To cook the meat so many ways ,health cooking but the barbecue is one of the most popular ways to many people because it gives the meat taste delicious . Becomes tastier when grilled meat marinade Beslsat certain popularity with good flavors .
And use sauces barbecue popular on a large scale, because they do not make food was delicious ,health cooking but also more beneficial to the body because of what they contain from natural herbs protect against diseases , such as rosemary , ginger, thyme , and marjoram,health cooking and spices Asian engorgement compounds chemical useful .
I found a recent study prepared by the scientists in biology from the University of Western Ontario, Canada ,health cooking that sauces barbecue popular beneficial to health as a summary of a variety of spices , fruits and vegetables rich Bamadadh oxidation , which enhances the body's immunity ,health cooking and struggling electrolytes harmful chemical that raises a bundle of diseases , especially those that are associated with age , such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases , stroke , and Alzheimer's disease , arthritis Alasthala , and cataracts . It is true that sauces lose half its nutritional value by the process of barbecue ,health cooking although it still contains a good percentage of antioxidants.
The sauce ,health cooking which includes the herb rosemary ( rosemary ) of the most important sauces which strongly recommended the grill due to the richness of this herb volatile oils and antioxidants that prevent chemical compounds form amino multiple strings that classified research on a list of suspicious vehicles controversial cancer .health cooking
To be safer and barbecue benefit is not enough seasoning meat Basalsat popular , but also advised the following guidelines :
- The use of firewood or charcoal and avoid industrial coal , from where toxic gases .
- Choose lean meat fat-free to avoid burning flame , and this is therefore prevents the formation of cancer-causing agents .
- Use temperatures ranged from low to medium during the barbecue ,health cooking because the high thermal grades lead to the formation of carcinogenic compounds .
- Soak the meat in vinegar or fresh lemon juice before Hoaúh because it reduces Tfhmh ,health cooking and significantly reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds on meat .
- Use small pieces of Xi ,health cooking to become ready to eat quickly without exposing them for a long time to temperature .
- Subjecting meat to cook in the microwave for a short period before Xie , this would reduce the duration of the barbecue , and thus lowers harmful form amino derivatives by not less than 20 percent .
- Continuous stirring to barbecue meat during the process of acceleration of the cooking process .
- Eat fruits and vegetables with grilled meat to an adjustable rate after intake of harmful substances .
私は、ウェスタンオンタリオ大学、カナダ、健康、料理から生物学の科学者によって準備最近の研究を発見したソースのバーベキュー、体の免疫力を高めるスパイス、果物や野菜の様々な豊富なBamadadh酸化、の要約など健康に有益人気健康疾患の束、例えば、癌、心血管疾患、脳卒中、アルツハイマー病、関節炎Alasthala 、および白内障などの加齢に関連していること、特に、有害な化学物質を発生させ、調理し、電解質を苦労。それはそれはまだ抗酸化物質の良い割合を含んでいるがソースはバーベキュー、健康調理の過程でその半分の栄養価を失うことは事実である。
- 薪や木炭の使用や有毒ガスから工業用石炭を、避ける。
- 赤身肉を無脂肪燃焼火炎避けるために選択し、従って、これは、がんの原因となる物質の生成を防止する。
- 高い熱グレードは発癌性化合物の形成につながるので、使用温度は、バーベキュー、健康調理中にローからミディアムの範囲であった。
- それはTfhmh 、健康料理を低下させるのでHoaúh前酢やレモン汁に肉を浸し大幅肉に対する発癌性化合物の形成を減少させる。
- 温度に長い時間のためにそれらを公開することなく、すぐに食べることができる状態になるために西、健康料理の小片を使用してください。
- 謝前に短時間マイクロ波中で調理する肉をかける、このバーベキューの持続時間を減少させるため、 20以上パーセント有害型アミノ酸誘導体を低下させるであろう。
- 調理プロセスの加速のプロセスの間、バーベキューの肉を連続的に攪拌。
- 有害物質の摂取後の調整可能な速度にグリルした肉と果物や野菜を食べる。
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