Pumpkin nutritional benefits and health is priceless
Pumpkin appreciates the benefits of healthy eating
Squash , or pumpkin , herbaceous plant grows in all the Arab countries , a multicolor .tribolium confusum And used parts of it are the seeds and leaves , and is grown year-round , and reap dividends after fifty days of cultivation , and benefits of food and medical supplies is great, and is mentioned in the Koran ,tribolium confusum saying the Almighty : ( and it Oneptna tree of pumpkin ) .
People in many countries and regions are using a flower,tribolium confusum and eat fried after Ghamrah flour and water , as stuffing cast , as do some of the Turks and the Greeks , rice and meat , as is the case with zucchini and grape leaves ( Mahashi ) ,tribolium confusum and cook it exactly the same way. The cortex is utilized for the manufacture of stromal thick sauce , especially after the bungle ,tribolium confusum and usually the people Bslgah and Xue and vaporize and roasted , when it is fresh .
Apart from relaxing after boiled potatoes ,tribolium confusum pumpkins found ( pumpkin ) way surreptitiously to various types of soups, especially in the United States . In the United States , Mexico, and also a lot of countries around the world are exploited to the fullest extent seeds ; least roasted and eaten ,tribolium confusum and sometimes make them oven tray . As is the case in Canada in the Thanksgiving holiday . In the Middle East , and instead use it in cooking , pumpkin is used a lot in the candy industry ,tribolium confusum most notably " the sweetness of pumpkin ."
Usually found in all sweet pumpkin candy shops in Lebanon , Syria, Palestine and Turkey,tribolium confusum and is usually crowned segments on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid opens susceptibility and fills the eye and the beautiful turquoise Pacific with the diameter and honey. In Asia , Indians are Bkulaih with butter ,tribolium confusum sugar and Fragrances of spices, seasonings and call it " Kado Ka candy ."
In Kenya, in Africa and the region Guangkhi in China using pumpkin leaves in cooking normal,tribolium confusum like spinach and chard , and sometimes make them soup , too. In Australia Ihamson pumpkins with other types of vegetables. In northern Japan Vistkhaddmonalqra in delicious dishes and the good that we know Balmazh . In addition to making various types of candy.tribolium confusum In Thailand, for the manufacture of using pumpkins candy dish with a special custard , but they use small pumpkins for this purpose , as do the people of Lebanon , Palestine and Syria, with squash and cucumbers.tribolium confusum In Italy Faihhun by small pastries in a lot of dishes and delicacies , and what is known as " ravioli " .
Pumpkin is also used to perfume the various drinks .tribolium confusum And in general are exploited pills Alqralastakraj Ziute which are frequently used to perfume the authorities , cooking and frying in general , especially in Eastern Europe and Austria,tribolium confusum which has been a special place . Ahbubalqra oil is used for the pharmaceutical industry . The pumpkin is very beneficial for the arteries and nerves and fights prostate .tribolium confusum It is noteworthy also that the pumpkin treats many diseases and most importantly , treatment of diseases of the urinary system and the expulsion of the worm ,tribolium confusum a tonic for the gums and struggling to toothaches . More importantly, this Alqreilin that activates the stomach and liver and calms the nerves and prevents headaches, jaundice ,tribolium confusum it also diuretic and fragmented gravel , sand and protects against kidney infections .
In the past said about the benefits of son Jawziyyah : "One Hundred cuts thirst and go severe headache if they drink or wash its head ,tribolium confusum a laxative for the belly , and wholesale is one of the nicer food and fastest work, and sowing Humeirra ( Pumpkin ) expel the worm only in the intestine and is generating for Paul and removing the catch ,tribolium confusum and good for the kidneys and intestines disease , arthritis and rheumatism . "
Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil : The pumpkin seed oil is characterized by a high degree of purity and serenity and useful health ( results backed by dozens of research and scientific studies )
These benefits include : reduction of cholesterol in the blood because it contains fatty acids unsaturated (Polyunsaturated fatty acids) and the amount of 20.9 g per 100 g of oil ,tribolium confusum and the unsaturated fats and a good way to put up excess cholesterol in the blood and the withdrawal of deposited from various body tissues . The reduction in blood cholesterol reduces heart disease and hardening of the arteries and diseases resulting from it tribolium confusum.
