from Members of the food nightmare:
the whole is also the benefit of racing stomach.growing peonies
Members Alinvd: The origin of the so-called
amount of tonsil women who did not Tstnzv Ibdanhen of preferred menstruation
after maternal Vinfn Badrarh and if you drink a drink of benefit Wombs ache,
stomach and kidney, bladder,growing peonies jaundice and if cooking drink and
drink and if the mind of the abdomen His love of drinking growing peonies red
beads ten or twelve grain drink black clutch bleeding from cut If the uterus
and the boys eat or Cherboh them went the onset of gravel and ten grains of
love Asali served a drink of suffocation exostosis.
He says about Dawood in Antioch Altdl
Peony: It is said: The Fayotha and Allekeana
and peonies,growing peonies and in Morocco reportedly donkeys? Grew without arm
paper mentioned him carrots, and female Kalcrvs has blossom Verwara and black
Akhalt GLT Kallowes,growing peonies opens for red love to catch and bitterness
in the size of safflower should not be taken only on the descent of the sun
balance, and do not interrupt the iron,growing peonies the disturbed condition
of the two invalidated properties without benefits , which is the remaining
Qrth seven disgraceful hot crusty in the third or second if fingernail
Palmtsalb it stamped from Jhettih contains the two intersecting lines, it is
better than emeralds and lute all analyzes wind large intestine,growing peonies
and Iqri the liver and kidneys and love goes out batters sticky, and any
benefit of semi-paralysis and sciatica, chills and nightmare and bleeding and
the prevention of menstrual beaten, and Galloway effects of black paint,growing
peonies and a male from a single origin Enter diseases in males and females,
which is manifold for females and this tree entirety benefit from epilepsy,
insanity and how obsessive use of incense,growing peonies and even comment.
牡丹は「クロスを約束」さんへの周りFawania草本植物やカダフィの半野生の種子と彼の論文Khanjria形状を気にして花を繁殖農場シャクヤクはアスパラ牡丹とボニー区として知られているように科学的に知られている美しい赤い風、花、バラ、成長しているシャクヤクハミドあり、彼は男性と女性。その花や根、種子に使用した植物の一部は、成長している牡丹工場は、揮発油とGelokozydat 、樹脂材料や材料Afsipおよび有機酸や糖が含まれています。そして、多くの用途が牡丹が、けいれんに対してタスクマフディを使用し、大量投与で撮影重度の中毒を引き起こし、専門家の監督の下以外では使用すべきではない場合は、茹で汁成長牡丹と染料のどちらかの形で使用が有害である。
メンバーAlinvd :扁桃女性のいわゆる量の起源人でしていない母親のVinfn Badrarh以降好ま月経のTstnzv Ibdanhenあなたが利益子宮の痛み、胃、腎臓、膀胱、成長しているシャクヤク黄疸の飲み物を飲み、調理した場合に飲めば飲みとの心が成長している牡丹子宮と男の子が食べるか、彼らが砂利の発症と愛Asaliの10粒を行ってきましたCherboh場合は、カットからの出血、赤のビーズ10または12粒、ドリンク、黒のクラッチを飲む彼の愛を腹部には役立っている場合窒息外骨腫の飲み物。
牡丹:それは言われています: FayothaとAllekeanaや牡丹、成長牡丹とモロッコでは伝えロバ?彼にニンジンを挙げられ、女性Kalcrvs成長牡丹でキャッチされる赤色の愛を開き、紅花のサイズの苦味は、Sunバランスの下降に取られるべきではない、花Verwaraと黒Akhalt GLT Kallowesがあり、観光腕紙なしで育ったそれはJhettihから打ち抜か爪Palmtsalbは2つの交差するラインが含まれている場合は、2番目の、それはエメラルドよりも優れているか、第三の残りQrth 7不名誉なホット無愛想である、メリットなしに牡丹を2無効化された特性の乱れた状態の成長、鉄を中断しないでとリュートすべてが、風大腸を分析し、成長牡丹とIqriは肝臓と腎臓と愛は、粘着性の打者を消灯し、半麻痺や坐骨神経痛、悪寒や悪夢、出血や殴ら月経の防止、ブラックのギャロウェイ効果の何らかの利益、ペイント成長牡丹と単一起源の男性は、牡丹の成長、女性のための多様体で、男性と女性での疾患、およびてんかん、狂気とどのように強迫香の使用からこのツリー全体の利益を入力しても、コメント。
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