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benefits of Japanese plums メリット日本プラム

Japanese plums ... Youth renews the body and increases vitality

Help to overcome stress

    We talked last week about the Japanese plums and who knew ohms any Nectarine dry and we say that this kind of peach is quite different from the peach ,Japanese plums which is known scientifically known as Prunus armeniaca who can still enjoy it in the summer. But peaches Japan, which is known scientifically as Prunus mume this kind do not mature fruit which is on the trees , but fall in late May and be inedible ,Japanese plums even poisonous , but the easterners did not leave this fruit is edible without use , but they were able to draw a number of products , including with the impact of a strong and effective for human health .Japanese plums We dealt with the production of how Alombusha of Japanese ume plums and to the benefits of medical Alombusha

As we have indicated the impact of product Alombusha antibiotic and antiseptic

In this issue we address the medical uses Alamboshi where Ombusha for many medical uses and distinct ones :

Stress prevention .Japanese plums We know that human beings will always be prone to stress as a result of the accumulation of acids such as lactic acid Lactic acid and acid Albervek Pyrofic acid ,Japanese plums which can not have the body removed quickly by metabolism , especially when dealing with a person large quantities of food , which is located at the top of the list ( the yen ) or list ( yang ) such as sugar,Japanese plums white flour and meat , as well as the result of a lack of oxygen resulting from the lack of movement and lack of exercise . The increase in the proportion of acid in the blood makes a person more susceptible to infectious diseases and diseases of the liver and related diseases Balchkyuhh .Japanese plums As we have stated previously that Alawmbusha provide the body with the necessary resources that limit the increase acids in the body and make it more alkaline .

- Alawmbusha used for the prevention of aging ,Japanese plums which is a process of oxidation and characterized Alawmbusha that his influential anti -oxidants in the blood.

- Alawmbusha used to increase the ability to get rid of toxins which strengthens the metabolism in the body ,Japanese plums providing the energy needed for the cells constantly active cells such as liver and kidney functioning so natural to get rid of toxins more efficiently and effectively.

Relieve colds

The combined effect of these three physiological benefits of Ombusha works to rejuvenate the body and increases vitality.

- Loss of appetite :
 We all know that anorexia is due to several reasons,Japanese plums including diseases of the stomach , liver or anxiety or heat , etc., and in all these cases stimulates Alaumbusha excretion natural sap tract ,Japanese plums it is useful to provide cooked rice with Alawmbusha for people identical to heal and still have their appetite is weak.

- Treatment of Constipation:
 If a person is suffering from constipation,Japanese plums addresses every morning one piece of Alombusha with the amount of tea or directly after waking up with breakfast .

- The treatment of dysentery , dysentery and Altaifued and Albartwoid :
 It has been shown that many types of bacteria,Japanese plums organic die when exposed to sap Alombusha such as the cholera bacterium Bacillus that die after 5 minutes , and bacteria, typhoid , which die after 10 minutes , and bacteria Albartwoid that die after ( 20-30 minutes) and dysentery after hours of use Alombusha .

Treatment of bad breath :
 bad breath back for several reasons, including inflammation of the gums or teeth or the stomach or lungs or enteric fermentation and others. Any inflammation is accompanied by the decomposition process , whether large or small and cause the appearance of a foul smell and eat a piece of Alombusha eliminates the odor .

- Treatment of food poisoning :
 If you hit a human cramps or diarrhea or vomiting or heat after eating meat or eggs or fish or other eating Alawmbusha eliminates this poisoning .

- Treatment of vertigo car or plane or sea :
 People have used to use Alawmbusha to treat vertigo , and there is a popular belief Tarif that the rotor can be cured by comments Alawmbusha in navel person while traveling to and now still some people assert the success of this method ,Japanese plums however, eating a piece Alombusha from serving on the rotor .

- The treatment of the common cold including flu :
 scientists say that eating regularly Alombusha eliminates the common cold and influenza.Japanese plums The best way is to take one pill a Ombusha toaster with hot water .

- The treatment of morning sickness :
 We all know that pregnant women often feel a desire to eat acidic foods such as lemon , grapefruit or shallots .Japanese plums Rather, these cravings may be the first sign of pregnancy or a symptom of pregnancy. The blood during pregnancy tends to become more acidic ,Japanese plums and handling of these materials are trying to women instinctively make the blood alkaline , where it is if you eat the types of foods that help to be acids such as white bread ,Japanese plums sugar, meat and other will remain the blood acidic in general and with him may begin to suffer from nausea and vomiting. Eating a piece of Alawmbusha eliminates these problems and makes the blood alkaline .Japanese plums I've considered that vomiting in the morning, normal view of the symptoms of pregnancy but it is not Japanese plums but it's also harmful because it is an indication that the blood of pregnant women increases the proportion of acid , and this has a detrimental effect on the members of the body and structure ,Japanese plums such as teeth , liver , bone and get tired at the end of it . Eating a piece of Alawmbusha with every meal is a good way to prevent dizziness morning.