Pumpkin seed oil increases the power of intelligence and mental vitality .tribolium confusum Scientists have discovered human medicine in Germany from a new material called pumpkin (Encephalic - stimulant) have a great influence in stimulating the development of the brain and brain convolutions .tribolium confusum Has issued German scientists recently a decision enforceable in all relevant institutions Ptauad students and youth , since the first of the age , to eat more pumpkin in the diets of their diet , as recommended all workers in the field of mental activity , thinkers , scientists, experts , teachers and students ,tribolium confusum focusing on their food to eat this article useful .
Recent evidence suggests that the pumpkin is useful in the prevention of cancers .tribolium confusum The magazine published the research Albyukimaawih 1985 study conducted at the National Cancer Institute in the United States ,tribolium confusum pointed out that pumpkins actually protects against lung cancer in the population of New Jersey in the United States .
Uses of the job for the love of pumpkin seeds , pumpkin oil or love ,tribolium confusum is that it is known since ancient times for its ability to help in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia ,tribolium confusum where patients are exposed to serious symptoms , which are irregular diuresis and Ahtbash . Has given eating pumpkin boiled with sugar and milk great results in the treatment of enlarged prostate when the Senate and older ( after the age of 55 years ) .tribolium confusum Research has shown that eating pumpkin products due to the size of the prostate gland naturally , and all symptoms disappear and organized process of urination.tribolium confusum Also, the use of products reduces the amount of pumpkins Guide Prostate Cancer "PSA" to the normal limit .
Pumpkin tested against bacteria ,tribolium confusum extracts were prepared from water , alcohol and chloroform extract of the various members of the plant , these extracts were tested against four types of bacteria , namely: 1 . Aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) 2.tribolium confusum Bacteria Bacillus minute (Bacillus subtilis) 3. Bacteria Escherichia coli (Escherchia coli) 4. Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Psudomonas aeruginosa)
Pumpkin and showed effective against bacteria . The alcoholic extract of the effectiveness of the most powerful extracts .tribolium confusum For the bacteria were sensitive against Gram- positive (Gram + ve) stronger than in Gram -negative bacteria (Gram - ve). All this confirms the effect of mature pumpkins ( prevention and treatment ) against microbes ,tribolium confusum especially bacteria .
Another search was launched to find out the effect of pumpkins in insects ,tribolium confusum such as flies and household pests Stores, was repellent to pests stores (Tribolium castoneum) and The negative impact on the development of virgin Musca domestica ,tribolium confusum and this explains the lack of flies approaching pumpkins .
Pierce the pumpkin and its derivatives pores of the skin and reduces wrinkles.
And helps in the healing of wounds , burns and skin ulcers because it contains almost all the vitamins (A, B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , D, Q , K, P ) .tribolium confusum The oil is used love pumpkins as oil massage to his superior ability to penetrate the pores of the body.
I knew beans Pumpkin ability to expel tapeworms ( only ) of the intestine , Light aphrodisiac , because the pumpkin seeds to increase the ability of fertilization , especially when crushed and mixed with melon seeds and cucumber seeds .
Other uses : Pumpkin helps in the process of digestion , laxative , soothing , antitussive , diuretic , soothing the mucous membranes , and is also used for the treatment of hemorrhoids . Treats depression and insomnia because it contains important amino acids , especially acid tryptophan Tryptophan.
How to use: for adults : a teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil , morning and evening . Junior : half a teaspoon of oil, pumpkin , morning and evening .
Side effects: There are no side effects . The fruits of peeled pumpkin Fathtoa to 83 % water 0.6 % fiber 0.1 % protein, 0.4 % carbohydrate 0.1 % fat 0.5 % ash , ash contains calcium , phosphorus, iron , sodium, potassium and magnesium. And also contain vitamin A, vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin C .
