Pumpkin nutritional benefits 栄養の利点パンプキン

Pumpkin nutritional benefits and health is priceless

Pumpkin appreciates the benefits of healthy eating
Squash , or pumpkin , herbaceous plant grows in all the Arab countries , a multicolor .tribolium confusum And used parts of it are the seeds and leaves , and is grown year-round , and reap dividends after fifty days of cultivation , and benefits of food and medical supplies is great, and is mentioned in the Koran ,tribolium confusum saying the Almighty : ( and it Oneptna tree of pumpkin ) .

People in many countries and regions are using a flower,tribolium confusum and eat fried after Ghamrah flour and water , as stuffing cast , as do some of the Turks and the Greeks , rice and meat , as is the case with zucchini and grape leaves ( Mahashi ) ,tribolium confusum and cook it exactly the same way. The cortex is utilized for the manufacture of stromal thick sauce , especially after the bungle ,tribolium confusum and usually the people Bslgah and Xue and vaporize and roasted , when it is fresh .

Apart from relaxing after boiled potatoes ,tribolium confusum pumpkins found ( pumpkin ) way surreptitiously to various types of soups, especially in the United States . In the United States , Mexico, and also a lot of countries around the world are exploited to the fullest extent seeds ; least roasted and eaten ,tribolium confusum and sometimes make them oven tray . As is the case in Canada in the Thanksgiving holiday . In the Middle East , and instead use it in cooking , pumpkin is used a lot in the candy industry ,tribolium confusum most notably " the sweetness of pumpkin ."

Usually found in all sweet pumpkin candy shops in Lebanon , Syria, Palestine and Turkey,tribolium confusum and is usually crowned segments on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid opens susceptibility and fills the eye and the beautiful turquoise Pacific with the diameter and honey. In Asia , Indians are Bkulaih with butter ,tribolium confusum sugar and Fragrances of spices, seasonings and call it " Kado Ka candy ."

In Kenya, in Africa and the region Guangkhi in China using pumpkin leaves in cooking normal,tribolium confusum like spinach and chard , and sometimes make them soup , too. In Australia Ihamson pumpkins with other types of vegetables. In northern Japan Vistkhaddmonalqra in delicious dishes and the good that we know Balmazh . In addition to making various types of candy.tribolium confusum In Thailand, for the manufacture of using pumpkins candy dish with a special custard , but they use small pumpkins for this purpose , as do the people of Lebanon , Palestine and Syria, with squash and cucumbers.tribolium confusum In Italy Faihhun by small pastries in a lot of dishes and delicacies , and what is known as " ravioli " .

Pumpkin is also used to perfume the various drinks .tribolium confusum And in general are exploited pills Alqralastakraj Ziute which are frequently used to perfume the authorities , cooking and frying in general , especially in Eastern Europe and Austria,tribolium confusum which has been a special place . Ahbubalqra oil is used for the pharmaceutical industry . The pumpkin is very beneficial for the arteries and nerves and fights prostate .tribolium confusum It is noteworthy also that the pumpkin treats many diseases and most importantly , treatment of diseases of the urinary system and the expulsion of the worm ,tribolium confusum a tonic for the gums and struggling to toothaches . More importantly, this Alqreilin that activates the stomach and liver and calms the nerves and prevents headaches, jaundice ,tribolium confusum it also diuretic and fragmented gravel , sand and protects against kidney infections .

In the past said about the benefits of son Jawziyyah : "One Hundred cuts thirst and go severe headache if they drink or wash its head ,tribolium confusum a laxative for the belly , and wholesale is one of the nicer food and fastest work, and sowing Humeirra ( Pumpkin ) expel the worm only in the intestine and is generating for Paul and removing the catch ,tribolium confusum and good for the kidneys and intestines disease , arthritis and rheumatism . "

Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil : The pumpkin seed oil is characterized by a high degree of purity and serenity and useful health ( results backed by dozens of research and scientific studies )
These benefits include : reduction of cholesterol in the blood because it contains fatty acids unsaturated (Polyunsaturated fatty acids) and the amount of 20.9 g per 100 g of oil ,tribolium confusum and the unsaturated fats and a good way to put up excess cholesterol in the blood and the withdrawal of deposited from various body tissues . The reduction in blood cholesterol reduces heart disease and hardening of the arteries and diseases resulting from it tribolium confusum.

Pumpkin seed oil increases the power of intelligence and mental vitality .tribolium confusum Scientists have discovered human medicine in Germany from a new material called pumpkin (Encephalic - stimulant) have a great influence in stimulating the development of the brain and brain convolutions .tribolium confusum Has issued German scientists recently a decision enforceable in all relevant institutions Ptauad students and youth , since the first of the age , to eat more pumpkin in the diets of their diet , as recommended all workers in the field of mental activity , thinkers , scientists, experts , teachers and students ,tribolium confusum focusing on their food to eat this article useful .

Recent evidence suggests that the pumpkin is useful in the prevention of cancers .tribolium confusum The magazine published the research Albyukimaawih 1985 study conducted at the National Cancer Institute in the United States ,tribolium confusum pointed out that pumpkins actually protects against lung cancer in the population of New Jersey in the United States .

Uses of the job for the love of pumpkin seeds , pumpkin oil or love ,tribolium confusum is that it is known since ancient times for its ability to help in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia ,tribolium confusum where patients are exposed to serious symptoms , which are irregular diuresis and Ahtbash . Has given eating pumpkin boiled with sugar and milk great results in the treatment of enlarged prostate when the Senate and older ( after the age of 55 years ) .tribolium confusum Research has shown that eating pumpkin products due to the size of the prostate gland naturally , and all symptoms disappear and organized process of urination.tribolium confusum Also, the use of products reduces the amount of pumpkins Guide Prostate Cancer "PSA" to the normal limit .

Pumpkin tested against bacteria ,tribolium confusum extracts were prepared from water , alcohol and chloroform extract of the various members of the plant , these extracts were tested against four types of bacteria , namely: 1 . Aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) 2.tribolium confusum Bacteria Bacillus minute (Bacillus subtilis) 3. Bacteria Escherichia coli (Escherchia coli) 4. Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Psudomonas aeruginosa)

Pumpkin and showed effective against bacteria . The alcoholic extract of the effectiveness of the most powerful extracts .tribolium confusum For the bacteria were sensitive against Gram- positive (Gram + ve) stronger than in Gram -negative bacteria (Gram - ve). All this confirms the effect of mature pumpkins ( prevention and treatment ) against microbes ,tribolium confusum especially bacteria .