- Treat the effects of excessive intake of alcoholic beverages :
 It is known that there are traces appear on the official abusers of alcohol and left behind in the body ,Japanese plums which is reflected in the images nausea or vomiting or headache or dizziness , and others. The Alawmbusha of the best treatments that can be taken to remove these effects.Japanese plums The method is to soak a piece of Alawmbusha roasted in the oven with a bit of hot water and drink an average of 3 times a day .





この問題では、医療用途に対処Alamboshiところ、多くの医療用途と明確なもののためOmbusha :

ストレス予防。日本の梅我々人間は、常に、乳酸、乳酸と身体が代謝によって速やかに除去することはできません酸Albervek Pyrofic酸、日本の梅のような酸の蓄積の結果としてストレスを受けやすい、特にであることを知っているこのような砂糖、日本の梅、白小麦粉、肉だけでなく、結果として酸素不足の結果として、リスト(円)またはリスト(ヤン)の上部に配置されている食品の人大量を扱う場合動きや運動不足の欠如から。血液中の酸の割合の増加は、感染症や肝臓および関連疾患Balchkyuhhの病気に人が影響を受けやすくなります。日本の梅を我々はAlawmbushaはの増加酸を制限し、必要なリソースを備えた本体を提供することを以前に述べたように体で、それをよりアルカリ性にする。

- Alawmbushaは酸化の過程である高齢化、日本の梅の予防のために使用され、 Alawmbushaを特徴と血液中の彼の影響力のある抗酸化物質。

- Alawmbushaは、体内の代謝を強化し、毒素を取り除くために能力を高めるために使用される、細胞に必要なエネルギーを提供する日本の梅など、より効率的かつ効果的に毒素を取り除くために、自然に機能肝臓や腎臓などの常にアクティブセル。



- 食欲不振:

- 便秘の治療:

- 赤痢、赤痢とAltaifuedとAlbartwoidの治療:それは示されたこと、細菌の多くの種類、日本の梅有機ダイコレラ菌の5分後に死亡したバチルス、および細菌、腸チフス、死ぬとしてSAP Alombushaにさらされた場合( 20〜30分)と使用Alombushaの時間後に赤痢後に死亡し、10分、および細菌Albartwoidた。

歯茎や歯や胃や肺や腸内発酵などの炎症を含むいくつかの理由は、背面口臭:口臭の治療。任意の炎症は、規模の大小や悪臭の外観を引き起こし、 Alombushaの部分を食べるの臭いを解消するかどうか、分解プロセスを伴う。

- 食中毒の治療:

- めまいの車や飛行機や海の治療:

- インフルエンザなどの風邪の治療:
科学者が定期的に食べることAlombushaが最良の方法は、 1錠剤をお湯でOmbushaトースターを取ることです、風邪やinfluenza.Japaneseプラムを排除していることを言う。

- つわりの治療:
我々は、すべての妊娠中の女性は、多くの場合、レモン、グレープフルーツやエシャロットなどの酸性食品を食べたいという欲求を感じていることを知っている日本の梅ではなく、これらの欲求は、妊娠の最初の兆候や妊娠の症状かもしれません。妊娠中の血液を使用すると、白パン、日本の梅の砂糖のような酸であることを助ける食品の種類を食べればそれがどこにあるかより酸性、日本の梅と、これらの材料の取り扱いが、血液をアルカリ性に本能的に女性にしようとしているになる傾向がある、肉やその他の一般的に酸性と彼と一緒に血のままでは、吐き気や嘔吐に苦しむように始めることができる。 Alawmbushaの一部を食べることは、これらの問題を解消し、血液をアルカリ性になります。私は朝、妊娠の症状の正常な表示で嘔吐が、ことはそれが日本の梅ではないと考えられてきたが、それはまた、有害なの日本梅を、それが表示されるので、その妊婦の血液は、酸の割合が増加し、これは、身体構造、例えば歯、日本プラム、肝臓、骨の部材に有害な影響を有し、その端部に飽き。毎食とAlawmbushaの一部を食べることはめまいの朝を防止するための良い方法です。

- アルコール飲料の過剰摂取の影響を扱う:
これはトレースが、アルコールの公式の乱用者に表示があることが知られており、体内に残されている、日本のイメージの吐き気や嘔吐や頭痛やめまいに反映されているプラム、その他。この方法は、 Alawmbushaの一部を浸すことで、これらのeffects.Japanese梅お湯のビットにオーブンでロースト削除し、 1日3回の平均を飲むように注意することができる最高の治療法のAlawmbusha 。

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