Expulsion Tapeworm : The most important thing learned from pumpkin seeds is expelled from the intestine Tapeworm
The method of use are as follows : Taken
The amount of 300 grams of seeds land ( dry ) , cleaned and then crushed and crushed garlic and mix three cups of water with fifty grams of honey or jam , then mix in batches eaten within one hour , provided that the stomach is empty .
Three hours later given a saline cathartic ( sulphate of soda or Epsom salt )
After another half hour Istaan enema syringe .
If you want to address the children under five years of age The amount of seed should not exceed fifty percent and grams . If the tender pumpkin seeds (non- land and non- severe ) do not crush of course , but in addition to cups of water and placed in a water bath and let the mixture boil water about an hour and then cooled and filtered and given to the injured.
スカッシュ、カボチャ、草本植物は、すべてのアラブ諸国で育つ、多色。コクヌストconfusumそして、それの中古部品は、種子や葉があり、年間を成長させ、栽培の50日後に配当を享受し、食品のメリット医療用品は全能を言っコクヌストconfusum 、大きく、コーランに記載されている: (そのカボチャのOneptna木) 。
タークス·ギリシャ人、ご飯と肉のいくつかがそうであるように多くの国や地域の人々は(ズッキーニやブドウの葉の場合のように、スタッフィングキャストとして、 Ghamrah粉と水の後に揚げ花、コクヌストのconfusum食べを使用しているMahashi ) 、コクヌストのconfusumとまったく同じようにそれを調理。皮質は、特に不手際、コクヌストのconfusum 、通常の人Bslgahや雪の後、間質の厚さの醤油の製造に利用され、それが新鮮である場合には、ローストし気化させている。
別に後ゆでたジャガイモを弛緩から、コクヌストconfusumカボチャは、特に米国では、道こっそりスープの様々なタイプに(カボチャ)を発見。米国、メキシコ、そして、世界中の多くの国は、最大限の種に悪用され、少なくともローストと食べ、コクヌストのconfusum 、時には彼らにオーブントレイを作る。感謝祭の休日にカナダでそうであるように。中東、代わりに料理にそれを使用するには、カボチャはコクヌストconfusum最も有名な「かぼちゃの甘さ。 」 、キャンディ業界で多く使用されている
通常レバノンのすべての甘いカボチャキャンディショップで発見、シリア、パレスチナ、トルコ、コクヌストのconfusumとは、通常、ピラミッド状に互いの上にセグメントを戴冠された感受性を開き、直径の目で美しいターコイズ太平洋を満たし、蜂蜜。アジアでは、インド人はバター、コクヌストconfusum砂糖、香辛料、調味料の香りとBkulaihであり、それを呼び出す"門のKaキャンディ。 "
カボチャもモドキconfusum 。香水、様々なドリンクに使用され、一般的には特別な場所となっている、頻繁にコクヌストconfusum 、特に東ヨーロッパとオーストリアで、料理や一般的に揚げる、香水当局に使われる薬Alqralastakraj Ziuteを悪用している。 Ahbubalqra油は、製薬業界のために使用される。カボチャは、動脈や神経のために非常に有益であり、前立腺を戦う。コクヌストconfusumまた注目すべきはカボチャのお菓子多くの疾患および最も重要なのは、泌尿器系の疾患の治療およびワームの追放、コクヌストconfusumための強壮剤ゴムおよび歯痛に苦しんで。さらに重要なことは、胃と肝臓を活性化し、このAlqreilinは神経を落ち着かや頭痛、黄疸、コクヌストconfusumそれはまた、利尿および断片化された砂利、砂防止し、腎臓の感染症から保護します。
