Favorite food for children,Oatmeal
health the sick and the elderly
Oats .. Lowers cholesterol and
contradictory to the stress and brings sleep
Oats around me looks like a
herbaceous plant wheat and barley in the figure, which usually grows between
them and their seeds medium between love wheat,Oatmeal health barley, commonly
known Balzoan and public usually says weeds and Alzewan. Did not want the name
of oats in dictionaries ancient Arabic nor in the vocabulary has been known by
different names in the past such as Hartman,Oatmeal health a Persian word and
Khafor and Crdoman and the kind that is grown is called Khrtan agricultural or
Khrtan ID.
The new word Oats launched in the
last century on this plant. Known scientifically as oats Avena Sativa of the
platoon grassy GRAMINEAE.Oatmeal health
Original home of Chauvin northern
Europe and is now grown all over the world and is grown as a food crop, and
medical and oats are usually harvested at the end of the summer. Oatmeal health
Part of the plant used oats: seeds
(seeds) and stems dry (Straw).
The chemical content of Oats:
Contains oat alkaloids (ALKaloids) and Sterolz (Sterols) and flavonoids
(Flavonoids) and acid Sulaisak (Silicic acid) and starch (starch) and protein
(Proteins), which includes gluten (Gluten) and vitamins, especially vitamin
group B and minerals such as potassium, calcium,Oatmeal health magnesium and
phosphorus , iron, sodium and hydrates of carbon also contains fat and hormone
close Ajeribin (hormone ovarian) and beta carotene plus vitamin B b (PP) and
vitamin D. varying chemical content between the types of oats normal and
Turkish red and the short and the Prophet but the material is basic and
fundamental are found in all species.Oatmeal health
Oats in ancient medicine: Medicine
in the English world, said Nicholas Gulpeper in 1652 to attend a poultice of
dough with oil seeds, oat useful in the treatment of itching and
leprosy.Oatmeal health Before that, in 1597, said John Genand world that puffs
from the stems and leaves of oats good of Dermatology and perhaps for
The Europeans use the stems and
leaves of oats in Hmamathm as a treatment for rheumatism and kidney and bladder
problems. Oatmeal has been used in ancient medicine as a treatment for diseases
of the chest,Oatmeal health especially lung diseases and chronic cough and was
used Klsqat useful for gout and pimples.
The oats in modern medicine have
proven scientific studies Oatmeal health the effect of the seeds and stems and
leaves of oats to certain diseases and proven as a treatment and the large
factories for the manufacture of products from multiple oats and its
derivatives,Oatmeal health it has clinical study demonstrated that the plant
fiber dissolved such as found in oats at a rate of 40 grams per day lowered
blood cholesterol During the two to three weeks as published studies in
scientific journals respectable explained that 3 grams of soluble fiber,Oatmeal
health if taken daily lowered cholesterol by 5% in 1997 allowed the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) company Quaker oats and other plants to add this
claim on their food products from oats. . In another study demonstrated through
which that oatmeal lowers the level of uric acid in the blood. In the study
worked on the athlete in Australia, Oatmeal health which has put on food
Provision of oats only for a period of 3 weeks found that an increase of 4%
from its unfair plant oats to the food allotted from oats athlete greatly
affected jobs in sports muscles during exercise.
There are many uses and rolling at
the moment derivatives oats but not scientifically proven, but that it is as
good as the pros use oatmeal as an antidote to stress,Oatmeal health insomnia
and calming Galp to sleep and tonic and tonic for the nerves.Oatmeal health The
Indians used oats for the treatment of addiction to opium derivatives, tobacco,
and oats live bouts pebble urinary tract disorders urine and softens and calms
the pain of hemorrhoids and doctors advised patients nerves, thinkers and weary
eating oats, as well as diabetics and patients with hypothyroidism. Made from
oats boiled for babies from equal amounts of wheat , barley, oats, Oatmeal
health where boiled in a liter and a half of water over low heat until boiling
one liter and in addition to sugar and given to children daily before feeding.
existing formulations of oats in the market:
There are a number of oat products
including: oat powder, capsules, concentrated drops, Essences,Oatmeal health
variously granulators, slimy solution used in the bath water, teas, dyes.
