brittle metal salt used since ancient times to give food taste and save it,
consists of elemental sodium salt, chlorine,salt health benefits scientifically
known as sodium chloride and chemical formula Nacl named mineral halite. Salt
crystals usually have a net in the form of cubes almost complete
configuration.salt health benefits Impurities in the salt to give it the color
may be white or gray or yellow or red, and it looks white table salt but is in
fact made up of small cubes transparent.
source of all the salt, including salt sediments beneath the Earth's surface is
«brackish» any salt water from the sea,salt health benefits ponds and other
water bodies, and the fact that the salt deposits were formed now existing
underground evaporation of sea water millions of years ago.
United States is China's largest producers of salt in the world,salt health
benefits and the leading countries in the production of salt is also Germany,
Canada, India and Mexico.
salt is necessary for good health, and has human blood on the salt, as it
should be in the cells of the body salt, so that they can perform their
functions properly, but some studies have shown that the large number of salt
or sodium compounds other in human food, could lead to a rise in blood
pressure.salt health benefits For this reason, many people are trying to
minimize the amount of salt they eat, as some people used salt substitutes that
do not contain sodium.
salt are two types, one sea salt Isthsal it from sea water where placed in the
pools and wide built on the shores of the sea or near Viboukr water, sunlight
and keeps the salt blocks crystalline,salt health benefits transferred to
special labs clean it and Ttahnha and prepared for consumption and the second
type is what is known as salt Alandrani and which is found in mines on Earth
crystallized in the form of blocks of rock crystal cut and transported to the
laboratories is also a special filtered and crushed salt health benefits before
being displayed for sale.salt health benefits
been associated with history of salt to begin the history of life on earth Vme
sea in which she was the first manifestation of primitive life in the opinion
of biologists was salty too,salt health benefits and in the per liter from
about 30 grams of salt, though the salt sea scattering on the surface of the
earth are all created by the layer thickness 35 meters of salt, scientists
estimated the salt dissolved in sea eight thirty billion tons,salt health
benefits and in addition to sea salt which is known salt sea on the surface of
the earth many layers of rock salt or salt mines may draw sea salt, and perhaps
the most important of these classes exist in Bologna, near the city Krakow,salt
health benefits so it can be for artists to architects Anhtwa in salt dunes
there are huge buildings, and rise from the dust of the salt dunes to a height
of about 60 km.
of salt:
Salt was a precious commodity since ancient times, and was replaced by
gold ounces versus ounces,salt health benefits the Chinese veterans using coins
made of salt in circulation, and in many areas around the Mediterranean, the
salt tablets used currency in circulation,salt health benefits and imposed
several ancient civilizations taxes also on the salt. And salt as a precious
underwent long monopoly and heavy taxes imposed upon him, In France, for
example,salt health benefits it was tax exorbitant monopoly severe to calculate
the kings who were fighting Mehrbah from one place to another, did not abolish
the monopoly only after revolutions and disorders bloody, the most recent being
the Great French Revolution that ruled the King Louis XVI century,salt health
benefits but the tax on salt returned to exist and remained in force until the
year 1946.
salt material irreplaceable never in life, the human body just grave containing
an average of 100 grams of salt, lose them daily through urine and sweat from
20-30 grams setting calls to compensate for the lost of salt from the food,salt
health benefits and what was the salt plays a key role in the concentration of
water in the tissues, and the salt from the body may lack the many serious
disorders occur, do not go away,salt health benefits but to compensate the lost
of salt, so to hear that the country's population consume tropical amount of
salt to the water needed to secure vital time in their bodies.
more food that we eat contain nature amounts of salt in percent grams of meat
there are between 0.1 to 0.15 grams of salt, and eggs 0.3 grams in 0.15 grams
of fish in the liter of milk is about 1.6 grams in Cheese of 1-2 grams of bread
in milk,salt health benefits as in, in cured meats ratio up to 6 grams.
salt is necessary for every living person, and animals as well.salt health
benefits Systems without eating salt must specify the duration or shorten goes
only for people with heart disease, liver, albumin,salt health benefits and
some obese and should be done under the supervision of a doctor's opinion.
