I wanted to
share with you the subject because of its importance , particularly as we are
in the winter.
We are
exposed to the cold wave Natdha did before and we must Atakazkafah health precautions
needed to maintain body temperature and maintain vital Kfahalozaúv winter
health tips and take the necessary measures for the prevention of colds and flu
.winter health tips
And Mnahm of
these procedures is to choose foods and beverages appropriate for the cold
weather and Cdidalbrodh which Ntardilh daily inside and outside the home and it
is known healthy that Akhttiaralogveh and drinks protective of cold and
emitting the warmth much better than Astkhaddamosaúl industrial heating , such
as heaters ,winter health tips air conditioners, hot , ignite coal , and others
to Onhzh means is temporary However, it dries the air in the room or the house
,winter health tips which Helps ease growth and reproduction of bacteria and
viruses that cause diseases and the common device Altnevsewalhima .
foods in the cold :
1 - fat
A review of
food Almanasphllbrd we find that at the top of this food comes fat Getting the
proper amount Yumiahawwala 70-80 grams ,winter health tips it means balanced
nutritionally sound and because they are high in Nsphsarat heat they provide
the body with warmth so it follows Rgima harsh feel Daúmabakcharirh in the body
,winter health tips and moreover , the fat strengthens muscle activity which
helps Alymmarsh movement and sport appropriate to the atmosphere cold , and
provide body fat quantity tremendous Mnfitamin (a) where it is soluble vitamins
in fat and fat intake helps Alyamtsasa correctly and appropriately , and
vitamin A is responsible for the freshness of the skin ,winter health tips and
vitamin E is responsible for the circulation and efficiency , as well as
vitamin (c) responsible for fertility and Ndharhalepeshrh and the body's
resistance to cold,winter health tips these vitamins are present in so-called
fatty acids
2 -
proteins play an important role in the construction of the body including
Ihtoémn muscle mass and bone and tissue and for cold resistance Valbrocinat
responsible for Tkoanalogesam countermeasures and antibodies that protect the
body from attack microbes ,winter health tips especially in the winter and for
protein ideal must intake of 60-80 Gramayomia almost be distributed between
protein Animal such as meat - chicken - fish - eggs - milk - and vegetable
protein such as lentils - beans - chickpeas - pulses.winter health tips
3 -
antioxidants and disease
antioxidants found Fayalogveh and beverage various major role in raising the
rate of the body's immunity and come Alkhdharalmokhtlfah An example of this
lemon ,winter health tips tomatoes , sweet potatoes, so as to contain Alynsph
high oxidation inhibitors and compounds Alpetkaarotin and vitamin C.
- Lentil
soup contains a high proportion of protein and preferably add elements such as
Allimonualbharrat to supply the body with energy and calories.winter health
- Chicken
Soup It helps a lot in the resistance of various types of viruses that cause
cold Antriv expel phlegm out of the body ,winter health tips especially when it
contains some pieces of onion and garlic .
the dawn of history and is a therapeutic Couches and so to the content of this
plant Vhoaad health benefits of plants more resistant to bacteria ,winter
health tips fungi, and proved highly effective in Mquaomaalbrd and infection of
other diseases such as cancer . It is also good for the heart and tonic muscle
Kulbualoaah vessels and thereby maintains the blood circulation of the body
intact reservation degree Hrarthatabieih in the face of extreme cold conditions
somewhat ,winter health tips it also lowers cholesterol and high Dgtaldm
.winter health tips
The salts
and vitamins in the prevention of significant rank Algesmomkavhh cold, so its
important role in cell activation and nutrition and body needs Pkafahonoalla .
4 -
drinking water
Be careful
to drink water in separate Ctaany but did not feel the man that he is thirsty
and may also keep away rights from drinking Alparwbatallbardh the belief that
it will lead to cool the body ,winter health tips therefore we find it depends
Alyalmusharobac like hot coffee and tea in the belief that hot drinks will
Tadaely warm the body and vice versa , as the drink cold liquids will
contribute to Tadhaqalawaah vessels and capillaries terminal in the fingers of
the hands and feet ,winter health tips as well as in the arms and legs and thus
happens blood flow to the inside of the body occurs Srianelldm in the internal
organs with the expansion of the blood vessels of the Interior and thus
Ihdthachaour heating .winter health tips
The hot
drinks , the impact on heating the body to Fterhmagueth about 20-25 minutes ,
and thus a person needs more warmth opted to Mazidinm food and sugars that
increase the weight.winter health tips It is advisable to practice Oalasar
drink cold water during the cold winter.
5 - exposure
to sunlight
Exposure to
the sun in the first day, especially these days an important role in
stimulating activity and vitality and reduce Manalaktiab That's where these
rays play an important role in regulating the activity and reduce fatigue and
Khashhrmon melatonin and lead to an increase in vigor and vitality which
increases the activity and limits Mntekdr mood ,winter health tips anger and
emotion . I like to make it clear that direct exposure to radiation
Achammsoualjlos directly play a role more effective than the light from the
light industrial Vonsahalba especially suffer from some fatigue ,winter health
tips depression and sour mood out outside Algrfahwaltard direct sunlight
because it will contribute to a well in the immediate treatment of any Khallfa
mood and we know that in general ( Palmhrac ) which exposure to direct sunlight
without any Hadzo blocker and advised those who wish to further interest during
exposure to the sun drinking amount Manalhalib or milk as a source of calcium.
