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Treat colic疝痛の治療

Treat colic | surest cure for colic , abdominal pain, using 6 natural foods

Treat colic abdominal pain

Colic or abdominal pain and cramps is very common symptom of many diseases ,colic remedies
It may not find a house devoid of infected colic , it affects everyone at different ages , and with different causes . May

Produces colic for the presence of bacteria or parasites in the stomach ,colic remedies as it appears in many cases as one of the symptoms associated with the disease

The gastrointestinal tract or other , such as indigestion,colic remedies irritable bowel syndrome , constipation, diarrhea, gastroenteritis , and menstrual pain , food poisoning ,

Bloating, gas , and kidney stones ,colic remedies and many others.

It is necessary to determine the cause of colic before starting treatment , especially when resorting to prescription drugs sedating ,colic remedies has lead to

Aggravate the situation afflicting if you seek help to get rid of it without the leading cause of colic have . As always echo ,colic remedies the treatment

Home is the most effective and safe ,colic remedies which is the cheapest and closest to your fingertips . In this article, we collected a number of the most popular treatments

Colic and most effective .

Treatment of colic using the 8 natural materials in your home :
1 . Ginger and its effective role in the treatment of colic :
Ginger is known as a friend of the digestive system as a whole .colic remedies For the treatment of colic your Bbashr piece of ginger and then add to it

Warm water and a little lemon juice ,colic remedies and mix Costume natural honey . Drink this tea twice a day until the end of the pain .

Recent research also points to the fact that the effectiveness of ginger increases when mixed with mint ,colic remedies Valenanaa Includes materials digestive , ginger

Anti -inflammatory ,colic remedies and thus complement each other benefit .

2 . Mint and treatment of colic :
peppermint leaves

A months -effective therapies for the treatment of colic .colic remedies Simply prepare mint tea and soak it a few leaves of mint in a cup

Of warm water desalination and then mix with honey .colic remedies For more effectiveness can add a little lemon juice to the mix , as

You can chew mint leaves instead of filtered .colic remedies In addition to excellent effect in improving digestion , the mint plays a role

Significant relaxation of the abdominal muscles , responsible for cramps and spasms that cause colic .

3 . Lemon and its role in the treatment of colic :

Lemon contains ascorbic acid , which helps to kill the bacteria that cause pain .colic remedies Also, the effect of acid lemon

Stimulates the stomach to produce more digestive acids , which helps to get rid of indigestion . Add two tablespoons

Small lemon juice to about 50 ml of warm water ,colic remedies and then add a little salt . For better results can be

Combination of warm lemon ,colic remedies and some ginger or dried mint .

4 . Chamomile :

Whether used chamomile leaves fresh or dried in the preparation of chamomile tea ,colic remedies the result is the same which is to get rid of pain

And abdominal cramps as soon as possible .colic remedies Chamomile Anti -microbial and anti -oxidant is very effective in the treatment of most system problems

Digestive and respiratory system as well. The well-known scent of chamomile and pure force in helping to relax , which dampens the abdominal muscles spasms and relieves pain .

5 . Curd or yogurt an excellent solution in the treatment of colic :


Juice and pomegranate seeds to the effect of two very excellent when it comes to colic and abdominal pain . Prepare fruit juice and one of the

Pomegranates , and then add to it the amount of a cup of sugar cane juice for dessert and diluted . Drink juice 4 times

Today . You can also eat crushed pomegranate seeds added a little salt and ground black pepper . Pomegranate works

Anti-inflammatory , bacteria and fungi , which means that the optimal treatment for many types of colic .

5 . Anise :
Add anise drink to taste granulated very helpful in alleviating colic in treatment. Prepare Tea

Anise by adding 2 teaspoon anise grains to 11/2 cups of boiling water , let it soak for 3 minutes

And then the mixture descriptive and use the honey for dessert .

6 . Caraway seeds best treatment herbs to get rid of colic :

Of the best known treatments to get rid of colic . Can be addressed through chewing teaspoon of caraway seeds

With the addition of a little salt to it , and then immediately after drinking a glass of water . Oil found in caraway seeds begin immediately in the treatment of pain , and helps to get rid of bloating and gas as well as in the case was the reason behind the injury colic .

Delilah lyrics for the treatment of colic :

Herbal cure colic abdominal pain.

疝痛の治療|疝痛、腹痛、 6自然食品を使用するための最も確実な治療法


それは、感染し疝痛のない家を見つけられないことがあり、それは様々な年齢のすべての人に影響を与え、様々な原因で。 5月








1 。生姜、疝痛の治療にその効果的な役割:


最近の研究ではまた、ミントと混合したときに生姜が増加の有効性は、疝痛の救済Valenanaa 、材料の消化、生姜が含まれていることを事実を指して


2 。ミント、疝痛の治療:





3 。レモンと疝痛の治療におけるその役割:


消化不良を取り除くのに役立ち、より消化酸を生成するために胃を刺激する。 2杯を追加



4 。カモミール:




5 。豆腐やヨーグルト疝痛の治療に優れたソリューション:






5 。アニス:



6 。クミンの最良の治療ハーブを疝痛を取り除くために:





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