salt some of the benefits in making food,salt health benefits it proves the
taste of food and compensates salts that evaporated during cooking and is
useful blend with lemon juice to strengthen the gums and teeth cleaning,salt
health benefits and drinking solution teaspoon of salt in a glass of water
serve to stop the bleeding in the lungs, and pain resulting from the cold
subsides and the brunt put a bag of rubber in hot brine. Also,salt health
benefits washing the feet of salt water useful in cases of fatigue or tumor or
muscle sprains or dislocated,salt health benefits and people living with
Addison's disease Bright and vomiting benefit from eating salted foods. The
body scrub with salt dissolved in warm water until the blush and then wash it
off with cold water keeps the body from colds,salt health benefits and rub the
scalp with salt dissolved in water saves and activates hair growth.
wrote «homer» and «Tasi» and «Bellini» on the salt and praised its own
properties and therapeutic talked about the wars in order to obtain sources of
salt, said Pliny the benefits of salt in the treatment of snake bite, headache,
boils down and jaundice.salt health benefits In the opinion of Herodotus, the
first country that salt is known to Libya, then the houses were built of salt
by Ibn Majah in his Sunan from Anas what bump: «Mr. Adamkm salt» and master the
thing is that for him, and does it.salt health benefits In Musnad Bazzar is
brought «Syushk that you will be in people like salt in food, but the food is
fit salt».
said in his commentary on the Baghawi Abdullah bin Umar is brought «that God
sent down four blessings from heaven to earth .. Iron and fire, water and salt
». Salt and fit people's bodies and their foods fit everything mix it up gold
and silver and that the power of more than zero gold and silver whiter, and the
evacuation and analysis,salt health benefits and Azhaba Balrtobat large
intestine. And drying them, and strengthen the hull and prevent from Afontha
and corruption and to benefit from the festering scabies.salt health benefits
If Akthal it rip flesh excess of the eye sores and prevents malware from
spreading, easy, and if you knead the stomachs of ascites and purifies the
welfare of the teeth and push them mold and tightens and strengthens the gums.
While mixing,salt health benefits and a survey done itching in the body removes
them, and appoints the diarrhea and vomiting and boot sputum viscous of the
stomach and chest, and posted on the digestion of food and prevents the entry
into force of mold on the blood, and expels wind, and goes with yellow
face,salt health benefits and if a solution with vinegar and rinse your mouth
by cutting the blood bleeding from tooth and tongue. If immersed in it Soufah
and placed on the wound fresh cut her blood directly. And if heated and put on
after trauma painted with oil or honey housing and Djaha. And if you mix with
honey and oil mature dimples. The multiplication of it,salt health benefits it
burns the blood and impairs vision and reduces semen and inherited itching,
scabies and hurt slimmers, brain and lung and dried hull, and sea salt is
better than metal.salt health benefits Quoting from Monday 22 August 1426 -
September 26, 2005 AD - No. 13608
salt and refined salt
salt is one of the important elements of human life and the animal and even
plant,salt health benefits is working to balance the amount of water and body
cells that make up the organs of the body,salt health benefits and is important
for metabolism in the cell.
the salt intake and moderate amounts is very necessary for survival.
there is in the market these days are two types of salts:
- The type of offline and is widespread and elegantly packaged and refined salt
is added to iodine.
- The other type is a salt may not be filled cans is elegant and sea salt.
what is the difference?
answer this question,salt health benefits you first have to know the components
of each of these salts.
of 99.9% of sodium chloride and 0.1% iodine and potassium or calcium added to
it, applies iodine to enhance iodine deficiency in this type of salt and Odaha
and this is the truth,salt health benefits just plug a shortage of this
material in the refined salt, and sugar is added to or material Celikat
ammonium to maintain the flow of salt and non-bloc, and which is known to be
material Celikat ammonium material injurious to health.salt health benefits
sea salt:
of 95.0% of sodium chloride and 5% other metals such as manganese and calcium
and phosphorus and iodine (of natural origin),salt health benefits in addition
to the more than 70 other metallic element.
referred to above is clear to us the vast difference between the two types of
salt, the salt is refined is the salt does not contain more than one substance
is sodium chloride and the poor in minerals other necessary for the life of the
cell,salt health benefits so we see companies producing this kind of salt
transformation plug big for metals by adding iodine by and publicity for this
add-on and as an additional feature and it is in truth nothing more than trying
to plug something big is too small.salt health benefits
contrast, the sea salt contains in addition to iodine to metals too many and in
a balanced manner as God created us in nature and compatible with a living
human, and in contrast,salt health benefits the sea salt contains in addition
to iodine to approximately 80 metal body needs to maintain its vitality and to
complete the process metabolism at the best voice,salt health benefits and if
we know that 27% of the salt found in the bones and the body so as to shortages
in the blood resulting from the inadequacy of salt Mantinolh integrated.