Another search was launched to find out the effect of pumpkins in insects ,tribolium confusum such as flies and household pests Stores, was repellent to pests stores (Tribolium castoneum) and The negative impact on the development of virgin Musca domestica ,tribolium confusum and this explains the lack of flies approaching pumpkins .

Pierce the pumpkin and its derivatives pores of the skin and reduces wrinkles.

And helps in the healing of wounds , burns and skin ulcers because it contains almost all the vitamins (A, B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , D, Q , K, P ) .tribolium confusum The oil is used love pumpkins as oil massage to his superior ability to penetrate the pores of the body.

I knew beans Pumpkin ability to expel tapeworms ( only ) of the intestine , Light aphrodisiac , because the pumpkin seeds to increase the ability of fertilization , especially when crushed and mixed with melon seeds and cucumber seeds .

Other uses : Pumpkin helps in the process of digestion , laxative , soothing , antitussive , diuretic , soothing the mucous membranes , and is also used for the treatment of hemorrhoids . Treats depression and insomnia because it contains important amino acids , especially acid tryptophan Tryptophan.

How to use: for adults : a teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil , morning and evening . Junior : half a teaspoon of oil, pumpkin , morning and evening .
Side effects: There are no side effects . The fruits of peeled pumpkin Fathtoa to 83 % water 0.6 % fiber 0.1 % protein, 0.4 % carbohydrate 0.1 % fat 0.5 % ash , ash contains calcium , phosphorus, iron , sodium, potassium and magnesium. And also contain vitamin A, vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin C .

Expulsion Tapeworm : The most important thing learned from pumpkin seeds is expelled from the intestine Tapeworm
The method of use are as follows : Taken
The amount of 300 grams of seeds land ( dry ) , cleaned and then crushed and crushed garlic and mix three cups of water with fifty grams of honey or jam , then mix in batches eaten within one hour , provided that the stomach is empty .

Three hours later given a saline cathartic ( sulphate of soda or Epsom salt )
After another half hour Istaan enema syringe .

If you want to address the children under five years of age The amount of seed should not exceed fifty percent and grams . If the tender pumpkin seeds (non- land and non- severe ) do not crush of course , but in addition to cups of water and placed in a water bath and let the mixture boil water about an hour and then cooled and filtered and given to the injured. 



スカッシュ、カボチャ、草本植物は、すべてのアラブ諸国で育つ、多色。コクヌストconfusumそして、それの中古部品は、種子や葉があり、年間を成長させ、栽培の50日後に配当を享受し、食品のメリット医療用品は全能を言っコクヌストconfusum 、大きく、コーランに記載されている: (そのカボチャのOneptna木) 。

タークス·ギリシャ人、ご飯と肉のいくつかがそうであるように多くの国や地域の人々は(ズッキーニやブドウの葉の場合のように、スタッフィングキャストとして、 Ghamrah粉と水の後に揚げ花、コクヌストのconfusum食べを使用しているMahashi ) 、コクヌストのconfusumとまったく同じようにそれを調理。皮質は、特に不手際、コクヌストのconfusum 、通常の人Bslgahや雪の後、間質の厚さの醤油の製造に利用され、それが新鮮である場合には、ローストし気化させている。

別に後ゆでたジャガイモを弛緩から、コクヌストconfusumカボチャは、特に米国では、道こっそりスープの様々なタイプに(カボチャ)を発見。米国、メキシコ、そして、世界中の多くの国は、最大限の種に悪用され、少なくともローストと食べ、コクヌストのconfusum 、時には彼らにオーブントレイを作る。感謝祭の休日にカナダでそうであるように。中東、代わりに料理にそれを使用するには、カボチャはコクヌストconfusum最も有名な「かぼちゃの甘さ。 」 、キャンディ業界で多く使用されている

通常レバノンのすべての甘いカボチャキャンディショップで発見、シリア、パレスチナ、トルコ、コクヌストのconfusumとは、通常、ピラミッド状に互いの上にセグメントを戴冠された感受性を開き、直径の目で美しいターコイズ太平洋を満たし、蜂蜜。アジアでは、インド人はバター、コクヌストconfusum砂糖、香辛料、調味料の香りとBkulaihであり、それを呼び出す"門のKaキャンディ。 "


カボチャもモドキconfusum 。香水、様々なドリンクに使用され、一般的には特別な場所となっている、頻繁にコクヌストconfusum 、特に東ヨーロッパとオーストリアで、料理や一般的に揚げる、香水当局に使われる薬Alqralastakraj Ziuteを悪用している。 Ahbubalqra油は、製薬業界のために使用される。カボチャは、動脈や神経のために非常に有益であり、前立腺を戦う。コクヌストconfusumまた注目すべきはカボチャのお菓子多くの疾患および最も重要なのは、泌尿器系の疾患の治療およびワームの追放、コクヌストconfusumための強壮剤ゴムおよび歯痛に苦しんで。さらに重要なことは、胃と肝臓を活性化し、このAlqreilinは神経を落ち着かや頭痛、黄疸、コクヌストconfusumそれはまた、利尿および断片化された砂利、砂防止し、腎臓の感染症から保護します。

過去に息子Jawziyyahの利点について述べています。「百カットが渇き、彼らが飲む場合は、ひどい頭痛に行くか、腹のためにコクヌストconfusum 、下剤をその頭を洗って、卸はよりよい食品の1と最速の仕事、そして種まきですHumeirra (パンプキン)が腸のみでワームを追放し、ポールのために生成し、キャッチ、コクヌストのconfusum 、腎臓や腸疾患、関節炎やリウマチのために良いを削除しています。 "


カボチャ種子油は、知性と精神的な活力の電力を増加させるコクヌストconfusum科学者たちは、カボチャと呼ばれる新しい材料とはドイツの人間医学を発見した。 。 (脳の - 興奮剤)は脳と脳の畳み込みの発達を刺激する上で大きな影響力を持っているのコクヌストconfusumはい発行のドイツの科学者は最近、すべての関係機関Ptauadの学生や若者、の判定強制力の精神活動、思想家、科学者、専門家のフィールド内のすべての労働者を推奨するように、彼らの食事の食事でよりカボチャを食べるためには、時代の一年、教師と生徒は、コクヌストconfusumこの記事が役に立つ食べるように彼らの食糧に焦点を当てた。