Either side of the food shall be deemed oat of important nutrients in some
people, such as cold countries such as Scandinavia and Oaqosja and other terms
of eating oats daily soup in a food Altroyqh.Oatmeal health
It has become oats is a favorite
food for children and the sick and elderly, Oatmeal health age and exposed to muscular
fatigue where he feeding them and strengthen them and increase activity in
their muscles. Oatmeal health Oats is not food for humans, but also a good food
for animals,Oatmeal health especially horses.
私の周りのオーツは通常、彼らとその種子は愛の小麦間の媒体、オートミール健康大麦、一般的に知られているBalzoanと公衆の間で成長し、図中の草本植物の小麦と大麦、次のようになり、通常は雑草やAlzewan氏は述べています。辞書の古代アラビア語や語彙オート麦の名前は、ハートマン、オートミール健康ペルシャ語とKhaforとCrdomanとして、過去に別の名前で知られており、成長させられるようなものがKhrtan農業やKhrtan IDと呼ばれている必要はありませんでした。
オーツの化学物質含有量は:エンバクアルカロイド(アルカロイド)とSterolz (ステロール)およびフラボノイド(フラボノイド)と酸Sulaisak (ケイ酸)とデンプン(スターチ)とタンパク質(タンパク質) 、グルテンが含まれて(グルテン)やビタミンを含みます特にビタミンB群や、カリウム、カルシウム、オートミール健康マグネシウムやリン、鉄、ナトリウム、炭素の水和物などのミネラルも脂肪やホルモン近いAjeribin (ホルモン、卵巣)を含み、ベータカロチン+ビタミンBのB ( PP)およびビタミンDは、さまざまなノーマルとトルコ赤と短く、預言者が、材料が基本的で基本的であるオート麦の種類との間の化学的内容は、すべてspecies.Oatmeal健康で発見された
古代医学のオーツ:英語の世界で医学は、その前にかゆみやleprosy.Oatmealの健康の治療に有用な油糧種子、エンバクと生地の湿布に出席するために1652年にニコラスGulpeper述べ、 1597年に、ジョン· Genand界によると、パフ茎と皮膚科の良い、おそらくリウマチのためのオート麦の葉から。
現代医学でのオート麦は、科学的研究のオートミールの健康を特定の疾患へのオート麦の種子や茎と葉の効果を実証済みで、それを持って、複数のオート麦およびその誘導体からの製品の製造のための治療や大規模工場、オートミール健康として実証されている臨床研究では、立派に水溶性食物繊維、オートミール健康の3グラムを毎日服用した場合と説明した科学雑誌に発表された研究のように2〜3週間の間に、血中コレステロールを低下させた一日あたり40グラムの割合で、オート麦に見られるような植物繊維は、溶解したことを実証した1997年の5パーセント低下コレステロールは食品医薬品局(FDA )会社のクエーカーオーツと他の植物はオート麦から自分の食品にこの主張を追加することができました。 。別の研究では、そのオートミールは、血液中の尿酸のレベルを低下させるを通じて明らかにした。研究では、唯一のオート麦アスリートから割り当てられた食品への不当な植物オート麦から4%の増加が大幅に内のジョブに影響を与えたことがわかった3週間、オート麦の食の供給に入れているオーストラリア、オートミール健康運動選手に取り組んだ運動中のスポーツの筋肉。
そこに多くの用途があり、現時点で圧延すると、オート麦、デリバティブが、科学的に証明されていないが、プロは、ストレスに対する解毒剤、オートミール健康不眠症と心を落ち着かせるGALP寝るとnerves.Oatmeal用強壮剤や強壮剤としてオートミールを使用するようにそれは同様に良好であること健康インディアンはアヘン誘導体、タバコへの依存症の治療のためにオート麦を使用し、オート麦は、発作が尿路障害の尿で軟化を小石生き、痔や医師の痛みを落ち着かせた患者の神経、思想家や疲れ食べるオート麦だけでなく、糖尿病患者に助言し、甲状腺機能低下症の患者。 1リットルと砂糖に加えて、沸騰するまで弱火リットルの水を半分に沸騰させ、供給する前に、毎日子供たちに与えられた小麦、大麦、オート麦、オートミール健康等量から赤ちゃん煮沸オート麦から作られた。市場でのオート麦の既存製剤:
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