Why should we take up the tomatoes?
The tomato fruit is very tasty and beneficial to health ,tomato health benefits whether covered or drank juice, so , due to the importance of the health of the tomato to contain high concentrations of salts and vitamins are very useful for health and prevent many diseases will be some health benefits of tomatoes
1 - tomatoes rich in many minerals and vitamins :
Eating one cup of tomatoes or 150 grams provide the body with vitamin C, B6, A and potassium salts , phosphorus , calcium, and all these elements are important and very useful for health as it gives your body 8% of the fiber almost ,tomato health benefits which also protect you from heart disease, high blood pressure and reduce the proportion of cholesterol in the blood .
2 - tomatoes are very useful for skin:
They contain beta-carotene , which serves to protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays , also contain lycopene ,tomato health benefits which works to protect the skin also UV , which is a major cause of the appearance of wrinkles .
3 - strengthen bones :
Calcium and vitamin K present tomatoes work to build and strengthen bones , and the lack of lycopene in the body ,tomato health benefits especially of women who attained menopause may lead to osteoporosis because it has been proven that lycopene works to strengthen bones and increase their mass ,tomato health benefits therefore handled tomatoes protect against osteoporosis .
4- Prevent cancer :
Lycopene in tomatoes prevent cancer such as cancer of the mouth , larynx , pharynx, esophagus ,tomato health benefits as well as cancer of the cervix , stomach, colon and rectum , prostate, ovary , and vitamin C, A present in tomatoes working as materials antioxidant rid the body of free radicals that damage cells .
5 - tomatoes regulate the level of sugar in the blood :
Vatamatm is a wonderful source of the element chromium which works to regulate blood sugar .tomato health benefits
6 - Strengthening consider :
Valtamatm contain a high content of vitamins A and therefore operate Alythasin Alnzerotqoath and prevent injury Ethermen eye diseases .tomato health benefits
7 - tomatoes strengthens hair :
Vitamin A is located tomatoes works to strengthen hair and increase its luster , but it does not work on the intensity of light hair ,tomato health benefits but it strengthens the hair follicles and increases its luster .
8 - to prevent kidney stones and gallstones :
Studies indicated that people who eat tomatoes be less susceptible to kidney stones and gallstones .tomato health benefits
9 - Reduce chronic pain :
If you suffer from some chronic pain like arthritis and back pain Valtamatm may save you from this pain they contain carotenoids and Filawoonoidz two act as anti -inflammatory , where chronic pain is caused by inflammation ,tomato health benefits therefore Addressing these infections are working to ease the pain and get rid of it .
10 - weight loss :
Should add tomatoes to your diet because they contain a high percentage of water and fiber and therefore make you feel fullness quickly and then help Alyvkdan weight .
And Allah knows best
1 - 多くのミネラルやビタミンが豊富で、トマト:
2 - トマトは肌のために非常に有用である。
3 - 骨を強化する。
4- 癌を予防。
5 - トマトは、血液中の糖のレベルを調整。
6 - 検討して強化:
ValtamatmはビタミンAの含有量が高いが含まれているため、Alythasin Alnzerotqoathを操作して、けがEthermenの眼病を防ぐことができます。トマトの健康上の利点
7 - トマト髪を強化。
8 - 腎臓結石や胆石を防ぐために:
9 - 慢性疼痛の削減:
あなたは関節炎や腰痛のようないくつかの慢性疼痛に苦しむ場合Valtamatm彼らはカロチノイドおよび慢性疼痛は、炎症によって引き起こされる場合、抗炎症などのFilawoonoidz 2行為が含まれているこの痛みからあなたを救うこと、したがって、これらの感染症への対処トマトの健康上の利点を容易にするために取り組んでいる痛みとそれを取り除く。
10 - 減量:
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