カボチャの種、カボチャ油や愛、コクヌストconfusumの愛のための仕事の使用は、それが前立腺肥大症前立腺肥大症の治療に支援する能力について、古代から知られているということで、コクヌストconfusum患者は深刻にさらされている場合、不規則な利尿およびAhtbashある症状。持って上院と( 55歳以降)古い。コクヌストconfusum研究が示したときに前立腺肥大の治療に砂糖とミルクを素晴らしい結果で煮食べるカボチャ与え、天然のため、前立腺の大きさにカボチャの製品を食べて、そして、すべての症状が消え、 urination.triboliumのconfusumの組織化されたプロセスはまた、製品の使用は、通常の限界にカボチャガイド前立腺がん「PSA 」の量を減少させる。

細菌に対して試験カボチャ、コクヌストconfusum抽出物を水、アルコールおよび植物の様々なメンバーのクロロホルム抽出物から調製し、これらの抽出物、すなわち、細菌の4種類に対して試験した: 1 。黄色ブドウ球菌(黄色ブドウ球菌) 2.triboliumのconfusum細菌バチルス分(枯草菌) 3 。細菌大腸菌( Escherchia大腸菌) 4 。細菌緑膿菌( Psudomonas緑膿菌)

カボチャ細菌に対して有効であった。 。最も強力な抽出物の有効性のアルコール抽出物コクヌストconfusum細菌のためには、 ( - VEのグラム) 、グラム陰性菌よりも強い(グラムVE + )グラム陽性に対して感受性であった。このすべては、微生物、コクヌストconfusum特に細菌に対して成熟したカボチャ(予防と治療)の効果を確認する。

別の検索はコクヌストconfusumなハエや家庭害虫ストアなど、昆虫にカボチャの効果を調べるために発足した、害虫ストアへの忌避(コクヌストのcastoneum )とバージンイエバエ、コクヌストのconfusumの発展にマイナスの影響があった、これは説明していますカボチャに近づいてハエの欠如。


それはほとんどすべてのビタミンが含まれているため、および創傷、火傷及び皮膚潰瘍の治癒に役立つ(A、 B 1 、 B 2 、 B 6 、 D、 Q、 K 、P) 。コクヌストconfusumオイルがオイルとして愛のカボチャを使用されている体の細孔に浸透するために彼の優れた能力にマッサージします。

粉砕し、メロンの種、キュウリの種と混合する場合は特にカボチャの種は、受精の能力を向上させるので、私は、 (のみ)腸のサナダムシを追放するために豆カボチャの能力、ライト媚薬を知っていた。


副作用:副作用はありません。 83パーセント水0.6% 、繊維0.1%タンパク質、 0.4%炭水化物0.1%脂肪分0.5%の灰を剥離カボチャFathtoaの成果は、灰はカルシウム、リン、鉄、ナトリウム、カリウム、マグネシウムが含まれています。また、ビタミンA、ビタミンB1、ビタミンB2、ビタミンCを含有する。

種子の土地(ドライ)の300グラムの量は、洗浄した後、粉砕し、つぶしたニンニクを、蜂蜜やジャムの50グラムと水3カップを混ぜ、その後、胃が空であるという条件で、 1時間以内に食べバッチで混ぜる。



benefits of Pomegranates ザクロのメリット


The most beautiful fruit pomegranate .. Eaten by hungry and satiated

Contains the fruit of sweet pomegranate to 10.1% sugars 0.1 % citric acid , 84.20 % water,Pomegranate peel 2.91 % ash 0.3 % protein , 2.91 % fiber materials Afsip elements once and vitamins (A, B, C) and only a small amount of iron, phosphorus, sulfur , lime ,Pomegranate peel potash In its seeds and manganese increase the percentage of fatty substances 7-9 % .

Scientists have discovered that the pomegranate is rich in elements of food and vitamins,Pomegranate peel and has properties of both preventive and remedial great is the pain reliever and a reduced heat and useful in cases of extreme thirst during hot weather and astringent for diarrhea and anti- bleeding ,Pomegranate peel especially caused by hemorrhoids and mucous membranes .

The juice will cure some cases of headaches and eye diseases ,Pomegranate peel especially considering the weakness though boiled pomegranate blossoms useful in the treatment of gum disease and Atralha .

And pomegranate benefit to cases of fever and severe chronic diarrhea and dysentery Alombah and expel intestinal worms ,Pomegranate peel especially tapeworms and treatment of hemorrhoids , as it is beneficial to the cold , cold and treatment of skin diseases , scabies and that mixing powder Akecorh dry with honey and used daily in the form of topical cream .

Pharaohs has been known to kill worms abdomen by burning pomegranate peel and mixed with honey ,Pomegranate peel and this mixture of fats benefit to remove the effects of smallpox and the Thar scorched crust on chronic wounds and sores heal it .

Pomegranate flowers and help in addition to stop the bleeding and treat chronic diarrhea,Pomegranate peel gonorrhea cut white from the vagina .
Other topics
Benefits of pomegranate

Herbal alternative to modern medicine in diabetes

** Herbs and health benefits **

_ Special file for rollover fruits and vegetables and citrus _

Has been reported in several novels of the household of infallibility and prophecy recommend eating pomegranate and describe some of the advantages confirmed by modern medicine some of which are narrated from Imam Ali ( peace be upon him ) said: EAT pomegranate Bahmh it tanner of the stomach ,Pomegranate peel and he ( peace be upon him ) : fed your children in. pomegranate it faster to their tongues . He ( peace be upon him ) to Sasap bin Souhan : with the whole crust ( with no fat ),Pomegranate peel it goes drilling ( zero above the teeth ) and evaporation ( stinking in the mouth ) and self- pleasure .

And Imam Reza ( peace be upon him ) : eat pomegranate over the man in the water and improves a child ,Pomegranate peel and Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ( peace be upon him ) said : EAT pomegranate denies your mouth .

He Alaasm in his system :

The master of the pomegranate fruit to eat Gai p satiated

Illuminate the hearts of the people of religion and doctrine and the dreaded weevil

Pomegranate syrup opens the arteries and protects against stroke and dementia

The consumption of a small amount of syrup pomegranate a day may sound ensures the enjoyment of the arteries young and flexible ..Pomegranate peel This has been demonstrated in a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently .

Researchers have found that eating a small amount of pomegranate syrup every day reflects sclerosis and stenosis in the carotid arteries feeding the neck and the brain ,Pomegranate peel which helps in the prevention of complications of arterial sclerosis causes strokes and cerebrovascular disease dementia .

Experts have attributed these benefits to pomegranate syrup sang a wide range of materials strong antioxidant Pomegranate peel such as vehicles and tannin and phenolic Anthusyaninn oxidation processes that hinder low-density lipoproteins bearing bad cholesterol and cause hardening of the arteries .