person who Antaul refined salt is usually what happens to him in the voracity
salt intake because the body does not feel the sufficiency of other local
minerals,salt health benefits and thus builds up the body's sodium chloride,
causing problems for the kidneys and treachery Aladreynal body,salt health
benefits the individual's needs between 2-3 g per day one but the rates of
consumption of up to 18 g per day of this increase causes fatigue and fatigue
kidneys and cause the persistence of the weakness of its efficiency and its
accumulation and the rest of the waste in the body and show symptoms of
increased salt in the form of tensions neuromuscular, psychological and
constant headaches and a feeling of anxiety,salt health benefits depression and
stress and boredom, and at the same time exacerbated by a lack of minerals
other body,salt health benefits causing health problems in other parts of the
body, including the bones as noted earlier.
the opinion of medical scientists that salt foodstuff and pharmaceutical
irreplaceable, but we must not mismanage its use, and that excessive eating and
without medical opinion,salt health benefits where the senses body affected by
salt quickly makes her a frenzy and excess movement, also causes inflammation
of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, veins and arteries The
other,salt health benefits also tired of the liver and kidneys and urinary
tract, and affects more obese than in lean impact.salt health benefits Abound
where sediment in the blood and urine, and swelling of the eyelids overindulge
in eating and dried skin. Such as sugar and salt completely but benefit the
over-the-addressed hurts the most damage For rights to be wise and careful in
their use.
uses of salt
is used in the chemical industry consumes the largest amount of salt and is
mainly used for the production of other chemicals Vdzee salt could fall apart
and used to make a range of products, sodium and chlorine.salt health benefits
And use a large amount of salt to make a sodium compounds called soda or sodium
carbonate business which uses primarily in the manufacture of glass, soap,
derived chlorine compounds of salt is also where the use of these compounds in
the manufacture of paper, plastic and anti-pest and cleaning fluids,salt health
benefits anti-freeze and other fluids used in the purification.salt health
benefits It is known that salt, when mixed with snow fall snow freezing point
therefore scatters salt on the roads that have large amounts of ice Vinsr ice
and snow. In some countries where there are high snow using a large amount of
salt for this purpose.salt health benefits The salt is used in the refinement
of ceramic and livestock feed, medicines, oil refining, cooling,salt health
benefits and wastewater treatment and textile dyeing and softening the water.
considering many governments the possibility of storing radioactive waste in