過去に息子Jawziyyahの利点について述べています。「百カットが渇き、彼らが飲む場合は、ひどい頭痛に行くか、腹のためにコクヌストconfusum 、下剤をその頭を洗って、卸はよりよい食品の1と最速の仕事、そして種まきですHumeirra (パンプキン)が腸のみでワームを追放し、ポールのために生成し、キャッチ、コクヌストのconfusum 、腎臓や腸疾患、関節炎やリウマチのために良いを削除しています。 "
カボチャ種子油は、知性と精神的な活力の電力を増加させるコクヌストconfusum科学者たちは、カボチャと呼ばれる新しい材料とはドイツの人間医学を発見した。 。 (脳の - 興奮剤)は脳と脳の畳み込みの発達を刺激する上で大きな影響力を持っているのコクヌストconfusumはい発行のドイツの科学者は最近、すべての関係機関Ptauadの学生や若者、の判定強制力の精神活動、思想家、科学者、専門家のフィールド内のすべての労働者を推奨するように、彼らの食事の食事でよりカボチャを食べるためには、時代の一年、教師と生徒は、コクヌストconfusumこの記事が役に立つ食べるように彼らの食糧に焦点を当てた。
カボチャの種、カボチャ油や愛、コクヌストconfusumの愛のための仕事の使用は、それが前立腺肥大症前立腺肥大症の治療に支援する能力について、古代から知られているということで、コクヌストconfusum患者は深刻にさらされている場合、不規則な利尿およびAhtbashある症状。持って上院と( 55歳以降)古い。コクヌストconfusum研究が示したときに前立腺肥大の治療に砂糖とミルクを素晴らしい結果で煮食べるカボチャ与え、天然のため、前立腺の大きさにカボチャの製品を食べて、そして、すべての症状が消え、 urination.triboliumのconfusumの組織化されたプロセスはまた、製品の使用は、通常の限界にカボチャガイド前立腺がん「PSA 」の量を減少させる。
細菌に対して試験カボチャ、コクヌストconfusum抽出物を水、アルコールおよび植物の様々なメンバーのクロロホルム抽出物から調製し、これらの抽出物、すなわち、細菌の4種類に対して試験した: 1 。黄色ブドウ球菌(黄色ブドウ球菌) 2.triboliumのconfusum細菌バチルス分(枯草菌) 3 。細菌大腸菌( Escherchia大腸菌) 4 。細菌緑膿菌( Psudomonas緑膿菌)
カボチャ細菌に対して有効であった。 。最も強力な抽出物の有効性のアルコール抽出物コクヌストconfusum細菌のためには、 ( - VEのグラム) 、グラム陰性菌よりも強い(グラムVE + )グラム陽性に対して感受性であった。このすべては、微生物、コクヌストconfusum特に細菌に対して成熟したカボチャ(予防と治療)の効果を確認する。
別の検索はコクヌストconfusumなハエや家庭害虫ストアなど、昆虫にカボチャの効果を調べるために発足した、害虫ストアへの忌避(コクヌストのcastoneum )とバージンイエバエ、コクヌストのconfusumの発展にマイナスの影響があった、これは説明していますカボチャに近づいてハエの欠如。
それはほとんどすべてのビタミンが含まれているため、および創傷、火傷及び皮膚潰瘍の治癒に役立つ(A、 B 1 、 B 2 、 B 6 、 D、 Q、 K 、P) 。コクヌストconfusumオイルがオイルとして愛のカボチャを使用されている体の細孔に浸透するために彼の優れた能力にマッサージします。
粉砕し、メロンの種、キュウリの種と混合する場合は特にカボチャの種は、受精の能力を向上させるので、私は、 (のみ)腸のサナダムシを追放するために豆カボチャの能力、ライト媚薬を知っていた。
副作用:副作用はありません。 83パーセント水0.6% 、繊維0.1%タンパク質、 0.4%炭水化物0.1%脂肪分0.5%の灰を剥離カボチャFathtoaの成果は、灰はカルシウム、リン、鉄、ナトリウム、カリウム、マグネシウムが含まれています。また、ビタミンA、ビタミンB1、ビタミンB2、ビタミンCを含有する。
種子の土地(ドライ)の300グラムの量は、洗浄した後、粉砕し、つぶしたニンニクを、蜂蜜やジャムの50グラムと水3カップを混ぜ、その後、胃が空であるという条件で、 1時間以内に食べバッチで混ぜる。