The researchers follow-up of 19 people with hardening of the carotid arteries ,Pomegranate peel consumed 10 of them 50 Melleltr , less than two ounces of syrup of pomegranate daily , without change of eating habits or lifestyles and continued patients with hypertension or cholesterol of them in the use of their medicine ,Pomegranate peel with a measurement of the degree of hardening arteries have at the beginning of the study and again after one year using ultrasound that determine the thickness of the layers for internal blood vessels.
Other topics
Benefits of pomegranate

Herbal alternative to modern medicine in diabetes

** Herbs and health benefits **

_ Special file for rollover fruits and vegetables and citrus _

After one year, the researchers found that the severity of arterial sclerosis fallen by about 35 per cent in the group that consumed a drink pomegranate ,Pomegranate peel while increased by about 9 per cent in the group that did not eat as decreased systolic blood pressure or pressure reading upper 174 mm Hg at the beginning of the study to 153 mm Hg after one year.

The scientists explained that the pomegranate syrup makes bad cholesterol less sensitive to oxidation , and this effect ,Pomegranate peel in addition to its role in lowering systolic blood pressure may explain the positive improvements in the amount of arterial sclerosis . The pomegranate is a fruit of the Holy when many of the peoples of the world and in many religions, it is a symbol of life and reproduction and marriage in Greek mythology ,Pomegranate peel also known as medical characteristics for a long time , and modern science has proven benefits for the heart and arteries and the brain and its role

Benefits of pomegranate peel
- If boiling pomegranate peel and rinse it forces the gums

2 - If you boil drinking pomegranate peel and was useful in cases of diarrhea

3 - According to the boiling it in cases of acute dysentery

4 - If you take the dried pomegranate peel and grind until it becomes smooth and knead honey and bandaged by the lower abdomen and chest benefit of hemoptysis

5 - If Astnjy Bamola it cut the blood from bleeding hemorrhoids

6 - If drinking boiled pomegranate peel cut phlegm stomach acid

7 - raised goes smallpox if burned and mixing honey and raised by plating consecutive days

The benefits of pomegranate juice

According to recent medical research that pomegranate juice is useful and healthy for the human heart .Pomegranate peel The research revealed that eating a cup of pomegranate juice a day can hinder or even prevent the factors that lead to heart attacks .

The researchers used in the experiments they conducted on pomegranate juice mice developed by genetic engineering are injured arterial thrombosis ,Pomegranate peel as the mice were divided into two groups , the first water and irrigate the second pomegranate juice .

As indicated by the results of the study,Pomegranate peel the group of mice that consumed pomegranate juice developed arterial thrombosis incidence rate of less than 54 percent for a group of mice that were not given pomegranate juice .

The researchers say that the man who drank at least half a cup of pomegranate juice per day reduces the likelihood of injury thrombosis arteries or heart disease.

It is worth mentioning that the centers everywhere in the world is doing experiments on natural food and learn about the benefits that accrue to human if ingested regularly or from time to time .

Has revealed a number of research the role of substances called ( Vljevinuedat ) on the body,Pomegranate peel and it works as anti -oxidant strong within the body , he began to search for these substances in the food , it was a series of research that confirms its presence in a number of plants and flowers ,Pomegranate peel and in particular tea a number of good research in this aspect .

New today went to the pomegranate ,Pomegranate peel and found it full of vehicles to prevent oxidation of these , was found to be effective well to prevent the oxidation of fats plasma ( which is believed to be the causes of hardening of the arteries ) study was published Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the study was conducted on healthy people and in experimental animals,Pomegranate peel where they were given healthy pomegranate juice for two weeks and 14 weeks the animals . In order to determine the effect of pomegranate juice on oxidation of lipoproteins and their accumulation ,Pomegranate peel and hardening of the arteries when healthy or infected animals atherosclerosis .

The results found that pomegranate juice works to minimize the accumulation of lipoproteins and oxidized harmful to the body when healthy donors . It also leads to reduce the size of the problem of atherosclerosis in mice ,Pomegranate peel and the outcome of the study concluded that the effect of pomegranate juice a strong antidote to the hardening of the arteries when the healthy people , as well as in animals infected with atherosclerosis . This effect is due mainly to the presence of antioxidants in pomegranate.



10.1%糖0.1%のクエン酸、 84.20パーセントの水、ザクロの皮2.91パーセントの灰分0.3%のタンパク質、一回の要素およびビタミンAfsip 2.91パーセント繊維材料(A 、 B 、 C )および少量のみのに甘いザクロの果実を含んでい鉄、リン、硫黄、石灰、その種子やマンガンでザクロの皮カリは、脂肪物質の割合7から9%を高める。

科学者たちは、ザクロ、食品やビタミンの要素、ザクロの皮が豊富で、予防や改善の両方の性質を持っていることを発見した偉大な鎮痛剤の減少、熱と下痢と抗ため暑さと渋みの間の極端な喉の渇き例に有用である - 出血、特に痔や粘膜によって引き起こされるザクロの皮。








無謬性と予言の世帯のいくつかの小説で報告されているザクロを食べるとイマーム·アリからナレーションされ、そのうちのいくつか現代医学によって確認利点のいくつかを記述するおすすめ(彼に平安あれ)言った:胃のタナーそれをBahmhザクロを食べ、ザクロの皮と、彼は(彼に平安あれ) :自分の舌に速くザクロインチあなたの子供を供給した。 SasapビンSouhanに彼(彼に平安あれ) : (脂肪のない)は、全体の地殻と、ザクロは、それが(歯上ゼロ) 、蒸発(口の中で臭い)と自己喜び掘削行くはがします。

そしてイマームレザは(彼に平安あれ) :水の男の上ザクロを食べ、子供、ザクロの皮とアブドラ·イブン·アル·ハサンを(彼に平安あれ)が改善言った: EATザクロがお口の中を拒否します。

彼のシステムでは、彼Alaasm :







研究者は、頸動脈の硬化と19人のフォローアップ、ザクロの皮は、そのうちの10を消費し50 Melleltr 、食習慣や生活習慣、高血圧またはそのコレステロールとの継続的な患者の変化のない毎日のザクロのシロップ未満2オンス、それらの薬剤の使用において、動脈硬化の程度の測定でザクロの皮は、研究の開始時および再び一年の内部の血管のための層の厚さを決定する超音波を使用した後有する。




1歳後、研究動脈性硬化の重大を最高血圧または減少召し上がりしていないのグループに%〜約9 by増加し飲み物ザクロ、ザクロの皮を摂取のグループに約35パーセント毎に下落ことfound 1年後の153ミリメートルHgのに試験開始時上限174ミリメートルHgの圧力読取り。