salt mines beneath the Earth's surface,salt health benefits and the fact that
for the salt mines and properties of many make good sites for radioactive
waste,salt health benefits for example, has remained mines stable and dry for
millions of years, and there are most of the salt mines in areas where few
earthquakes completely.salt health benefits The salt also absorbs heat, which
is surrounded by and is suitable to heal the cracks that form in the walls.
と塩は、プールに入れて、広い海のかViboukr水、日光に近い海岸に建設され、結晶性、特殊な研究室に移さ塩の健康上の利点きれいな塩のブロックを保持し、海の水から2種類、 1海塩Isthsalそれは、ITそしてTtahnhaと消費及び第2のタイプのために準備されたが、水晶のカットや研究所に輸送のブロックの形で結晶化、地球上の鉱山で発見された塩Alandraniとして知られているものであることは、特殊なろ過し、砕いた塩の健康上の利点であるsale.saltの健康上の利点のために表示される前に
私は彼女が約30グラムから塩味も塩の健康上の利点およびにつきリットルであった生物学者の意見では原始的な生命の最初の現れであった地球VME海上の生命の歴史を開始するために、塩の歴史と関連付けられてきた地球の表面の塩の海の散乱がすべての層の厚さの塩の35メートルによって作成されているかの塩、科学者たちは、塩は、海の中で8 300億トンを溶解塩の健康上の利点と知られている海塩に加えて推定岩塩や塩鉱山の大地多くの層の表面に塩の海は、海の塩を引き出すことができる、そしておそらくこれらのクラスの中で最も重要なのは、それが建築家Anhtwaへの芸術家であることができるクラクフ、塩の健康上の利点ように都市の近く、ボローニャに存在する塩砂丘に巨大な建物があり、約60キロの高さに塩砂丘の塵から上昇。
我々は肉のパーセントグラムで塩の性質の量を含んで食べるより多くの食料、塩の0.1〜0.15グラムの間であり、牛乳のリットルの魚の0.15グラム卵0.3グラムは1-2のチーズは約1.6グラムである牛乳中のパンのグラムのように塩の健康上の利点、 6グラムの硬化した肉率UP中。
塩はすべての生き物の人のために必要であり、 well.saltの健康塩を食べないシステムに利益をもたらすような動物は、期間を指定したり、短くしなければならない唯一の心臓病、肝臓、アルブミン、塩の健康上の利点といくつかの肥満との下で行われるべきであると人々のために行く医師の意見の監督。
アナス何バンプからの彼の蘇南にイブンMajahナレーション:«氏Adamkm塩»との事をマスターすることは彼のために、そしてMusnadバザールでit.salt健康上の利点は、あなたは、食品中の塩のような人になり、その« Syushkを持ってきているということですが、食べ物はフィット塩»です。
彼はBaghawiアブドラビンウマルに彼の解説で述べているが、神が地上に天から4祝福を下されていること«なる..鉄と火、水と塩» 。塩とフィット感、人々の体とその食品は、すべてが金と銀のそれをミックスしていることに合う以上、ゼロ金と白く銀、避難や分析、塩の健康上の利点とAzhaba Balrtobat大腸の電源をオンにします。それらを乾燥させ、そしてAkthalは、それが目の傷の肉過剰をリッピングし、簡単に、拡散、およびからマルウェアを阻止する場合、船体を強化し、 Afonthaや破損から防ぎ、ただれのscabies.saltの健康上の利点から利益を得るために、あなたは、胃をこねるた場合腹水とは、歯の福祉を浄化し、それらに金型を押して引き締めと歯茎を強化する。 、塩の健康上の利点を混合し、身体のかゆみ行わ調査では、それらを削除し、胃や胸の粘性下痢や嘔吐、ブート痰を任命し、食物の消化に掲載し、上金型の発効を防ぎながら、血液、風を排出し、黄色の顔、塩健康上の利点と酢で溶液あれば行き、歯や舌からの出血血液を切断することによって、あなたの口の中をすすぐ。それSoufahに浸漬し、創傷上に置かれた場合は、新鮮な直接彼女の血液を切った。そして加熱し、油や蜂蜜ハウジングとDjahaで塗装外傷後の装着した場合。そして、あなたは蜂蜜と油成熟したディンプルを混在させた場合。それの乗算、塩の健康上の利点は、それが血を燃やし損なうビジョンを精液と継承されたかゆみ、疥癬と傷つけるslimmers 、脳や肺、乾燥させ、船体と、海塩、8月22日月曜日から引用metal.saltの健康上の利点よりも優れているが減少し1426 - 2005年9月26日のAD - 番号13608
1 - オフラインの種類とは、広く普及しているとしたエレガントなパッケージ化され、洗練された塩は、ヨウ素に追加されます。
2 - 他のタイプの塩を缶に充填されない場合があり、エレガントで海塩である。
95.0 %の塩化ナトリウムと、マンガンやカルシウムとリンと(天然由来の)ヨウ素、 70以上の他の金属元素に加えて、塩の健康上の利点として、 5%の他の金属で構成されています。
塩は、化学業界で使用されている塩の最大量を消費し、主に塩がバラバラになる可能性がVdzee他の化学物質の製造に使用し、製品、ナトリウム、 chlorine.salt健康上の利点の範囲を作成し、大量のを使用するために使用されているソーダ又はも塩の塩素化合物由来、ガラス、石鹸の製造に主に使用する炭酸ナトリウムのビジネスと呼ばれるナトリウム化合物を作るための塩どこ紙、プラスチックおよび抗害虫や洗浄液の製造におけるこれらの化合物の使用、塩の健康上の利点不凍液、それは降雪雪の凝固点と混合された場合、塩は、したがって、氷Vinsr氷と雪を大量に持っている道路で塩を散乱することが知られているpurification.saltの健康上の利点に使用される他の流体。このpurpose.saltの健康のために塩を大量に使用して高雪、塩、セラミックや家畜飼料、医薬品、石油精製、冷却、塩の健康上の利点および廃水処理や織物染色の改良に使用されている利点がありますいくつかの国ではと水を軟化。
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