I wish
health and wellness for all..
私たちは、 Natdha以前と寒波にさらされていると我々は、体温を維持し、重要なKfahalozaúv冬の健康のヒントを維持し、風邪やインフルエンザの予防に必要な措置をとるために必要な健康予防措置をAtakazkafah必要があります。冬の健康のヒントを
そしてこれらの手順のMnahmは寒さとCdidalbrodhのための適切な食品や飲料を選ぶことであるNtardilh毎日内側と家の外で、それが知られている健康的なことAkhttiaralogvehとAstkhaddamosaúl工業加熱よりもはるかに優れて寒さと発光暖かさ、保護ドリンクなどヒーター、冬の健康のヒントエアコン、ホットは、石炭などに火を付けるようOnhzhしかし、それは、使いやすさの成長や病気の原因となる細菌やウイルスの複製を支援冬の健康のヒントを室内の空気や家を乾燥させる一時的なものであることを意味そして一般的なデバイスAltnevsewalhima 。
1 - 脂肪
食品Almanasphllbrdの見直しは、我々は、この食品の一番上に適切な量のYumiahawwala 70〜80グラム、冬の健康のヒントそれはバランスのとれた栄養的に音を意味入手脂肪来て、彼らはNsphsarat熱が高いため、彼らは暖かさで体を提供することがわかり、それはそうRgima過酷な感触身体、冬の健康のヒント内Daúmabakcharirhとし、以下、さらに、脂肪は、(A )は、脂肪中溶性ビタミンであり、冷たい大気にAlymmarsh運動やスポーツの適切なを助け、体脂肪量の途方もないMnfitaminを提供する筋活動を強化脂肪の摂取量を正確かつ適切Alyamtsasaを助け、ビタミンAは、皮膚のみずみずしさ、冬の健康のヒントやビタミンEを担当して循環し、効率だけでなく、不妊治療やNdharhalepeshrhと体の耐性の原因ビタミン( C )を担当してい寒さ、冬の健康のヒントにこれらのビタミンは、いわゆる脂肪酸に存在している
2 - タンパク質
プレイタンパク質はIhtoémnの筋肉量と骨組織と攻撃微生物から身を守るTkoanalogesam対策や抗体、特に冬には、理想的なタンパク質の冬の健康のヒントに責任Valbrocinat耐寒性を含め、体の建設に重要な役割を果たしているチキン - - 魚 - 卵 - 牛乳 - などレンズ豆などの植物性タンパク質 - 豆 - ひよこ豆 - pulses.winterの健康のヒント、60〜80 Gramayomiaの摂取量は、ほとんど肉などのタンパク質の動物との間で分配されなければならない
3 - 抗酸化物質と病気
再生酸化防止剤は、体の免疫力率を高め、 Alkhdharalmokhtlfahにこのレモンの例を来るにFayalogveh飲料様々な重要な役割を発見した、冬の健康のヒントトマト、サツマイモ、 Alynsph高い酸化防止剤を含むようにしてAlpetkaarotinとビタミンCを化合物
- レンズ豆のスープは、タンパク質の割合が高いが含まれており、好ましくはエネルギーとcalories.winter健康のヒントで体を供給するようAllimonualbharratなどの要素を追加
- チキンスープは寒いAntrivが体の外に痰を排出する原因となるウイルスの様々な種類の抵抗の多くのことができます、それはタマネギとニンニクのいくつかの作品が含まれ、特に冬の健康のヒント。
塩やビタミン冷たい重要なランクAlgesmomkavhhの予防、その細胞の活性化と栄養と体内での重要な役割は、 Pkafahonoallaを必要とします。
4 - 飲料水
別々のCtaanyの水を飲むことが、彼はのどが渇いている男を感じなかったし、また、それが身体を冷却するためにつながるという信念Alparwbatallbardh飲む権利を遠ざけることに注意してください、冬の健康のヒントは、したがって、我々はそれがホットコーヒーのようAlyalmusharobac依存見つける飲み物冷たい液体が手と足の指、冬の健康のヒントにTadhaqalawaah船とターミナル毛細血管に貢献するだけでなく、腕や足になりますようにホットドリンクがTadaely 、身体およびその逆を温めるという信念茶したがって、体内への血流インテリアの血管の拡張、したがってIhdthachaour暖房付き内臓にSrianelldmを発生する発生します。冬の健康のヒント
5 - 日光への暴露
初日の太陽、アクティビティと活力を刺激し、これらの光線は、活性の調節に重要な役割を果たしており、疲労やKhashhrmonメラトニンを減らし、活力と生命力の増加につながるところにですManalaktiabを減らすには特に、これらの日に重要な役割への暴露これは、活性を増加させるとMntekdr気分、冬の健康のヒントの怒りや感情を制限します。私はそれを明確に放射線Achammsoualjlosを直接浴びることは直接、特に苦しむ軽工業Vonsahalbaからの光よりも効果的な役割を果たしていることを確認したい、それがに貢献していきますので、いくつかの疲労、冬の健康のヒントうつ病とAlgrfahwaltard直射日光の外酸っぱい気分うちからよくどんなKhallfa気分の即時治療に、我々は一般的には( Palmhrac )どれHadzoブロッカーなしの直射日光への暴露とは、カルシウム源として太陽の飲酒量Manalhalibやミルクへの曝露中の関心を促進したい方にお勧めしていることを知っている。
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