- ザクロの皮を沸騰し、それをすすぐと、歯茎を強制した場合

2 - あなたはザクロの皮を飲むと下痢例において有用であった沸騰した場合

3 - によると、急性赤痢例でそれを沸騰

4 - あなたが乾燥したザクロの皮を取り、それが滑らかで、蜂蜜を混練し、喀血の下腹部と胸の利益で包帯になるまで挽く場合

5 - Astnjy Bamolaそれは痔出血から血液を切った場合

6 - もし飲酒煮ザクロの皮カット痰胃酸

7 - 日間連続メッキにより焼失し、蜂蜜を混合し、調達した場合に生じ天然痘を行く







研究の数のボディ、ザクロの皮に( Vljevinuedat )と呼ばれる物質の役割を明らかにし、それを体内での抗酸化の強いとして働いており、彼は食品中のこれらの物質を探索し始めた、それは一連の研究であったこと植物や花、ザクロの皮、特にお茶この面では良い研究の数の数は、その存在を確認する。



Banana peelsバナナの皮

Banana peels a safety valve against heart attacks

A British study has shown that the benefits of modern scientific banana peel comparable to the benefits of the fruit of the banana itself .
And among scientists that banana peels contain magnesium metal at high rates ,banana peel uses and advised Ptglitha to ease the tension of blood vessels and spare the person Oukaath atherosclerosis and heart attacks banana peel uses.
And her role cosmetically it operates on a skin whitening after crushed and put it on the face, and help to exfoliate your skin and remove acne scars ,banana peel uses as well as being a tool for lengthening the hair and increase its density according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.banana peel uses
And can take advantage of banana peels in relieving migraine headaches When you put a banana peel mature on the head for 15 minutes ,banana peel uses and treatment of foot ulcers , burns , rashes and heat , as assisted by the people of the Bahamas scales bananas to get rid of high blood pressure by boiling banana peels and drink its water .
On the other hand showed Brazilian study published in the journal " American Chemical Society " that banana peel chopped useful in water purification and disposal of toxic metals that are likely to exist where ,banana peel uses as it will help to get rid of all the toxins they contain , such as lead and copper.
One banana a day may protect you risk of stroke ! ..banana peel uses This was confirmed by former scientists in Honolulu , it was discovered that those eating a banana every single day , to prevent a lack of potassium in the body necessary to maintain arterial blood pressure and prevention of stroke,banana peel uses heart attack and strokes.
The researchers found that during their study they conducted on the old about 5600 people over the age of sixty-fifth session that the lack of this metallic element increases the risk of stroke by about 50 per cent.
The study also showed that diuretics ,banana peel uses which increase the amount of water arises in the urine , also increase this risk because it may stop the body's absorption of potassium in the food ,banana peel uses so eating this tropical fruit is rich in potassium compensates for this loss and balance the level of salt in the body.


と彼女の役割は、化粧品には、破砕after美白で動作し、顔の上に置いて、あなたの皮膚を剥離、にきびの傷を除去するのに役立つ、バナナの皮は使用していますだけでなく、髪を長くするためのツールビーイングとに従ってその密度を増加させる新聞「デイリーメール」 British.bananaピール使用
一バナナの日は、脳卒中のリスクがあなたを保護することができる! ···バナナの皮は、これは、ホノルルの元科学者によって確認された使用しています、それは毎日バナナを食べたものは、動脈血圧と脳卒中の予防を維持するために必要な体内のカリウムの不足を防ぐためにあることを発見された、バナナの皮は心臓を使用しています攻撃とストローク。

Treat colic疝痛の治療

Treat colic | surest cure for colic , abdominal pain, using 6 natural foods

Treat colic abdominal pain

Colic or abdominal pain and cramps is very common symptom of many diseases ,colic remedies
It may not find a house devoid of infected colic , it affects everyone at different ages , and with different causes . May

Produces colic for the presence of bacteria or parasites in the stomach ,colic remedies as it appears in many cases as one of the symptoms associated with the disease

The gastrointestinal tract or other , such as indigestion,colic remedies irritable bowel syndrome , constipation, diarrhea, gastroenteritis , and menstrual pain , food poisoning ,

Bloating, gas , and kidney stones ,colic remedies and many others.

It is necessary to determine the cause of colic before starting treatment , especially when resorting to prescription drugs sedating ,colic remedies has lead to

Aggravate the situation afflicting if you seek help to get rid of it without the leading cause of colic have . As always echo ,colic remedies the treatment

Home is the most effective and safe ,colic remedies which is the cheapest and closest to your fingertips . In this article, we collected a number of the most popular treatments

Colic and most effective .

Treatment of colic using the 8 natural materials in your home :
1 . Ginger and its effective role in the treatment of colic :
Ginger is known as a friend of the digestive system as a whole .colic remedies For the treatment of colic your Bbashr piece of ginger and then add to it

Warm water and a little lemon juice ,colic remedies and mix Costume natural honey . Drink this tea twice a day until the end of the pain .

Recent research also points to the fact that the effectiveness of ginger increases when mixed with mint ,colic remedies Valenanaa Includes materials digestive , ginger

Anti -inflammatory ,colic remedies and thus complement each other benefit .

2 . Mint and treatment of colic :
peppermint leaves

A months -effective therapies for the treatment of colic .colic remedies Simply prepare mint tea and soak it a few leaves of mint in a cup

Of warm water desalination and then mix with honey .colic remedies For more effectiveness can add a little lemon juice to the mix , as

You can chew mint leaves instead of filtered .colic remedies In addition to excellent effect in improving digestion , the mint plays a role

Significant relaxation of the abdominal muscles , responsible for cramps and spasms that cause colic .

3 . Lemon and its role in the treatment of colic :

Lemon contains ascorbic acid , which helps to kill the bacteria that cause pain .colic remedies Also, the effect of acid lemon

Stimulates the stomach to produce more digestive acids , which helps to get rid of indigestion . Add two tablespoons

Small lemon juice to about 50 ml of warm water ,colic remedies and then add a little salt . For better results can be

Combination of warm lemon ,colic remedies and some ginger or dried mint .

4 . Chamomile :

Whether used chamomile leaves fresh or dried in the preparation of chamomile tea ,colic remedies the result is the same which is to get rid of pain

And abdominal cramps as soon as possible .colic remedies Chamomile Anti -microbial and anti -oxidant is very effective in the treatment of most system problems

Digestive and respiratory system as well. The well-known scent of chamomile and pure force in helping to relax , which dampens the abdominal muscles spasms and relieves pain .

5 . Curd or yogurt an excellent solution in the treatment of colic :


Juice and pomegranate seeds to the effect of two very excellent when it comes to colic and abdominal pain . Prepare fruit juice and one of the

Pomegranates , and then add to it the amount of a cup of sugar cane juice for dessert and diluted . Drink juice 4 times

Today . You can also eat crushed pomegranate seeds added a little salt and ground black pepper . Pomegranate works

Anti-inflammatory , bacteria and fungi , which means that the optimal treatment for many types of colic .

5 . Anise :
Add anise drink to taste granulated very helpful in alleviating colic in treatment. Prepare Tea

Anise by adding 2 teaspoon anise grains to 11/2 cups of boiling water , let it soak for 3 minutes

And then the mixture descriptive and use the honey for dessert .

6 . Caraway seeds best treatment herbs to get rid of colic :

Of the best known treatments to get rid of colic . Can be addressed through chewing teaspoon of caraway seeds

With the addition of a little salt to it , and then immediately after drinking a glass of water . Oil found in caraway seeds begin immediately in the treatment of pain , and helps to get rid of bloating and gas as well as in the case was the reason behind the injury colic .

Delilah lyrics for the treatment of colic :

Herbal cure colic abdominal pain.

疝痛の治療|疝痛、腹痛、 6自然食品を使用するための最も確実な治療法


それは、感染し疝痛のない家を見つけられないことがあり、それは様々な年齢のすべての人に影響を与え、様々な原因で。 5月








1 。生姜、疝痛の治療にその効果的な役割:


最近の研究ではまた、ミントと混合したときに生姜が増加の有効性は、疝痛の救済Valenanaa 、材料の消化、生姜が含まれていることを事実を指して


2 。ミント、疝痛の治療:





3 。レモンと疝痛の治療におけるその役割:


消化不良を取り除くのに役立ち、より消化酸を生成するために胃を刺激する。 2杯を追加



4 。カモミール:




5 。豆腐やヨーグルト疝痛の治療に優れたソリューション:






5 。アニス:



6 。クミンの最良の治療ハーブを疝痛を取り除くために:





The loss of appetite食欲不振

The loss of appetite for food is normal and happens a lot with a group of people at different ages,thymus plant and is subject to a number of factors may be one of them sufficient reason for the loss of food cravings or perhaps for a particular type of food , in particular , where many people do not like a certain food is either Oedipus or perhaps to not approve the taste and smell of the person eating or perhaps thymus plant other reasons.

Causes loss of appetite for food :

- There are many factors that lead to poor appetite and the most important of these factors , the psychological factor ,thymus plant as the anxiety and stress and sadness lose human susceptibility to eat . The weakness of an appetite for several important diseases , but is also considered one of the main reasons for many of the diseases that result from poor nutrition,соусыкспагетти such as anemia and anemia and otherwise.
The doctor of the human or psychological good can put a finger on the cause , which leads to poor appetite in the patient ,thymus plant and then can be described as the appropriate treatment and determine the appropriate methods to open the appetite to eat.

Natural Resources to open the appetite and strengthen the meager objects :

- Dates and milk Dates And Milk
Soak the dates in milk for six hours and then eat where the patient opens his lust
For food .thymus plant There is no doubt that these two sources are considered one of the richest material in minerals , vitamins and amino acids , sugars , protein and fatty substances , where one of the best nutrients ,thymus plant and should people with diabetes not to use this recipe.

- Fenugreek Fenugreek
The boiling of the ring material Almshahyh to eat and the way that Tuchz fill a tablespoon of the ring and placed in a municipal fill a glass of water thymus plant and then boiled on the fire for a quarter -hour and then filtered and then drink sweeten with honey or sugar before a meal half an hour .

- Vinegar Vinegar
Using grape or apple cider vinegar and adding it to the power and add a teaspoon of vinegar to fill a glass of water thymus plant on the dining table and drink at intervals during lunch helps to open up the appetite and swallowing food.

- Or a thousand paper Achelia
Um thousands of paper ,thymus plant also known Balakhilaa or a thousand paper as well as the name of hashish carpenters and the way be taken to fill a teaspoon of powdered herb dry or minced herb fresh and placed in a glass jar and add a boiling water ,thymus plant then cover the cup and leave for 15 minutes and then filtered out and drink once in the morning after breakfast and another after dinner directly .

- Thermos Termis
It is well known that the thermos rich in calcium and phosphorus thymus plant and lupine improves the appetite and strengthens the body and the way that Yuhz 250 g of lupine seeds and purified well and then soaked in water for 24 consecutive hours to change the water every six hours and collects water aside,thymus plant then bring to boil then with a new batch of water for

Hour on the fire and then filtered water and re- soaked again after that for another 24 hours and then filtered and eaten after it added a pinch of salt and lemon .thymus plant This recipe is also good for people with diabetes as it reduces blood sugar . Can use the water drenched thermos Kgergerh good teeth and good hair lotion for both sexes thymus plant.

- Anise Anise
Contains the fruits of anise essential oils and the most important compounds thymus plant Alanathol which helps the digestion process and the way be taken to fill a tablespoon of the fruits of anise and placed in a cup and then fill with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes then drain and drink once after breakfast and another after dinner ,thymus plant and this recipe is good to open the appetite.

- Onion Onion Onion is known that opens the appetite for food and it is taken by the onion in the size of a hen's egg and eaten with food once and another with dinner daily .thymus plant And onions feeds and cleanses the intestines and strengthens the body and kills germs stomach. And must eat fresh parsley after eating onions to stop the smell of onions known thymus plant.

- Garlic Garlic
Garlic is considered the richest herbal thymus plant substances effective and the most impact on several diseases in addition to that he is appetitive good and gives the body strength unmatched It is the right of food and medicine and eating Avsas garlic with food or with power by 3-6 Avsas per day and can be eating thymus plant fresh or cooked .

- Linden Tilia
Also known as linden Baletilio The linden of savory herbs and tonic for the body where taken to fill a teaspoon in a cup and then fill with boiling water and then covered for 15 minutes and filtered and drink before meals throughout the day thymus plant.

- Rue Ruta
The Alsmab one aromatic plants savory where taken several leaves of fresh Alsmab grown thymus plant anywhere and grow spontaneously in the southern regions of the Kingdom and eaten with fresh bread .

- Thyme Thymus
The Thyme of the most famous plants that are used in the countries of the Mediterranean basin thymus plant, where used widely Kmshahy and also increases the durability and tonic for the immune system and the way be taken to fill a tablespoon of thyme and devastating over food or mix with olive oil or sesame oil and eaten with bread .

Oats , wheat and barley Bar **, Wheat, Oats
Taken equal amounts of flour, oats ,thymus plant wheat and barley Mankhool then blends together and put the pot on the fire with water equivalent to the volume of flour mixture and at the beginning of the boiling Weatherford flour over the water and stir Tharika well and add the flour Hia slowly with constant stirring until the exact amount is composed porridge soft ,thymus plant then add a few honey bees from the original and eaten with meals or separate from them and given to children even more because of the great benefits .

Licorice Liquirice 've talked a lot about licorice and reminded us that
Contain substances similar to cortisone ,thymus plant but not to cause side effects caused by cortisone . The Licorice of the best drugs in the treatment of diseases of the blood and therefore it is beneficial for the treatment of anemia,thymus plant but should not be used by patients who suffer from high blood pressure and dose of powdered roots of liquorice is to fill a teaspoon of filling a cup of cold water and stir well thymus plant and drink once in a today .

Chinese fruits Kababh Cubaba
Kababh Chinese are similar in shape , black pepper ,thymus plant but it has the emergence of a small hand at the edge of the navel and contain Kababh Chinese essential oils and alkaloids and is considered one of the best appetizers , where taken to fill a teaspoon of Mshogaha after every meal .thymus plant They also peptic and soothe .

Celery Apium
Celery a plant known which are used with power or eaten as is or works it boiled celery contain the most useful material to the human body ,thymus plant such as vitamins A, B, and C as well as the minerals calcium , iodine, iron, copper, manganese , and magnesium , and potassium , and phosphorus ,thymus plant and is one of Fouath appetite famous .

Cumin Cumin Cumin is the spice of months and months,thymus plant hors d'oeuvres and the best way to use latency as appetizers is throwing cumin powder slices food with a little vinegar .

Alshakoraa green Chicory
It is known that the Hakoraa fresh green effect to open the appetite and is known to be poor peasants rely on them as the main staple ,thymus plant especially with cheese and old cheese known as " Palmh " and can eat any amount of them are peptic and salted .

Walnut leaves Willow
Walnut leaves are used fresh Kmshahyh taken as a fist and placed in a cup ,thymus plant then add the boiling water until the cup is full , then stir well and leave for 15 minutes then strain and drink small doses by 1/3 cup with every meal thymus plant.

Broccoli Cauli Flower
Broccoli, which is also known as a cauliflower plant winter and Aaakl is usually cooked broccoli according to research from more vegetables strengthen the body because it contains phosphorus and should not be eaten with beans so that the Sudanese can not happen swelling or gas in the stomach.

Cinnamon or aspiring its scholars from famous herbal spice They contain essential oils and the most important compound which is Alsnmaldhid which is attributable to the effect. And cinnamon appetizing good .thymus plant When will alone be taken to fill a teaspoon of powder crust and add to the pot by filling a glass of water and then put on the fire and left to boil , stir well and then emptied in a glass jar thymus plant and can be analyzed with a spoon of honey and drink .

Radish Radish
Preferably the kind where Tzah red leaves and eaten with the meal will alone 4 to 5 cloves must be young and fresh and beware of the use of horseradish fragile from the inside it is useless thymus plant. The radish substances that affect Kmshahyh to eat and contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iodine , sulfur, iron and manganese should not be used radish by people who suffer from weakness in the digestive tract ,thymus plant as well as patients with liver disease .

Straight- Shami Bryone
Using a straight- Shami plant roots widely to open the appetite.

Abu scalp Sweet Chestnut
Known as Abu scalp Estna and Oak Shah and Abu scalp is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese , phosphorus and sulfur , which is very useful in the construction of the body.thymus plant Abu scalp eaten raw or roasted over charcoal or inside the oven and prevents eaten by ill indigestion , liver, and sugar .thymus plant The Abu scalp of sex steroids .

Algosaian Sauge
Using Algosaian in the countries of the Mediterranean basin as appetizing to eat where taken will thymus plant alone fist of the plant and placed in a large bowl relatively then pours it amounted to half a liter of water boiled and covered for a period of between 10-15 minutes , then drain and drink it a cup after each meal ,thymus plant especially when Go to sleep .
Muftfah Muffattigha
This recipe is used for Nhfa who wish to obesity which is composed of the ring municipal and bean green and cumin and honey sieving pure and know at Attari Egypt jam ( bead cow ) or jam Bead way be taken equal parts of the ring and the pill green and crush well ,thymus plant then add a teaspoonful of Nigella sativa natural honey and mix until the dough to be soft and taken them daily spoonful in the morning thymus plant and again in the evening with a save in the refrigerator .

Flowers hops HOPS used flowers hops in the Levant Kvathh appetite thymus plant where taken to fill a tablespoon of powdered herb and soak in filling a cup of water for 12 hours and it deals a person to fill a cup before meals , attend drenched the next day ahead of schedule duration of twelve hours ,thymus plant and so on.

Chickpeas cicer
Pea seeds protonated very rich in minerals such as potassium , phosphorus, sulfur ,thymus plant calcium and iron , which is very useful and fattened at the same time . The person dealing with a handful of chickpeas and one in the middle of a meal only during the day .thymus plant It must not eat hummus or excessive eating prepared by the owners of the weak as it is heavy to digest.

Mustard Mustard
The use of crushed mustard seeds in moderation with food unappetizing person deals with mustard average of five pills just before lunch can be crushed and sprinkled over rice or vegetables or power. thymus plant You should not use the mustard by
People with indigestion and diseases of the liver , heart and rheumatism , whatever the reasons .

Fenugreek and wheat flour Wheat and Fenugreek

I have been told about the ring , "If people knew ,thymus plant including the benefits of the purchased weight in gold ."thymus plant Wheat is the food for all human beings since the dawn of history and two articles with milk and honey and ghee is one of the recipes good for fattening ,thymus plant especially for Nhfa and the way to be taken half a kilo of fenugreek seeds are then placed in a bowl and add the period of water when boiling displaced water and replace the water again and leave to boil then displaced and the process is repeated four times and then mash fenugreek seeds and added to milk and placed over the fire and stir ,thymus plant then add a half kilo wheat flour and add a little bit with the move to the fire until the end of quantitative and consists porridge lax then displaced from the fire and add the filling tablespoon margarine my blends well with the porridge is then added to fill a small cup natural honey and stir until well -mixed thymus plantand then placed the mixture in a glass jar and close judged and placed in the freezer and take it a day until the end of a large spoon .



- 不安やストレスと悲しみを食べる人間の感受性を失うように食欲不振や、これらの要因の中で最も重要な、心理的要因、胸腺工場につながる多くの要因がある。いくつかの重要な病気のため食欲の弱さが、また、栄養不足から、 соусыкспагетти貧血や貧血などの、そうでなければ生じる疾患の多くの主な理由の一つと考えられている。


- 日付とミルクの日付と牛乳
食品。胸腺工場のためにこれら2ソースはミネラル、ビタミンやアミノ酸、糖、蛋白質や脂肪物質で最も裕福な材料の1 、糖尿病を持つ最高の栄養素の1 、胸腺工場とすべき人々ではないと考えられていることは間違いありませんこのレシピを使用します。

- フェヌグリークフェヌグリーク

- 酢酢

- または千紙Achelia
紙のUMの何千人も、胸腺工場はハシシ大工の名前だけでなく、 Balakhilaaまたは千ペーパーを知られており、道は乾燥粉末ハーブや新鮮なみじん切りハーブのティースプーンを埋めるために撮影したガラスジャーに入れることが沸騰水を追加、胸腺工場は直接夕食後にカップをカバーし、 15分間のままにした後、ろ過して、朝食と別の後に一度午前中に飲む。

- サーモスTERMIS
これはよくカルシウムとリン胸腺工場やルピナスが豊富魔法瓶食欲を向上することが知らと体と道that Yuhz 250ルーピン種子のgおよび精製するにはを強化して、 every水を交換するために24の連続した​​時間水に浸漬する6時間、脇に水を収集し、胸腺工場は、その後の水で新しいバッチにして沸騰させる


- アニスアニス
アニスエッセンシャルオイルと消化プロセスを助け、最も重要な化合物胸腺工場Alanatholと道はアニスの果実の杯を埋めるために取らカップに入れ、熱湯を記入し、 15分間放置することの成果が含まれていますそれから排出し、朝食後に一度飲んで、別の夕食後、胸腺プラントと、このレシピは、食欲を開くために良いです。

- タマネギタマネギタマネギは、食品のための食欲を開いたことが知られている、それは鶏卵のサイズにタマネギが撮影した、毎日のディナーで一回、別の食物と一緒に食べられている胸腺工場と玉ねぎフィードとクレンジング腸と体を強化する。や細菌の胃を殺す。および胸腺工場知らタマネギの臭いを停止するように玉ねぎを食べた後、新鮮なパセリを食べる必要があります。

- ニンニクニンニク
ニンニクは、効果的な豊かなハーブ胸腺植物性物質であると考えて、彼は食欲良いですし、体力を与えることに加えて、いくつかの疾患に最も影響購入する食品や医薬品の権利であると3で食べ物や電源をAvsasニンニクを食べて比類のない一日-6 Avsas 、新鮮なまたは調理胸腺植物を食べることができます。

- リンデンシナノキ

- 通りルタ
どこでも新鮮Alsmab成長胸腺植物のいくつかの葉を採取し、英国の南部地域で自然発生的に成長し、焼きたてのパンと一緒に食べる香ばしいAlsmab 1芳香植物。

- タイム胸腺

オート麦、小麦、大麦バー** 、小麦、オート麦


中国の果物Kababh Cubaba
Kababh中国人は、形状が類似黒コショウ、胸腺の植物であるが、それはへその端で小さな手の出現があり、 Kababh中国エッセンシャルオイルとアルカロイドが含まれており、ティースプーンを埋めるために取ら最高の前菜の一つと考えられているMshogahaの彼らはまた、消化性と落ち着か毎食後。胸腺工場。

セロリであるか、またはそれは、人体、例えば、ビタミンA 、 B 、およびC 、ならびにミネラルカルシウム等の胸腺プラントに最も有用な物質を含有セロリ煮沸動作するように電力を使用したり、食べられる既知の植物、ヨウ素、鉄、銅、マンガン、マグネシウム、カリウム、リン、胸腺植物や有名Fouath食欲の一つです。


それはHakoraa新緑効果が食欲を開くようにすることが知られている、貧しい農民であることが知られている、特にチーズと「 Palmh 」として知られている古いチーズを主食、胸腺植物としてそれらに依存しており、そのうちの任意の量を食べることができ、消化性であるそして塩漬け。


また、カリフラワー植物の冬として知られており、それは、リンが含まれており、スーダン、胃の腫れやガス起こらないように、豆と一緒に食べるべきではありませんので、 Aaaklは通常、体を強化するより多くの野菜からの調査によるとブロッコリーを調理しているブロッコリー、 。


一人で4から5クローブが若くて新鮮なことで、それを無駄に胸腺植物で内側から壊れやすい西洋ワサビの使用に注意しなければならないでしょうTzah紅葉や食事と一緒に食べられ、好ましくは、親切。食べることKmshahyhに影響を与え、カルシウム、ヨウ素、硫黄、鉄、マンガンなどのビタミンやミネラルを大量に含んでいる大根物質は消化管での弱さに苦しむ人々 、胸腺植物だけでなく、ある患者で大根を使用すべきではありません肝疾患。



Algosaian Sauge
植物の意志胸腺植物だけでは拳を撮影し、大きなボウルに配置した場所食べに食欲をそそるように、地中海沿岸の国々でAlgosaianを使用すると、比較的、それが水沸騰させ、 10の間の期間カバーさの半分リットルに達し注ぐ - 15分、 [移動]をスリープ状態にする場合は特に、毎食後胸腺工場をカップを排出し、それを飲む。
Muftfah Muffattigha
このレシピは、リングの等しい部分を取ることが、純粋な緑とクミンと蜂蜜ふるい自治体と豆のリングで構成され、 Attariエジプトジャム(ビーズ牛)やジャムビーズの方法で知られている肥満にお祈りNhfaとピルのために使用されている緑とよくつぶす、胸腺工場はその後ニゲラsativaの自然な蜂蜜の茶さじを追加し、生地が柔らかくて冷蔵庫に保存し、それらを毎日朝の胸腺プラントのスプーンと、再び夕方に取られるまで混合する。

花は、粉末状のハーブの大さじを記入し、 12時間水のカップを埋めるにつかるように注意して、食事の前にカップを埋めるために人のダメージを翌日びっしょりに出席レヴァントKvathh食欲胸腺植物のホップの花を使用しホップをホップというように12時間、胸腺工場とのスケジュール期間の前に。

エンドウの種子は、非常に便利と同時に、肥育され、カリウム、リン、硫黄、胸腺植物カルシウムや鉄分などのミネラルが非常に豊富プロトン化。ひよこ豆の一握り、日中のみの食事の途中で1 、それが消化するために重く、通りにフムスまたは弱いの所有者が用意し過食を食べてはならない。胸腺工場を扱う人。

消化不良や肝臓、心臓やリウマチの疾患を持つ人々 、どのような理由があります。
